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Are enemies tough enough?

Just that
Edited by Tapio75 on January 11, 2015 5:42PM
>>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<

Are enemies tough enough? 181 votes

SolarikenFat_Cat45deathmasterl_ESOryanmjmcevoy_ESOAhdoraLtCrunchotis67ers101284b14_ESOKeldonDirtySmeegs33CallunaDraehlnalimoleb14_ESOLeijonaElder_IIILayenemMorvulmatthiasmssb16_ESOTehMagnusdavidjournotb16_ESO 104 votes
thesilverball_ESOIagoGilvothvailjohn_ESOItsMeTooDiviniusGreyRangerKevinmonOrangeTheCatAlphashadoAnnraFabian.Haas186b16_ESOGrileenormartinhpb16_ESOalainjbrennanb16_ESOlord_dalAketiumb92303008rwb17_ESOdc1509Valen_Byte 52 votes
Maximis_ESOXexpoPsychobunniKalmanEsha76THEburnb16_ESOstefan.gustavsonb16_ESOBrother_NumsieAnath_QkimbohGixzZzleepyheadLord_KreeganGanacampokiesostierlitzAoEnwyrLord_WrathKartalinDustile 25 votes
  • Cody

    There are only three difficult enemies in this game: Gargoyles, Storm atronachs, and Daedroths. STs and Gargoyles only because they are immune to CCs, Daedroths because they do massive amounts of damage.

    The only difficult part of the game are veteran dungeons and trials. It should not be that way. I miss when the 1-50 dungeons were difficult(yes, they used to be difficult) now a group can fly thru all but a tiny few of them with ease.
    Edited by Cody on January 11, 2015 6:03PM
  • PBpsy
    Nope they have been nerfed to hell a while back after ZOS messed up and made mobs randomly difficult in VR zones.
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  • Bloodfang
    I miss the good ol' days, when Veteran Zones were actually "hard"...

    ZOS once you remove Veteran Ranks, and Champion System is fully implemented, please reconsider buffing up difficulty in the Veteran Zones..

    World Bosses are facepalm now..
    Dark Anchors are facepalm now..
    Heck even some normal dungeons are pretty much facepalm now..
    Edited by Bloodfang on January 11, 2015 6:14PM
  • Ahdora
    No, solo content is in no way a challenge on any level.
    Heals With Stick, V11 Argonian Nightblade Healer, NA-EP
  • Tapio75
    I liked the difficulty on Beta, then it was much better since these things actually attempted to fight back.

    Playing in group is sad jo0ke these days, everything dies when you look them with angry face :(

    Wishing that there would be a difficulty slider of sorts which in addition to difficulty alterations, also changes the rewards accordingly. The harder the difficulty, the better quality and more gold as rewards.
    Edited by Tapio75 on January 11, 2015 6:25PM
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • tplink3r1
    They were in the release, but not anymore.
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • Lordstarfox
    Im still new,but im lvl 25 and went to lvl 40 (Reaper's March,for the werewolf transformation) area and seemed to do just fine.
    During the werewolf mission all the difficulty seemed to come from artificial difficulty, about 50%(or over) of my attacks missed the snake simply because i was lower level than intended. Stats wise i had no problem whatsoever(except for my low lvl).

    According to what i read someone did it as lvl 12,that sounds wrong.
    Edited by Lordstarfox on January 11, 2015 6:35PM
  • SkillzMFG
    Here is what my regular dungeon experience in ESO is consisted of:
    1. Streak through the whole dungeon
    2. Pull as many mobs as I can in a single fight
    3. Thundering Presence+Impulse+Devouring Swarm
    4. Mobs get rekt (Including bosses and 'elite' mobs)
    I mean give me just a little bit of tension and challenge, I want to get burned once in a while.
    -When is the last time you charged into 15 mobs and was like 'Well that was a bad idea...'? Never! Because it's super easy.
  • jpatek0501ub17_ESO
    I hate how I can so easily weave around and through mobs also. No fear of challenge or death. I wish mobs had better agro and would alert other mobs if to close.
  • Mordria
    *sigh* I meant to hit the "No" button. :#

    They were much more challenging when the game first began. Some, perhaps a little more then intended. But, now it seems way too easy. I don't think I should be able to solo any dolmens or world bosses, but I can.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    I wits there was some sort of balancing in effect, similar to GW2 perhaps, so when you were with friends/others, the enemies would be suitably adjusted (Either in their stats or the numbers of them) to make it at least a little challenging.

    For many, a lot of the enjoyment in these games comes from the fear of death for your character when out adventuring. At the moment the game does not have that balance quite right I feel.
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  • ashlee17
    I would like to see normal enemies have more then one or two attacks and be able to dodge and move around in a more challenging way. The extra mob mechanics could be introduced at vr lvl instead of just giving them more health/hit power to make mobs "harder". Thanks for reading and happy adventuring
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  • Maximis_ESO
    I find it all extremely imbalanced. Some enemies or groups of enemies I face I dominate, sometimes NPC's beat the heck out of me.

    One thing I did realize is that if you have a heal of some sort on your bar the game is super easy but if you try to play with more utility or go for all out damage abilities, you will die and this game will be very difficult. If people want it to be harder, don't heal, don't dodge just take it and only use light attacks.
  • LtCrunch
    The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • seanvwolf
    Brandalf wrote: »
    The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.

    Actually Doshia was difficult depending on your build, sometimes easy sometimes hard, but Gutstripper was always a piece of cake for me, no matter the build.
  • NukeAllTheThings
    Brandalf wrote: »
    The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.

    I remember them well. They were both a big challenge. Now, while leveling alts, Gutstripper gets melted before I even reach the top step and Doshia can't even get off her first aoe. That previous challenge has turned into a 5 second faceroll.

    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • Jack-0
    Depends which, I think some of the mechanics in vet dungeons are perhaps a tad hard for the average pug when they're not even the last boss(1 shotting is not a fun thing)... but for (vet) levelling everything's far too easy since the nerf.
  • LtCrunch
    seanvwolf wrote: »
    Brandalf wrote: »
    The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.

    Actually Doshia was difficult depending on your build, sometimes easy sometimes hard, but Gutstripper was always a piece of cake for me, no matter the build.

    Of course difficulty is going to vary by build, that's always the case. The point is they're much easier than they were in beta as a whole. Along with most of the game.
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Lord_Kreegan
    Some mobs are so easy that taking on three on-level opponents with any build is not just possible, but in some cases quite easy.

    Some, however, are impossible unless you out-level them; certain story (not delve or dungeon) mini-bosses/solo bosses can't be beaten on-level by some classes/builds. Specifically, those bosses that respawn/regenerate at a rate that dictates using skills instead of light/heavy attacks and cause a character to exhaust the skill resource (usually magicka) can be impossible to kill -- even if you have good gear -- for some builds. Thankfully, I've only found a few of these.

    Some are extremely difficult if you don't have a DPS-centric build; i.e., difficult for builds that are primarily healers and tanks. If you don't kill fast enough, you lose...

    In general, however, I think there's a good mix of mobs. Playing eight characters simultaneously, I find a lot of mobs that one of my characters can beat easily, but others can't. It can be quite frustrating at times.
  • AoEnwyr
    My Sorc (light armour/destro staff) walks through enemies, my Templar (Heavy Armour/ 2 Handed) not so much. I know it comes down to build to a degree but the difference is extremely pronounced.

    Class stuff aside, I'd say generally they are too easy. Pre nerf Doshia was the slayer of new alts, now she's just a darling :)
  • Esha76
    Regardless of toughness or how hard they hit, I'd rather see more complex mechanics. Such as the recent changes to certain npcs (such as trolls, watchers, wispmothers, deadroths, etc) are now immune to CC. Most enemy's attacks have become rather repetitious thus predictable. For example, you can easily anticipate something like a incoming heavy attack, power attack, block, etc pretty accurately. More combat variety, thus complexity and tactics, would make mobs more interesting.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
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    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
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  • Mettaricana
    i say other honestly i dont see why the answer for tougher enemies is stack on another 2k hp... i would rather see hp reduced and their damage upped by alot to add a bit of realism in the beginning enemies could take us out in 2-5 hits and we could do the same to them without skill spamming it felt more real to down someone in a few hits not 9 light attacks and 5 heavy and 4 skills to drop a barely clothed bandit... i'd rather see enemies health dropped by half and have their damage doubled to encourage a bit more skill for players to block and dodge and it would make stealth near insta kills more meaningful.

    and before the flaming starts i've reach vets etc trials etc so far all i see is enemies with enough health to wear cloth undies and take on 8 players in full blades and armor. few hits and a skill to drop a baddy rather than burning down a village and wrecking a country side to kill them.
  • zaria
    Content outside of group dungeons are easy.
    The old veteran content was too hard but was nerfed too much.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • seanvwolf
    Brandalf wrote: »
    seanvwolf wrote: »
    Brandalf wrote: »
    The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.

    Actually Doshia was difficult depending on your build, sometimes easy sometimes hard, but Gutstripper was always a piece of cake for me, no matter the build.

    Of course difficulty is going to vary by build, that's always the case. The point is they're much easier than they were in beta as a whole. Along with most of the game.

    I know that... What I'm saying is Gutstripper was always a piece of cake, even in beta.
  • Muizer
    I'd like to believe I've become a much better player, of course, but that doesn't account for all of it. So often I find myself expecting a challenge based on experiences from my first playthrough and being disappointed when it doesn't materialise. And I'm not even making any attempt to optimise the use of abilities. Instead I'm playing to evel all of them up. At the moment I can afford to have 9 out of 10 slots occupied with stamina abilities. I only change it for the world bosses.

    Having said that, I also noticed that I'm now always well ahead of the curve in terms of leveling. My non vet character is lvl 38 running through lvl 34 content and my veteran is LvL5 running through LvL 4 content. That too makes things a lot easier.

    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • kongkim
    I sid yes because its some build dependent. The worst thing they can do is make it harder so some people get stuck.
    Normal leveling has to be so all with what ever build thet wish to use can level up and do the "standard" content.
    Edited by kongkim on January 12, 2015 9:17AM
  • WhiskyBob
    Molag Bal is easier than a Wispmother.
  • Kartalin
    Mostly no, but sometimes yes.

    Now that I'm leveling my DK stuff seems way easier than when I started my NB at early access. But the bigger realization is that I didn't know what the heck I was doing back then.

    The only mobs that really grind my gears nowadays are liches. And swarms of wisps that I'm not prepared for.
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  • istateres
    I wish I had to THINK more. When's the last time a boss tried to CC you repeatedly? Or RESPONDED to your attack strategy by shifting theirs?

    Sure bosses can overwhelm you in numbers or special attacks, but you just bring friends.

  • Mjollnir_NL
    Almost everyone says no :-O
    I just it was just me who tought it was easy..and that i am such a good player ;-)
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