Can we have some/ANY data about guild trader bids. PLEASE.

I would take ANY of the following info, and say thank you 1000 times.

- The current bid
- Highest bid that won the spot.
- If you lost, by how much you lost.
- If you won, by how much you won over the next highest bid.
- A rolling average of bid history for that location, or even that zone.
- A total of the number of different bidders without their amounts the previous week.


After over a month of maintaining the same trader, I haven't won a bid in 3 weeks even bidding more and trying different traders. I can't find a new place, and I can't bare to send out that guild mail again this morning and watch my guild lose another 5 or 10 members immediate because of it.

And here is why Zos should care:

1/2 my guild is full of players who only play socially. They enjoy chatting and they don't care anything about making money or even being competitive. Many of them have told me they would have already unsubbed if it wasn't for my guild.

The other 1/2 of the guild are social players who also very much want to maximize their income. They chat, have a good time, but LEAVE if I can't maintain a guild trader. In short, they won't sacrifice 20% of their income (1 of 5 traders) for a social guild.

What happens is the first half watches the second half leave, feels the guild dying, sees chat go quiet, etc and begin to quit the game.

I can appreciate that a social guild cannot compete with a trade guild for spots like Wayrest or Elden Root. But you shouldn't need a 400 member guild bidding 400,000g each week just to "lock in" a trader on a regular basis.

Please, give us some data, so normal guilds can have traders for our members!!
  • ashlee17
    I would love to see a total overhaul of the current guild trader hiring system.I love trader kiosk and enjoy how they fit into the game world. Unfortunately I believe that "if" the guild trader system is ultimately or even party designed to be just a gold sink it is still woefully ineffective. I have placed bids of over 100k that have been refunded to me after losing a kiosk bid. That's 100k I would have been happy to part with and zos would have been happy to have "sink". Instead it is refunded to me (bad for zos) and my guild is left without a trader for a week (bad for the guild). So it's a lose lose situation. I would say it's time for change. More information on bids might be a nice start. Thanks for reading and happy adventuring.
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • MissBizz
    I would love to see some more info. I also run a pve guild and we do have a hard time getting a trader. I think letting us know how much we lost be would be great!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Focus23
    Almost all of the trade guild leaders, including myself want the bid history removed entirely. I organized 50+ guild leaders into a guild called Direnni Dynasty with the primary purpose of defeating the broken bidding system. It's detrimental to our guilds and the playerbase as a whole. We've spoken to ZOS representatives by phone, in game, and on Teamspeak. We've been battling this for months now. We don't know what else to do. They've responded that they are aware of the issue and that it is being resolved, but in the meantime, we bear witness to guilds disbanding in droves.
    Edited by Focus23 on January 16, 2015 8:33AM
    @Focus23 | NA Trade GM
    Elder Scrolls Exchange | Red Nirn Reserve | Dead Nirn Dealers | Direnni Dynasty
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    Random spot in the main city of Coldharbor = 50k each week
    Davon's Watch (largest EP noob city) in Stonefalls = 125k each week
    Spot in Craglorn = 200k for some guilds, 300k for others
  • Divad Zarn
    Divad Zarn
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Almost all of the trade guild leaders want the bid history removed entirely. I organized 50+ guild leaders into a guild called Direnni Dynasty with the primary purpose of defeating the broken bidding system. It's detrimental to our guilds and the playerbase as a whole. We've spoken to ZOS representatives by phone, in game, and on Teamspeak. We've been battling this for months now. We don't know what else to do.

    Maybe u will do nothing simply because it's NOT broken? its working as must work with "blind system bidding", I know bids of most big guilds on EU mega server, simply because guild leaders know, that I will not share that info with others and don't plan to use that info against any of them, there are enough guild "leaders" around, which are ready to do anything for their own ego, for example steal money from guild bank and left, or steal other (smaller) guild NPC trader just because they are tired from own spot and dont thinking about people who will suffer from that, why such people must have such info about BLIND bidding system? receive some respect with mix of trust first and you will have such info, in other case you don't that especially with ALOT of guild masters around which doesn't recognize how big responsibility it is to have guild, control it and care about it, care about each member wishes and ideas, so stop dream to receive blind info and leave ZOS alone with it, they done good job, at least about it.
  • Layenem
    I figured most of this data would already be available since the bid is a gold sink and if you've got competitive bidding (open bidding) then people will invest a bit more for those high priced ones. A guild I was in got a trader in Mournhold for 5k because NO ONE ELSE BID ON THAT ONE TRADER... It was a joke, the bid was, we didn't expect to get it... and were astonished when we won it two weeks in a row off 5k bids.
  • abigfishy
    Random spot in the main city of Coldharbor = 50k each week
    Davon's Watch (largest EP noob city) in Stonefalls = 125k each week
    Spot in Craglorn = 200k for some guilds, 300k for others

    I hear the spots in Daggerfall go for 1-200k each same as by that giant tree in AD.

    I have heard that Rawl'kah (sp?) in AD is the most expensive place needing bids of 300k +

    There are still some horrible spots that you can pick up very cheaply. I don't want to really say them because my guild tends to bid on them and wins 2 out of 3 weeks with bids in the 5k range. The down side is those one kiosk out of the way places are really bad for income compared to the good places that people actually travel to or the ones in the beginner zones like Daggerfall, Ebonhart, Somethingwatch etc.
    Level 50 Characters
    Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
    Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
    Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
    Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
    Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
    Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
    Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
    Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
    Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
    Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
    Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
    Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
  • Joejudas
    No this can't ever happen....this is why. There have been times when drama flared up and 1 person took it upon themselves to try and out bid a legit guild with no intention of ever selling anything because they knew what the bid was. This would break the economy of the game. the bidding history doesn't need to be public.
  • Focus23
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Almost all of the trade guild leaders want the bid history removed entirely. I organized 50+ guild leaders into a guild called Direnni Dynasty with the primary purpose of defeating the broken bidding system. It's detrimental to our guilds and the playerbase as a whole. We've spoken to ZOS representatives by phone, in game, and on Teamspeak. We've been battling this for months now. We don't know what else to do.

    Maybe u will do nothing simply because it's NOT broken? its working as must work with "blind system bidding", I know bids of most big guilds on EU mega server, simply because guild leaders know, that I will not share that info with others and don't plan to use that info against any of them, there are enough guild "leaders" around, which are ready to do anything for their own ego, for example steal money from guild bank and left, or steal other (smaller) guild NPC trader just because they are tired from own spot and dont thinking about people who will suffer from that, why such people must have such info about BLIND bidding system? receive some respect with mix of trust first and you will have such info, in other case you don't that especially with ALOT of guild masters around which doesn't recognize how big responsibility it is to have guild, control it and care about it, care about each member wishes and ideas, so stop dream to receive blind info and leave ZOS alone with it, they done good job, at least about it.

    Click on my username and go view some of my recent comments. I don't know how things are on the EU server, but on the NA server, players have been exploiting the viewable bid history for months now. The bids aren't blind. Every member of your guild can view the exact bid amount at the exact kiosk location at any given time. There is so much bid spying on the NA server that we had to form the guild of guilds to blacklist players who are known spies. Dozens of us wake up at 6:30am EST every Monday morning to place our bids to deter spying. It's absolutely ridiculous.
    @Focus23 | NA Trade GM
    Elder Scrolls Exchange | Red Nirn Reserve | Dead Nirn Dealers | Direnni Dynasty
  • Divad Zarn
    Divad Zarn
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Almost all of the trade guild leaders want the bid history removed entirely. I organized 50+ guild leaders into a guild called Direnni Dynasty with the primary purpose of defeating the broken bidding system. It's detrimental to our guilds and the playerbase as a whole. We've spoken to ZOS representatives by phone, in game, and on Teamspeak. We've been battling this for months now. We don't know what else to do.

    Maybe u will do nothing simply because it's NOT broken? its working as must work with "blind system bidding", I know bids of most big guilds on EU mega server, simply because guild leaders know, that I will not share that info with others and don't plan to use that info against any of them, there are enough guild "leaders" around, which are ready to do anything for their own ego, for example steal money from guild bank and left, or steal other (smaller) guild NPC trader just because they are tired from own spot and dont thinking about people who will suffer from that, why such people must have such info about BLIND bidding system? receive some respect with mix of trust first and you will have such info, in other case you don't that especially with ALOT of guild masters around which doesn't recognize how big responsibility it is to have guild, control it and care about it, care about each member wishes and ideas, so stop dream to receive blind info and leave ZOS alone with it, they done good job, at least about it.

    Click on my username and go view some of my recent comments. I don't know how things are on the EU server, but on the NA server, players have been exploiting the viewable bid history for months now. The bids aren't blind. Every member of your guild can view the exact bid amount at the exact kiosk location at any given time. There is so much bid spying on the NA server that we had to form the guild of guilds to blacklist players who are known spies. Dozens of us wake up at 6:30am EST every Monday morning to place our bids to deter spying. It's absolutely ridiculous.

    We had such problem on EU as well some time ago for now, I will not say what we done to fix this problem, but believe me, people lost wish to spy guilds, at least big ones, anyway its still not fair that some guilds can still suffer from such spies, but that the point of mans nature, with opening bidding system there will be way more problems then there is now, ZOS some time ago said that they will remove that opportunity from players (probably with permissions) to see bidding amount (won/bidden), so after they will remove it completely, spies automatically will disappear since they will not have anything to spy out, imo that will be decision of that problem, not opening it to everyone.
  • Moonshadow66
    It's just like not knowing which items were sold in a trading guild, not even in which guild.
    We just don't get enough info in general, I'd say. If there aren't addons that "fix" certain things, we'll never know..

    Edit: @Focus23 Ok, that's an info that should rather stay hidden, definitely.
    Edited by Moonshadow66 on January 16, 2015 8:31AM
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • Focus23
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Almost all of the trade guild leaders want the bid history removed entirely. I organized 50+ guild leaders into a guild called Direnni Dynasty with the primary purpose of defeating the broken bidding system. It's detrimental to our guilds and the playerbase as a whole. We've spoken to ZOS representatives by phone, in game, and on Teamspeak. We've been battling this for months now. We don't know what else to do.

    Maybe u will do nothing simply because it's NOT broken? its working as must work with "blind system bidding", I know bids of most big guilds on EU mega server, simply because guild leaders know, that I will not share that info with others and don't plan to use that info against any of them, there are enough guild "leaders" around, which are ready to do anything for their own ego, for example steal money from guild bank and left, or steal other (smaller) guild NPC trader just because they are tired from own spot and dont thinking about people who will suffer from that, why such people must have such info about BLIND bidding system? receive some respect with mix of trust first and you will have such info, in other case you don't that especially with ALOT of guild masters around which doesn't recognize how big responsibility it is to have guild, control it and care about it, care about each member wishes and ideas, so stop dream to receive blind info and leave ZOS alone with it, they done good job, at least about it.

    Click on my username and go view some of my recent comments. I don't know how things are on the EU server, but on the NA server, players have been exploiting the viewable bid history for months now. The bids aren't blind. Every member of your guild can view the exact bid amount at the exact kiosk location at any given time. There is so much bid spying on the NA server that we had to form the guild of guilds to blacklist players who are known spies. Dozens of us wake up at 6:30am EST every Monday morning to place our bids to deter spying. It's absolutely ridiculous.

    We had such problem on EU as well some time ago for now, I will not say what we done to fix this problem, but believe me, people lost wish to spy guilds, at least big ones, anyway its still not fair that some guilds can still suffer from such spies, but that the point of mans nature, with opening bidding system there will be way more problems then there is now, ZOS some time ago said that they will remove that opportunity from players (probably with permissions) to see bidding amount (won/bidden), so after they will remove it completely, spies automatically will disappear since they will not have anything to spy out, imo that will be decision of that problem, not opening it to everyone.

    Oh, I think we completely misunderstood each other. My original post was in favor of removing the bid history entirely, not opening it up to everyone. I'll edit my phrasing to make this more clear.
    @Focus23 | NA Trade GM
    Elder Scrolls Exchange | Red Nirn Reserve | Dead Nirn Dealers | Direnni Dynasty
  • Divad Zarn
    Divad Zarn
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    Focus23 wrote: »
    Almost all of the trade guild leaders want the bid history removed entirely. I organized 50+ guild leaders into a guild called Direnni Dynasty with the primary purpose of defeating the broken bidding system. It's detrimental to our guilds and the playerbase as a whole. We've spoken to ZOS representatives by phone, in game, and on Teamspeak. We've been battling this for months now. We don't know what else to do.

    Maybe u will do nothing simply because it's NOT broken? its working as must work with "blind system bidding", I know bids of most big guilds on EU mega server, simply because guild leaders know, that I will not share that info with others and don't plan to use that info against any of them, there are enough guild "leaders" around, which are ready to do anything for their own ego, for example steal money from guild bank and left, or steal other (smaller) guild NPC trader just because they are tired from own spot and dont thinking about people who will suffer from that, why such people must have such info about BLIND bidding system? receive some respect with mix of trust first and you will have such info, in other case you don't that especially with ALOT of guild masters around which doesn't recognize how big responsibility it is to have guild, control it and care about it, care about each member wishes and ideas, so stop dream to receive blind info and leave ZOS alone with it, they done good job, at least about it.

    Click on my username and go view some of my recent comments. I don't know how things are on the EU server, but on the NA server, players have been exploiting the viewable bid history for months now. The bids aren't blind. Every member of your guild can view the exact bid amount at the exact kiosk location at any given time. There is so much bid spying on the NA server that we had to form the guild of guilds to blacklist players who are known spies. Dozens of us wake up at 6:30am EST every Monday morning to place our bids to deter spying. It's absolutely ridiculous.

    We had such problem on EU as well some time ago for now, I will not say what we done to fix this problem, but believe me, people lost wish to spy guilds, at least big ones, anyway its still not fair that some guilds can still suffer from such spies, but that the point of mans nature, with opening bidding system there will be way more problems then there is now, ZOS some time ago said that they will remove that opportunity from players (probably with permissions) to see bidding amount (won/bidden), so after they will remove it completely, spies automatically will disappear since they will not have anything to spy out, imo that will be decision of that problem, not opening it to everyone.

    Oh, I think we completely misunderstood each other. My original post was in favor of removing the bid history entirely, not opening it up to everyone. I'll edit my phrasing to make this more clear.

    My big apologies, needed to read post more carefully, my bad, I completely agree with you that it needs to be removed completely and we done many feedback's from EU as well, can't say exactly which post from ZOS team it was, but they said that they will remove that info from everyone based on permission since its now quite similar to bug.
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    I would take ANY of the following info, and say thank you 1000 times.

    - The current bid
    - Highest bid that won the spot.
    - If you lost, by how much you lost.
    - If you won, by how much you won over the next highest bid.
    - A rolling average of bid history for that location, or even that zone.
    - A total of the number of different bidders without their amounts the previous week.


    After over a month of maintaining the same trader, I haven't won a bid in 3 weeks even bidding more and trying different traders. I can't find a new place, and I can't bare to send out that guild mail again this morning and watch my guild lose another 5 or 10 members immediate because of it.

    And here is why Zos should care:

    1/2 my guild is full of players who only play socially. They enjoy chatting and they don't care anything about making money or even being competitive. Many of them have told me they would have already unsubbed if it wasn't for my guild.

    The other 1/2 of the guild are social players who also very much want to maximize their income. They chat, have a good time, but LEAVE if I can't maintain a guild trader. In short, they won't sacrifice 20% of their income (1 of 5 traders) for a social guild.

    What happens is the first half watches the second half leave, feels the guild dying, sees chat go quiet, etc and begin to quit the game.

    I can appreciate that a social guild cannot compete with a trade guild for spots like Wayrest or Elden Root. But you shouldn't need a 400 member guild bidding 400,000g each week just to "lock in" a trader on a regular basis.

    Please, give us some data, so normal guilds can have traders for our members!!

    Only Rawl'kha gets bids of 400k+ gold (closer to 1 million). Elden root had someone not even bid on a trader a couple weeks ago. 80% of all traffic goes to those 5 guilds so they get to keep their prices low. There are several other places you can go and have just as good a spot as any other. Every week multiple traders go without even someone bidding on them, just find one of these types of vendors and put a couple thousand gold on it. You will win.

    I highly doubt its an issue of ZoS not caring, they simply have a LOT on their plate right now, once console releases then hit them up again, in the mean time just go bid on a vendor that isn't so high profile as Rawl'kha.
  • olemanwinter
    Many of you, if not all of you, misunderstood me completely.

    I'm not talking about making the amount you bid public. And I know the information needs to be removed from guild History.

    I'm talking about when you, who has is doing the bidding, has no data.

    But it doesn't matter. It's a waste of time like every other ESO discussion. Trying to tweek and fix a system isn't feasible. The community is divided between the 1/2 that have figured out a way to maximize/exploit/profit from the system and the other 1/2 that just want to throw it out completely.

    I actually had an officer from some trade guild I'm a member of, get on my case IN-GAME about this thread he found here.

    "If you have a problem with how much we spend, you should have talked to the leader about that".

    LOL ^ WUT? It has nothing to do with that, and nothing to do with any trade guild.

    I'm so giving up on this community as a group that can be communicated with.
    Edited by olemanwinter on January 16, 2015 11:51AM
  • OrphanHelgen
    I was going to make a new post, but comment on this instead. I am in EP and Deshaan is the capital city. Here is where you get your dailys, and are the most visited guild kiosk's I believe.

    I visited one and pressed all items, any quality. I counted the items, and it was 20 items total in that kiosk. To mention a few items: Bone, starmetal, etc.

    WTF? Is this because of this no data thing you are talking about? I know its hard for some guilds to get a kiosk if we add data on guild traders, but I am NOT interested in visit a guild store with only 20 items, and all of them are regular style materials.

    If this guild spent more then 5k on that kiosk, they are stupid. If they got this for 5k, there must be something seriously wrong with this system.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Divad Zarn
    Divad Zarn
    Many of you, if not all of you, misunderstood me completely.

    I'm not talking about making the amount you bid public. And I know the information needs to be removed from guild History.

    I'm talking about when you, who has is doing the bidding, has no data.

    But it doesn't matter. It's a waste of time like every other ESO discussion. Trying to tweek and fix a system isn't feasible. The community is divided between the 1/2 that have figured out a way to maximize/exploit/profit from the system and the other 1/2 that just want to throw it out completely.

    I actually had an officer from some trade guild I'm a member of, get on my case IN-GAME about this thread he found here.

    "If you have a problem with how much we spend, you should have talked to the leader about that".

    LOL ^ WUT? It has nothing to do with that, and nothing to do with any trade guild.

    I'm so giving up on this community as a group that can be communicated with.

    Community divided, but not like the way you said (also community there is way better then in many other MMOs, simply because many little dirty mount school kids wasn't able to start playing TESO since their parents doesn't wished to pay such big money for their game), it's divided between people, who play long enough and have experience and understood since update 3 what can bring bidding system opening, and people who think that it will be "fair" to know how much u lost/won from X amount of bidding on X NPC, the thing is, that such info will bring way more chaos, then "fair" result, simply because 1) smaller/medium guilds gonna LOST any chance to hold NPC trader for more then a 1 week, 2) big guilds gonna need time to time increasing bid amount, at least to make sure that someone not gonna overbid their last week bid. That's just a few problems what such system can bring, I don't say anything how many insulting/fighting will appear with such system and as a result many bans for trashing players each other.
  • ashlee17
    We all seem to have different oppions but with the same ultimate aim.
    We want to build strong guilds and communities in ESO but currently lack the tools to do so.

    Please read this thread and add your thoughts about what guild tools Zos could provide to help us keep our communities strong and whole.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • Yogizilla
    A cold/warm/hot system would be nice instead of the completely blind bidding system.. But that should only be available to smaller guilds or guilds that haven't had a trader in a long time. Right now, the trade unions and shady guilds deploying spies/snipers are dominating the marketplace.. There are root issues to be addressed.

    I'm all for transparency but that information would only make the rich richer. A viable player economy ensures that nothing stagnates and there are no monopolies. As such, history should be something that is provided on a limited access based on explicity permissions or a need-to-know basis.

    For example, a brand new recruit in a non-officer role has no business knowing about guild trader bids but why is this information open to everyone by default? If people do not donate to the guild bank, that should automatically block access to the history. IF they don't sell items on the store or don't have store access, they should not be able to see what is selling.

    The current system, as we all know, encourages paranoia and anti-social behavior, which is the opposite of what MMOs should be. There needs to be a better compromise between transparency and privacy/chain-of-command. We say we want an "open book", but that, in itself, would create more problems than it solves. 8)
    Check out our guides in the GeekyAntics Network Facebook fan page Notes section (must be logged onto full web site, not app/mobile). We are GeekyAntics everywhere: Twitch, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. VM/SMS: 646-801-2149
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