Bloodystab wrote: »Justice System will be first step into things like this.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
It will be the only step. They aren't going to open up free-for-all PvP. It's just not happening.
KhyanLeikas wrote: »
Why not?
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Griefing. ZOS will lose subs.
In some way I'm a bit sad that they won't go down this road with the justice system.
Because why should you be able to kill npcs, but not players aswell? You have the choice to opt out of the justice system anyways if you want, so it would basically be like a PVP flag.
But well, a man can dream.
KhyanLeikas wrote: »
Why not?
KhyanLeikas wrote: »
I need some arguments, like my initial post.
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »
Who do you think the major player base is? Pvers or pvpers? If ZOS starts developing new content that is open world pvp this game will lose major subs. It doesn't make sense from a resourcing perspective for ZOS to develop new content for 2 different player bases when there is already cyrodil and justice system. Pve players are not going to play open world pvp just to get new content and subject themselves to griefing.
Look at all the mmorpgs in the past 10 years that have or had open world pvp and look at how successful they have become compared to those that are pve focused. Some are niche like darkfall, however, Other than WoW, most have alienated their player base to the point of shutting down. (AoC, war hammer, mortal online, Tera, and etc.,) unfortunately, open world pvp models just don't work. all it does is spread hate and discontent among the player base due to griefing. The models that work have a hybrid approach like swtor or rift.
Now don't get me wrong, I would love to play open world pvp because I am a pvper, but also understand that The majority of the player base is pve and its not a business model that works, and ZOS has limited resources.
Is that a good enough argument for you? Need further explaination?
In some way I'm a bit sad that they won't go down this road with the justice system.
Because why should you be able to kill npcs, but not players aswell? You have the choice to opt out of the justice system anyways if you want, so it would basically be like a PVP flag.
But well, a man can dream.
Just opt-out. Problem solved.Psychobunni wrote: »Its bad enough I will have to mind my P's and Q's when Justice System is implemented, I'd quit with open world pvp in full. I don't even want to have to deal with people fighting in the middle of my quest because of Justice System.
It really is what Cyrodiil is for. There is open spots on the map still, they could create a quest (non keep) zone for pvp'ers, but leave pve alone! (in whiny leave Brittany alone voice) It's bad enough my skills keep getting broke bc someone died in pvp land, oh noes! gotta ruin my world too?
KhyanLeikas wrote: »
Why not?
Bloodystab wrote: »
He's friend that know someone who know someone who once saw someone from ZOS near bus stop was talking about Justice system being only step.
Also Craglorn was only step for PvE.
Just opt-out. Problem solved.
Psychobunni wrote: »
I can opt out of having it go on around me? If they could phase it so our paths never cross....great
It's not a single player game, if you don't like even seeing other players you might be playing in the wrong genre....just saying. Also yes maybe they could separate instances based on a PVP/justice system flag.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »The VR14 3600CP PVP players want open world PVP so they can show off their massive huge epeens...
I want it for the immersion factor and if it's an opt-in system grieifing won't be an issue.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »
WOW had an opt-in system and as a horde player our main citys had no NPCs for weeks... They always said if you wanted your city back you could go PVP... but with 30-40 max level players just camping your cities.....
Its going to be vampires vs werewolf battles all day and if I wanted that I would watch those movies that teenage girls watch...
Try: maybe lots of people would leave the game because of griefers. Gankers abound!KhyanLeikas wrote: »Maybe a few people don't like this system
Try: maybe lots of people would leave the game because of griefers. Gankers abound!