thanks for the kind words all, hope to see more people trying different builds in general in cyro, perma block cast is the most "optimal" in most cases but it's not the only viable build and no way it's nearly as much fun as bouncing and charging all over the place with a hammer
Bumping this post/build because it sounds awesome and Whitestrake's is a very under appreciated set.
tinythinker wrote: »
@LegendaryMage yep that was me, i remember that duel going on for quite a while, was one of the most fun fights i've had!
my build is going to change a bit in 1.6 in a few key ways, i'll eventually post a 1.6 build when it evolves into something that seems worth sharing...
(1) since ulti gen requires light/heavy attacks, i will no longer be able to use steel tornado, flying blade, and siege engines to generate ulti in ranged combat... this means i'll be going full bowtato (2h/bow) in 1.6 giving out a lifetime supply of free poison
(2) the removal of soft caps, rebalancing of gear bonuses versus enchants, and weak nord stats mean i need to spec as much into stamina and stam regen as possible with my gear bonuses, so seducer is definitely out... i will likely continue to use whitestrake for survival, and try to grab some stamina from the darkstride set, or some regen from a 4th shadow walker piece, or a 2pc monster set... mundus will likely be the tower for max stamina
(3) changes to ability balance and mechanics has me looking at using brawler and wrecking blow on my 2h bar, replacing rally with vigor, wondering if ash cloud is still viable in 1.6 form, and figuring out whether unstable flame works as well in AvA as it does in duels
Come 1.6 I may rummage through my bank and try out a Stamina build on Crassus for a little while, I'd never go Stamina NB because they're boring and I'd prefer to go balls deep into a large blob of enemies and Sap Tank them until someone starts spamming heal debuffs on me. But I was thinking for Crassus.... Stick with the usual S&B gameplay with Two-handed on the offbar.[Bar One]:
- 2 Set Shadow Walker
- Rings: Enchanted with Weapon Damage
- 5 Set Twin Sisters
- Five Medium Armor: Enchanted with Stamina/Health
- 2 Set Bloodspawn
- One Light, One Heavy: Enchanted with Stamina/Health
- 3 Set Dominion's Potentate
- Sword, Shield, Necklace: Enchanted with Disease/Stamina/Reduce Cost of Stamina Abilities
Unstable Flame - Reverberating Bash - Burning Breath - Crippling Slash - Absorb Magic - Corrosive Armor
[Bar Two]:
Green Dragon's Blood - Critical Rush - Rally - Carve - Volatile Armor - Ice Comet
Edit: Will probably use Dual Wield instead of 2H, swap out Crit Rush with Flying Blade, Rally with Blood Craze, Carve with Deadly Cloak.
Basically wear down your opponent with a boat-load of DoTs and swap to 2H bar if you need to beat them senseless, was going to use the Dominion's Greatsword for it's absurdly overpowered armor reduction enchantment. So Reverberating Bash for the heal debuff, then Unstable Flame, Burning Breath, Twin Sisters, Volatile Armor, Carve, all DoTs, Absorb Magic up at all times for the nice burst heal it gives, Crippling Slash so they can't run away, and the additional ultimate gain, same reason for Carve, DoT and ultimate gain, Rally for HoT and GDB for actual heal, 2 Piece Bloodspawn for the Ultimate gain and stamina regeneration, Twin Sisters for DoT and stamina boosts. Dominion's Potentate for the reduced Ultimate cost and Stamina regeneration, Shadow Walker for the damage boost, might swap out the 2H on offbar for something else, definitely not Bow, not in a million years will I use a Bow, I won't stoop that low, maybe another Sword/Board, who knows
Come 1.6 I may rummage through my bank and try out a Stamina build on Crassus for a little while, I'd never go Stamina NB because they're boring and I'd prefer to go balls deep into a large blob of enemies and Sap Tank them until someone starts spamming heal debuffs on me. But I was thinking for Crassus.... Stick with the usual S&B gameplay with Two-handed on the offbar.[Bar One]:
- 2 Set Shadow Walker
- Rings: Enchanted with Weapon Damage
- 5 Set Twin Sisters
- Five Medium Armor: Enchanted with Stamina/Health
- 2 Set Bloodspawn
- One Light, One Heavy: Enchanted with Stamina/Health
- 3 Set Dominion's Potentate
- Sword, Shield, Necklace: Enchanted with Disease/Stamina/Reduce Cost of Stamina Abilities
Unstable Flame - Reverberating Bash - Burning Breath - Crippling Slash - Absorb Magic - Corrosive Armor
[Bar Two]:
Green Dragon's Blood - Critical Rush - Rally - Carve - Volatile Armor - Ice Comet
Edit: Will probably use Dual Wield instead of 2H, swap out Crit Rush with Flying Blade, Rally with Blood Craze, Carve with Deadly Cloak.
Basically wear down your opponent with a boat-load of DoTs and swap to 2H bar if you need to beat them senseless, was going to use the Dominion's Greatsword for it's absurdly overpowered armor reduction enchantment. So Reverberating Bash for the heal debuff, then Unstable Flame, Burning Breath, Twin Sisters, Volatile Armor, Carve, all DoTs, Absorb Magic up at all times for the nice burst heal it gives, Crippling Slash so they can't run away, and the additional ultimate gain, same reason for Carve, DoT and ultimate gain, Rally for HoT and GDB for actual heal, 2 Piece Bloodspawn for the Ultimate gain and stamina regeneration, Twin Sisters for DoT and stamina boosts. Dominion's Potentate for the reduced Ultimate cost and Stamina regeneration, Shadow Walker for the damage boost, might swap out the 2H on offbar for something else, definitely not Bow, not in a million years will I use a Bow, I won't stoop that low, maybe another Sword/Board, who knows
This is pretty close to what I'm looking at for DK in 1.6. Here is my variation:
4x Morag Tong
4x Hawk's Eye
2x BloodSpawn (or Valkyn Skoria if you have it)
The above armor sets give you 3x Stamina and 3x Weapon Dmg set bonuses, plus the gravy that is BloodSpawn. Probably The Tower for mundus -- The Warrior, of course, is a nice choice. I like the Tower for flexibility of having more stamina (also, 1280 Stamina isn't that much less damage than 140 weapon dmg).
Now your weapon choices are pretty free. You can go 2H/Bow easily if you have master's weapons (I don't). I like 1h/s + DW for the flexibility and surviveability in group play with the extra set bonus. Caltrops + Steel Tornado is a monster. You can also drop the Morag Tong Amulet and go for 3x Potentate. I haven't decided which is better.
Finally, your magicka dump should almost exclusively be from the Earthen Heart skill line for the 5% stamina return and Ultimate generation. When you have ~25k stamina, 5% is 1250! So that means Igneous Shield, Obsidian Shard, and/or Eruption. Flappity Flaps is still good, too. Finally, Vigor+Igneous is better (a monster heal, actually) than GDB b/c you can get the stamina regen bonus from potions as mentioned above.
EDIT: I am also considering vampire for the build. 10% stam and mag regen is nice -- Devouring Swarm is an excellent ultimate choice considering the changes to Standard of Might. And mist form is nice utility.
Xylena play on PTS with stamina build, this build for PTS(Outdated)Wait wut? stam build before 1.6?
Turtl3Lov3 wrote: »
haven't been playing much but here's a rundown of my 2.2 build...
armor - 5pcs hundings rage, 2pcs nights silence... all stam enchants, 6m/1h or 5m/1h/1l for undaunted 9 bonus... replace one of the nights silence with molag kena 1pc if you have it for extra dmg... infused trait on big pieces and impen on small pieces for pvp, or all impen for dedicated pvp
jewelry - 3pcs either agility or endurance, robust trait on all... wep dmg enchants on all
weps - 2h nights silence with precise trait and wep dmg enchant, dw daggers nights silence with precise trait and either wep dmg enchants or disease enchants
attributes - use blue health/stam max stat food, dump all attributes into stamina, warrior or serpent mundus depending on how much sustain you need
CP - red: split 40/40/40 into the resistances in the lady for defense and unchained passive, put the rest into quick recovery... green: split warlord for stam cost reduction and mooncalf for stam regen... blue: split blessed for healing buff and mighty for physical dmg buff
numbers - gonna vary based on your CP and race, but aim for at least 9k magic 24k pvp health 30k stam... health and magic regen don't matter, aim for at least 1.4k stam regen (you can get away with lower stam regen on dk thanks to the earthen heart passives)... wep dmg should be over 3k when buffed
2h skills - unstable flame, stampede, wrecking blow, igneous shield, forward momentum, take flight ultimate
dw skills - steel tornado, flying blade, blood craze, reflect, vigor, shifting standard or corrosive armor ultimate
do you play with this build? Are they good? Maybe Rally instead of Forward momentum?? Or vigor enought?