Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Official Discussion Thread for “Your Guide to ESO Plus™ Premium Membership”

  • xaade
    So, if you are already a subscriber (If you are reading this you are, or your a troll that is just registered on a game site that you dont play) nothing is changing for you. No one is forcing you to buy anything. And even if for some reason an xp buff or something ends up on the cash shop...oh well. There is nothing game breakin in that. God forbid someone didnt spend 400hrs doing something becuase they bought an experiance boost...I'll give over it.

    The problem is that history proves over and over something else happens.

    The gameplay deteriorates in order to encourage cash shop grabs.

    So, grinding becomes more noticeable in order to sell those experience boosts.

    The other negative that often occurs, is that the development shifts over to the cash shop things.

    For example, Champions Online. Before F2P, the majority of the new content was story arcs, missions, new zones. After F2P, the majority of the new content was 2 min "practically boss only" mini-missions, and cash shop items like auras and vehicles. They added 1 new story arc since, and changed the itemization for the better, but mostly to give more opportunities to sell cash shop items.

    So now players feel betrayed because they have 2 options:
    1. Continue to invest in the game hoping this deterioration doesn't happen.
    2. Quit now and avoid the chance, and save their investment for something else.

    Even WoW is talking about extended their F2P options.

    I don't believe this is a failure on ESO to provide a good game. I think that the market just can't support a subscriber-only pay model. Thanks to the consoles making their base online subscription model, ESO can't hope to sell console versions of the game without the console community complaining about double sub prices. The side-affect is that whatever choice they make for consoles, will trickle down to pc.

    I thought it may be possible to discount the sub price for console players, but the price ends up being under $10 a month. I really wish they would have considered that option, and I would have backed it entirely.

    I would pay more on PC to defend the subscription model.

    But, there would be a lot of less mature people out there that would stir up a fuss.

    Again, PC subscription only MMO, may just not be marketable anymore.

    Certainly, no matter what,

    This will be the last MMO I invest in, period. I'll sign that in blood.
    Edited by xaade on January 22, 2015 4:45AM
  • xaade
    We are not currently planning on decreasing the current progression rates (XP, gold, etc.) like some other games have chosen to do in the past when their business model changes. ESO Plus simply provides a little extra XP and gold on top of what the current rates already are.


    I want to avoid having a bad taste in my mouth, but we have so much precedence and experience in these things.

    I have yet to see a P2P go B2P/F2P without eventually balancing the game around their cash shop in some manner.

    You need to prove this to us, with a freaking blood oath.
  • aesircorpb16_ESO
    disappointing, very disappointing. is there any offical statement of zos on the forums about the changes and maybe an explanation about the changes and an apology to those who subbed and defended eso since launch?
    if not i think thats the least we can expect!
  • Subercide
    Soul Shriven
    Well now I guess it is time to end my subscription bye ESO have fun going to *** wait no you already are :)
  • Scinder
    You lose nothing by staying subscribed and the game continues on but people are still upset?

    Also, to the kids here that can't grasp simple logic, a game can't be F2P if you have to buy it in the first place.

    If the game had launched on Consoles with a sub, the servers would be barren in months. No console player wants to pay for a game, then pay 2 subs to play online.

    There was little choice but to re-look at a model and its probably the only model that would work. It works fine in other games and so long as they don't gate content with money or provide massive player boosts in the shop, it should work here.

    The comments here are laughable. I think Zennimax will be glad to shed a few of these players.

  • adivarlan
    Soul Shriven
    Elle111785 wrote: »
    Just wanted to post to say a few things, I don't ever post on the forums but this topic just got to me.
    #1 I think its sad and pathetic some people are getting so upset over this. This is a company that has to make money to stay in business, they are doing just that. I can still see a fun time being had from this game regardless of whether it has a cash shop or a subscription only system.
    #2 People keep saying "I have defended ZOS from the beginning" "They have betrayed me" and other such things. Well I hate to tell you this, but you really don't matter. The company doesn't need you or your defense of them. Oh but you have been here since beta? Then by all means ZOS should take you word on the direction they should steer their entire business model. Laughable really. I can guarantee they are going to continue to make money, they are going to continue to release games, and guess what? You still wont matter then either.
    #3 If your that upset over a change in a video game, then you really need to re evaluate your quality of life. Something is clearly wrong with you mentally..

    So all in all good job Zenimax, I hope to see you continue to push forward however you see fit. You are the driving force and creative minds behind the ES series that I have been such a fan of over the years. You may lose a chunk of your player base initially, but they will be easily replaced. Looking forward to many more hours spent in the worlds you have created for us!


    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_EveP on January 22, 2015 9:58AM
  • Xandreblackheart
    Soul Shriven
    I am unconvinced either way.

    I've never been happy with a F2P game, it's a misleading bit of marketing crap that means you cater to the lowest common denominator in the player gamut.

    But I'll probably stay long enough to watch my suspicions of B2P being indistinguishable from F2P, so you'll probably get a little more cash from me.

    Surprise me. Do something intelligent.
  • togmb16_ESO
    Scinder wrote: »
    The comments here are laughable. I think Zennimax will be glad to shed a few of these players.

    I'm glad I (we?) made you laugh. I'm also glad for ZOS that they won't have to put up with me (us?) anymore.

    Seems everyone will be happy. Except me, I liked TESO quite a lot as it was.

    Please put up with me for 13 more days, as my sub ends then, because I would like to post now and then occassionally. Maybe...

    I also hope you will not come to the point I am (we are?) at the moment and distrust ZOS in the future. It's quite an unpleasent feeling, to be honest.
    Geistmaiden • Sorcerer (Heal/DD)
  • adivarlan
    Soul Shriven
    Seems like a lot of folks don't get it. This game did not make enough money for Zenimax. It failed. Failed MMO's go to F2P, then they die out.

    It's the natural progression of a company that did not commit to the end game at the beginning of the game.

    The Zenimax team was the wrong choice. They are the x factor that failed. Bethesda chose unwisely and drank from the wrong chalice.

    Dude, you don't get it! NONE of the games that went F2P FAILED. The companies just wanted more money, upselling. They invented the f2p model to give you the false impresion that you are in charge. There are lots of "gamers" out there that do not agree with a sub but they pay 2134523523$ for a freaking hat. Its all about the coco aka money aka greenies aka cheese. Zenimax just wants more money. They don't wanna have the best game ever, they don't wanna surpass WoW, they don't care about your mounths spent on TES games, they just care about making [snip] of money, but what they don't know is how to make [snip] of money like WoW did and still does. Blizz worked very hard at the beginning, fixing bugs, balancing everything, adding content, RIGHT FROM THE START. They listened to the community, that's what made the game a success. Even with the ups and downs, they still make money. Thats what no other company understood, you cannot make money without hard work. Zenimax is "throwing in the towel" right from the start thinking that kids will dry up mommies wallet, well, what they will actually throw will be another fade mmo on the market, waiting to die, as many other mmo on this already over-populated mmo market.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on February 9, 2015 4:37PM
  • Islyn
    malthol wrote: »
    has been a successful model elsewhere.
    Orly. Cite please.
    malthol wrote: »
    The only serious concern I have at this moment is that the store is said to include healing potions.
    But are they the same crappy ones the NPC merchants already sell? If so, who cares?
  • Nazon_Katts
    Islyn wrote: »
    malthol wrote: »
    has been a successful model elsewhere.
    Orly. Cite please.
    malthol wrote: »
    The only serious concern I have at this moment is that the store is said to include healing potions.
    But are they the same crappy ones the NPC merchants already sell? If so, who cares?

    drop rates do
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Islyn
    Miszou wrote: »
    Soris_ESO wrote: »
    How you gonna handle bots and gold sellers in f2p? Idiots

    Charge $60 for the game up front?

    People keep saying that. You do not even have to have the disk in to play. I guess you have never heard of somewhere similar to The Corsairs Cove? No worries - everyone else has.
    Edited by Islyn on January 22, 2015 6:24AM
  • Islyn
    Steorling wrote: »
    ROFL... I must say, this thread has given me such great loads of chuckles. Thank you one and all.

    Thank you to the wails of "I Quit", "You Ruined It", etc. You think you're hard core, you know exactly how this is going to end because other companies have muffed it in the past (and YOU know EVERYTHING), and you think F2P players are the "***hats". ROFL

    Jeez - how's the Kool-Aid?
  • Sarousse
    Hi Paul and Matt,

    I am proud to announce both of you that you just won the "BEST LIARS 2014 AWARD".

    Best regards,
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    Hi Paul and Matt,

    I am proud to announce both of you that you just won the "BEST LIARS 2014 AWARD".

    Best regards,


    But remember ESO is "Play Pay the way you want." Something like that anyway or maybe ESO is "Pay all we want or don't get all the content." Yeah that should be the new ESO slogan.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • AntonTakk
    Islyn wrote: »
    People keep saying that. You do not even have to have the disk in to play. I guess you have never heard of somewhere similar to The Corsairs Cove? No worries - everyone else has.

    As I remember it, if you signed up online, you paid whichever amount, and that was it. if you bought the game in a store, you had to enter an included activation code to enable your account. this is why it doesn't matter that you don't need the disc.

    Now for other issues: (I just watched the video on twitch, this is all from there)
    (My memory is also not perfect, so if I have gotten something wrong, feel free to point it out)

    1.) this is not a P2P > F2P transition, it is P2P > B2P OR P2P
    a.) New content "DLC" packs will be included, at no extra cost with any
    paid sub ( as an allotment of crowns, and small XP/gold/research
    /inspiration bonuses ( +10%))
    b.) New Content "DLC" can also be purchased for a one time fee if you
    prefer not to subscribe.
    c.) The Content in the DLC packs is optional, Character progression is
    NOT tied to it. it is simply a collection of content to play
    (if you wish) and will scale to your character's level

    2.) The Cash/Crown shop will contain:
    a.) Lore-Friendly Costumes/Costume packs
    b.) Lore-friendly Mounts that are functionally identical to mounts
    bought with gold
    c.) Lore-friendly vanity pets
    d.) Consumables (Heal/Magica/Stam Pots, Soul Gems, Repair Kits)
    1.) These will scale to your level on use, and will be roughly equal to
    the potions you can buy from vendors with gold in-game :

    3.) Crowns/Crown shop items are account bound, and can not be:
    traded, gifted, sold, given, misplaced in someone's general direction,
    re-allocated, etc, etc, etc
    The Crown shop is completely insulated from the in-game economy

    4.) They hinted at some "Thank you" bonus items (again, cosmetic) for long
    standing subscribed accounts

    While I Personally prefer sticking with P2P only, I have to admit it probably would have killed the game on consoles right from the start. and offering B2P only for console players would obviously have upset many people

    I have been playing since beta, and been subscribed continuously since launch.
    I see no reason to change this, and do not plan to.

    I Definitely think we need to keep our eyes open, especially with respect to things like Cash shop creep. But I don't see this being the huge huge issue that some people seem to think it is when they CLEARLY have not bothered to watch the video/read the info, and THINK RATIONALLY

  • Cyndairin
    Question's about the Tamriel Unlimited Premium Membership ,
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article “Your Guide to ESO Plus™ Premium Membership.”

    Find out more about the excellent in-game benefits that all ESO Plus members will enjoy in Tamriel Unlimited!

    OK I first jumped the gun and called this the F2P (Free to Play ) My bad ! Correcting what it is called , B2P ( Buy to Play ) .

    F2P or B2P or whatever other abbreviation you want to call it , the game is incorporating a micro transaction in game store .

    As a continuing paid sub I'll receive ,
    So, what do you get as an ESO Plus member? Let’s go over the benefits:
    •An allotment of crowns to spend in the new in-game Crown Store based on your membership period (more below)

    •Access to all of ESO’s downloadable content (or DLC) game packs for the duration of your membership

    •A 10% bonus to XP and gold gain, crafting research, and inspiration

    Memberships to ESO Plus can be purchased in 30-, 90-, and 180-day durations starting at $14.99 for a 30-day period. When you sign up for ESO Plus, you’ll receive your full allotment of crowns right away (1500 for 30 days, 4500 for 90 days, or 9000 for 180 days). If you purchase a recurring membership, you’ll receive a full allotment of crowns at the start of each 30-/90-/180-day membership period. You can spend crowns in the in-game Crown Store to get unique mounts, special vanity pets, a variety of fun costumes for your character, and convenience items like health potions and soul gems.

    Question 1 ,
    Will I be able to purchase extra Crowns in the ESO Store , Via https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store ?

    As long as I continue to pay monthly sub I get ,
    •A 10% bonus to XP and gold gain, crafting research, and inspiration ,

    While you’re a member, you’ll enjoy faster progression thanks to the helpful buffs to XP, gold, and crafting, and you’ll be able to access any DLC game pack that’s available. If your membership ends, you’ll still be able to play ESO (and keep any items and rewards you earned playing within DLC), but you won’t be able to access DLC game pack content that you haven’t purchased separately.

    BUT , if I am not paying I LOSE "Quote" but you won’t be able to access DLC game pack content that you haven’t purchased separately.

    Question 2 ,
    Will I be able to buy the extra DLC ( Downloadable Content ) with Crowns or through the https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store ?

    If I'm understanding , as a sub I'm renting the DLC and am receiving the extra 1500 crowns and 10% boost as a subscriber , after Tamriel Unlimited™ launches .

    So I now question myself , will it be worth my money to just purchase the DLC and crowns as I need or continuing to pay into the 180 day subscription plan https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/account/billing/change-subscription
    OHH Wait a min I don't see the 180 day Subscription plan any more !!! I am only seeing ,
    $14.99CAD/mo - 30 Day Subscription - Charge me $14.99CAD every 30 days
    13.99CAD/mo - 90 Day Subscription - Charge me $41.97CAD every 90 days

    Question 3 ,
    What happened to the 180 day Subscription plan ???
    :s A year is going to cost me $168.88 when it used to cost me around $77.95 every 180 days or $155.90 a year .

    Question 4 ,
    As a beta tester and a long term ,Loyal subscriber , I would like to know If ZeniMax / ESO Will consider offering me a Lifers Membership for around say $500. ???

    This would be like me paying for at least 3 years at 506.64 . A lifers membership would be an Thank you for your Loyalty over the year , Special Offer from ZeniMax / ESO .
    Edited by Cyndairin on January 22, 2015 7:24AM
  • adamastorx
    I think this was planned from the start. Remember that interview with Matt Fior, before launch, where he talked about a shop and then he denied and said it was a translation error?
  • joanne.dobson1b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    A lot of people are here saying "Zenimax just want more Money!"

    Can we just agree that Zenimax are a business. OF COURSE THEY WANT MORE MONEY!! That doesn't prevent them from offering a good service, as per every other successful business in the world :expressionless:
  • Nazon_Katts
    Ah, c'mon. They don't even come close to the Bio Doctors. Those were sell outs.

    Matt and Paul gotta cling and swing together, no easy way out for them.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • adamastorx
    AntonTakk wrote: »
    Islyn wrote: »
    People keep saying that. You do not even have to have the disk in to play. I guess you have never heard of somewhere similar to The Corsairs Cove? No worries - everyone else has.

    As I remember it, if you signed up online, you paid whichever amount, and that was it. if you bought the game in a store, you had to enter an included activation code to enable your account. this is why it doesn't matter that you don't need the disc.

    Now for other issues: (I just watched the video on twitch, this is all from there)
    (My memory is also not perfect, so if I have gotten something wrong, feel free to point it out)

    1.) this is not a P2P > F2P transition, it is P2P > B2P OR P2P
    a.) New content "DLC" packs will be included, at no extra cost with any
    paid sub ( as an allotment of crowns, and small XP/gold/research
    /inspiration bonuses ( +10%))
    b.) New Content "DLC" can also be purchased for a one time fee if you
    prefer not to subscribe.
    c.) The Content in the DLC packs is optional, Character progression is
    NOT tied to it. it is simply a collection of content to play
    (if you wish) and will scale to your character's level

    2.) The Cash/Crown shop will contain:
    a.) Lore-Friendly Costumes/Costume packs
    b.) Lore-friendly Mounts that are functionally identical to mounts
    bought with gold
    c.) Lore-friendly vanity pets
    d.) Consumables (Heal/Magica/Stam Pots, Soul Gems, Repair Kits)
    1.) These will scale to your level on use, and will be roughly equal to
    the potions you can buy from vendors with gold in-game :

    3.) Crowns/Crown shop items are account bound, and can not be:
    traded, gifted, sold, given, misplaced in someone's general direction,
    re-allocated, etc, etc, etc
    The Crown shop is completely insulated from the in-game economy

    4.) They hinted at some "Thank you" bonus items (again, cosmetic) for long
    standing subscribed accounts

    While I Personally prefer sticking with P2P only, I have to admit it probably would have killed the game on consoles right from the start. and offering B2P only for console players would obviously have upset many people

    I have been playing since beta, and been subscribed continuously since launch.
    I see no reason to change this, and do not plan to.

    I Definitely think we need to keep our eyes open, especially with respect to things like Cash shop creep. But I don't see this being the huge huge issue that some people seem to think it is when they CLEARLY have not bothered to watch the video/read the info, and THINK RATIONALLY


    If they do it like TSW, where you can have a lifetime/normal sub and the shop doesn't bother you at all or the gameplay, great!
  • Cyndairin
    So I would like to know how the DLC is going to be bought is it through the ESO Store ? I'm now trying to figure out how I'm going to pay this game . It might be better for me to just pay for Crowns and DLC instead of paying for a subscription as what I just seen they took the 180 day subscription off the list .
  • adamastorx
    Cyndairin wrote: »
    So I would like to know how the DLC is going to be bought is it through the ESO Store ? I'm now trying to figure out how I'm going to pay this game . It might be better for me to just pay for Crowns and DLC instead of paying for a subscription as what I just seen they took the 180 day subscription off the list .

    If you subscribe, you don't have to buy the DLC. This new model will be like the DC Universe Online one, but ESO will require a one time buy of the main game.
  • tedsini_ESO
    In some room at ZOS, the sharp-pencil boys came to the conclusion that this is the way to maximize profits. That is the ONLY motivation for this decision. From here on out, the curtain is drawn back for us to see that this team never really had any intention of responding to any of our concerns, beyond what they absolutely had to do in order to maintain the facade of accountability.

    That's all gone now. The shareholders of Zenimax won. The barbarians are at the gate. And they're borrrring.
  • Cyndairin
    adamastorx wrote: »
    If you subscribe, you don't have to buy the DLC. This new model will be like the DC Universe Online one, but ESO will require a one time buy of the main game.
    I know I won't have to buy the DLC , BUT it said in this page http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/2015/01/21/your-guide-to-eso-plus-premium-membership
    "but you won’t be able to access DLC game pack content that you haven’t purchased separately.
    Thus suggesting that the DLC would be available for sale .
    As a choice of either having a reoccurring subscription for the DLC or to buy it outright . As a Subscriber I don't own the DLC and I'm really only renting it . and it WON'T be available to me unless I buy the DLC or am a Subscriber . I may chose to no longer be a subscriber and just buy what I want .
  • vechislov
    Soul Shriven
    It seems that the most dissatisfied have spoken.
  • Ninnghizhidda
    I will not make predictions about how all this will actually work out and about "pay-to-win" scenarios, time shall tell soon enough.

    What I would like to comment on is this: the feeling that we have been "Beta testing for consoles release" all these months since official launch, now seems to be justified.

    And people had ultra high expectations about Update 6 and beyond. Also, prepare to welcome all those "new players" who just need to have an initial purchase to play the game, essentially F2P, since ESO no more costs that much to get, even.

    I hope it will not be a total disaster, but I am carrying a small basket already.
  • Dimmit
    I really hope that the crown-shop will actually be Lore friendly. Please, no Dwemer choppers, dunmer sunglasses or flying dragon pets.

    And another thing - consider adding long-awaited things to the crown-shop:
    • player housing/guild halls
    • barber shop, change appearance, name, etc.
    Edited by Dimmit on January 22, 2015 9:55AM
  • bluejanusub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Since the sub model didn't work, is there any reason not to put in a global auction system, since standing by principles doesn't really matter?
  • Sarousse
    Can't wait to fight young brides mouting rainbow colored poneys in Cyrodiil.

    This is the true Elder Scrolls spirit & lore.
This discussion has been closed.