A few light/heavy attacks here and there are not enough to grant the right to loot the boss apparently.
Please fix.
@Syntse: I remember @ZOS saying a few weeks back that healers should get loot as long as they do a bit of damage (1 heavy attack was enough if I recall) and heal the group. If anyone has the exact quote, feel free to add it.
This is not the case and it's really hurting healers/tanks of lower level in groups. At least if no XP is awarded, they should be able to cover the expanses of a group dungeon. Repairs and resurrections aren't free.
Definitely not the case. I didn't know they intended for that to be the case, but if so they failed somewhere. I healed all the vet dungeons starting at v3 with a v14 group, and rarely got loot or xp until I hit v9. Very rarely. Since part of my healing relies on damage (nightblade) and I use heavy attacks to regenerate magicka, I should have gotten something.
This is intended. People are scaling vet dungeons to VR1 and clearing them with 3x VR14 and 1 VR1 who just serves the purpose of making it easier. I understand it hurts groups who want to play together and that is one of the few scenarios where I would agree removing VR levels might help the game, but I think it's fair that if you're playing a dumbed down version of a dungeon you don't get the rewards for it.
@Merlin13KAGL Yes, I know how it's supposed to work, but my group tried lots of things to get me some XP and loot. Even spamming heals as hard as I possibly could, with my group intentionally taking more damage, and with me keeping up both Refreshing Path and Funnel Health, and dropping VoB every time I possibly could, I only got any credit on long boss fights. And not even always then.
If they intended it to work the way either of you described, it is not working as they intended.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
@Ahdora Sounds like maybe the NB heals aren't registering right or in high enough #'s. Did you try any other heals? Restro? Even Blood Altar?
Did you have any addons active such as FTC or Combat log?
I've helped lower level's complete Group Dungeons before and had to ease back the dial a bit sometimes, but you should be getting something.
CS ticket it...
firstdecan wrote: »Don't worry everyone, the champion system is the panacea that will fix all issues, if they ever get to rolling it out and then get to the point where the VR levels go away. Until then, you have to abandon your friends to have fun in the game. But don't worry, they gave us a group finder to make new friends, it works flawlessly it's very easy to queue up for dungeons. The time you spend with these new friends whom you've never met before will be more rewarding than spending time with people you have lifelong relationships with, it says so in the patch notes.
I 100% guarantee that @Ahdora is correct. If you are vastly under level (as a Healer) you get ZERO XP and almost nothing for loot. It doesn't matter if you at VR3 Healed Vet CoA scaled to VR12+ with no deaths, you get NOTHING for it. That is a massive flaw in ZoS's Dungeon scaling system. I have seen this on NB, DK and Templar when Healing. Also, if you are more than 5 levels below you are lucky if Heavy attacks even work (to regen Magicka) as they miss constantly on Bosses.Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Not entirely true. Healers are not required to do damage at all. (it adds to the cause, but not required).
However, if all you are doing is healing, you have to heal about 2x as much vs the DPS. (Think of it as you get 1/2 credit vs a damage dealer).
In various other threads, I think the magic number was worked out to be around 8% of boss health for damage, or the 16% healing equivalent.
While this is a little trickier if you are very underleveled, it's still doable. Tanks, on the other hand, are less likely to get drops.
Keep HoT's going where you can, throw in some Restro attacks (good for magicka regen anyway), or add at least one offensive skill on one bar (Curse, DoT's, you name it.)
Unless the mobs/bosses are dropping in a matter of seconds (unlikely unless you're VR1 and running with 3xVR14's), there is time and opportunity to get the required numbers to get XP/loot.
@Ahdora , here's the quote from 1.5.2 Patch Notes (Under Combat and Gameplay)
- When grouped, players with a Veteran Rank more than five ranks lower than other group members must now contribute sufficient damage to enemies to receive XP or loot from them.
- This requirement was already in place for groups from levels 1-49.