The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.
The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.
The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.
Actually Doshia was difficult depending on your build, sometimes easy sometimes hard, but Gutstripper was always a piece of cake for me, no matter the build.
The game hasn't held much challenge since beta. Anybody remember Doshia or gutstripper during the late 2013 beta sessions? That was great. Then they nerfed them all the way into the ground and now Doshia is lucky to even finish her transformation. Hell harvesters in general have been nerfed pretty hard.
Actually Doshia was difficult depending on your build, sometimes easy sometimes hard, but Gutstripper was always a piece of cake for me, no matter the build.
Of course difficulty is going to vary by build, that's always the case. The point is they're much easier than they were in beta as a whole. Along with most of the game.