I don't see how. Honestly you have to be able to stop what you are doing to block, in essence canceling your action to go into blocking mode. There is no way around it, else no one would be able to block in a fight. Just wait for your opponent to attack then lay into them. Why not they cant block.I would hope that their has to be a better solution then Animation Canceling...it feels clunky, it feels like it doesn't belong...it really shouldn't be ttheir...they should figure out what adjustments need to be made to keep things viable and remove it.
@Trayyacakes people are asking to nerf block-casting not block (so is not the case to nerf damage overall) and the excuses that other classes have escaping mechanisms is flawed because you can't heal yourself while bolting or stealth but you can when using block.
The biggest problem with block-casting in my opinion is that you don't lose you your offensive potential while holding a defensive position (just another exemple how this is superior to mechanics like cloaking or bolting). As someone stated in another post of this matter the solution for this should be while blocking you can use spells but they should be less effective (like 50%, this for heals or damage), in that scenario you would have to choose increase your offensive potential at cost of your defense or keep your defense at cost of your efficiency.
I find that solution the best for this problem since some people really enjoy this mechanic and prohibit it's use may hurt those people feelings lel.
IMO they first need to admit they were wrong and change heavy attack / block interactions to be the same as they were in previous games. Namely, melee heavy attack beats block. With bashing beating heavy attacks and heavy attacks beating block it would feel a lot more like a give and take.