Another Housing Suggestion: A 3 Phase Release Plan

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We’ve all seen some of the wonderful housing ideas that have been prosed on this forum. They are thought out and complex systems that would add a rich dynamic to ESO. I figured I will offer my own thoughts to how housing could be accomplished in ESO, with a 3 phase plan.

Obviously, all of this is pure conjecture.

The implementation of a Housing system should first and foremost work within the confines of the lore and the world of Nirn. I do not believe open-world player-built housing makes sense for ESO. With one server and one world, if every player were allowed the freedom to build a house within Nirn we would be left with a landscape littered with huts that would just be an eyesore.

I also believe housing should be implemented in phases. We have seen this done with the Champion System and we are going to see this done with the Justice System so I think there is good chance this will be done with Housing as well. Below I have outlined my suggestion of a 3 phase release plan of a housing system.

The summary...

Phase 1: Allow purchase of pre-existing homes within city boarders.
Phase 2: Allow purchase of pre-existing homes in the wilderness that have material farms attached to them.
Phase 3: Allow the purchase of in-world instanced plots of land where players will construct their own homes.

OK now the details...

Phase 1: Pre-existing City Housing
First and foremost there should be, within ESO, the option to purchase/rent property within each of the stable and populated cities of ESO. It wouldn’t make much sense to settle down in Camlorn, but Daggerfall should have the option, a few in fact. From little one-room huts to large multi-room estates. Some cities might only have one choice for the player, some might have many, and some might have none.

The point is: there should be pre-built, instanced locations for players to buy, decorate and use as their own space in the cities of Tamriel. Every player would use the same door to access the space. If a player doesn’t own the space they are sent to a public instance of the space that includes a bulletin board with the option to buy the property.

I would personally prefer that the bulletin board offer a “quest” to the player to buy the house and the quest send the player to that particular town’s leader who then might give the player some tasks to perform for the town to prove they are worthy of being a citizen… but I recognize that might not be a popular concept.

Either way, the end result is the player having ownership of property in a town that they can make their own.

Phase 2: Pre-existing In-World Wilderness housing with material farms.
Wilderness housing would function similarly to the City Housing but would differ in a few ways. Purchasing the home may be a bit more difficult. Sometimes the homeowner may be in the house and might need some incentive to sell their home. Perhaps you rough them up a bit or make better arrangements for them in a nearby town, or track down their long lost lover so they want to leave. Perhaps these actions bring the asking price down a bit.

If the homeowner is not in or near the home, the player could receive a quest in the home, via a book or a note, which will take the player to the location of the Homeowner. In these instances the home may be overrun with creatures that the player will have to clear out in order to occupy the space.

The Incentive to these wilderness homes will be the “farming” aspect. Each home will be near a mine, a clearing, or will have a garden attached to the home.

The homes with mines will include a mine key, which the player receives upon purchasing the home. The player can then go into the mine and dig up Ore and Runes (for Blacksmithing and Enchanting). Mines could have multiple levels or areas that the player must work to reach. Perhaps there is an ore rich wall that must be mined many times in order to be broken down. Each of these mining sessions will yield ore, but not as much as an ore deposit. Additionally the wall could be mined a limited number of times a day depending on their rank in blacksmithing and/or Enchanting. Each new area would provide better ore and better runes and would allow the player to access the next ore wall to mine.

The clearings would operate similarly to the mine but perhaps it’s a scroll or an amulet that opens a magical door or portal to the clearing instead of a key. The clearing would be used to gather wood and reagents (for Woodworking and Alchemy). There should be a stream that runs through the clearing and multiple types of trees. Not every wood type is available in the clearing and the different tree types must be chopped down in order for the clearing to automatically yield better wood types. Each different type of tree could take a different amount of chops to activate. The same concept could be applied to aquifer springs around the clearing. The player could open aquifers that could allow the clearing to automatically yield better reagents for alchemy. These springs could also themselves yield different purities of water for the alchemic potions.

As for the gardens, which would be attached to the actual house, there should be a fence or wall around the garden that is high enough so that players cannot jump into the garden from the outside world. A gate should separate the garden from the main world since the garden would technically be part of the instanced home. Even so, they garden environment should reflect the day/night/weather of the zone to give the illusion of being “outside.” In these gardens, plants of the player’s choosing should be able to be grown. The plant types could be for either the provisioning or clothier line and players should be allowed to use a plant they currently have in their inventory to plant their crop. Let’s say the garden would have 10 rows of crops that can be planted. Each row must be tilled to increase that row’s production ability. While the row is being tilled, no crop can be planted. The higher the production ability of the row, the better the plant that can be cultivated.

It should take a very long time to bring each farming station to the next level of production. With daily limits to the activities a diligent player should be able to get to level 2/3/4/5 in 10/30/90/120 days respectively (this suggestion would have the player take total of 250 days to get their farm to max-yield).

There could also be regression tasks that, if not done regularly, could cause the farm to decrease in yield level. The mine could require reinforcements, the clearing could require the removal of leaves, and the garden could require pulling of weeds.

Phase 3: Player-Built Homes
At the third phase, areas around Tamriel would be opened to allow for players to create their own home in the zone of their choosing. Some of these inaccessible areas in each zone could be slightly reworked to have a load-screen-triggering pathway. Once through that path, the player would have their own little slice of Tamriel to do with that they will. These properties could include a myriad of environments from coastal property to forest alcoves, depending on the zone they are in. Just as the previous phases, players should enter a public instance of the property if they do not own the property with a bulletin board posting the sale of the plot of land.

The home building in ESO should do what it can to emulate the feeling of the Hearthfire home building found in Skyrim but should also fit within the design and mechanics of ESO. Like Hearthfire, the property should include a Drafting Table and a Workbench.

When accessing the Drafting table, the players view should pull out to a rotatable 3/4 bird’s eye view of the property with level selection. In total, there should be 5 levels available to the property. The default level for the ground should be the second level. The “ground” should be able to be changed to any level, depending on the particular home design.

Ultimately, a player should be able to create a 4 level mansion with a basement, a one level ranch with a 4 level basement, or any combination between. Initially, the player should only be able to build up to 4 levels with the 5th level being unlocked upon reaching the highest rank of the Architect skill. Once the player decides on a floor plan, they are given a list of the crafted items for the various rooms of the floor plan. When the player has all the appropriate pieces, they can create the different rooms through the drafting table. As in Hearthfire, each property should come with a starter kit that is located in a treasure chest next to the workbench.

A separate Homestead skill line could be added with different Style kits spread throughout Tamriel in the same manner as Recipes and Motifs. These Style kits could work much in the same way as the Motifs, allowing players to make their home in the style of the different cultures of Tamriel. Players should be able to, if they so desired, make a weird hodgepodge house of different styles. They could even use the same resources as the armor sets.

While I think it would be awesome for us to be able to forge the materials needed to make a home and furniture with the woodworking, blacksmithing and clothier skills, I don’t think that would be the best route for ESO custom player homes. Homebuilding in ESO shouldn’t directly involve Blacksmithing or carpentry. For the sake of the mechanics and economy of ESO it would be more useful to utilize the Player Home creation aspect of ESO as a gold sink and focus the skills on learning how to construct the different parts of the home rather than crafting the materials.
The following materials should be purchased from a merchant or found out in the world: Fittings, Locks, Hinges, Nails, Rods, Stone Bricks, Mortar, Masonry Clay, Clay Tile, Treated Planks, Treated Logs, Rope, Straw, Linen, Yarn, Pewter, Fluffed Cotton, etc. These items could be combined in various ways to construct all the items contained within the various skills.

Homestead Passive Skilltree
Architect: The main skill line for building the home. The player should begin at Architect Rank 1 by knowing how to construct Floors, Walls, Roofs, Doors, Windows, Stairs, and Banisters.
  • Rank 1: Ability to construct 1st floor rooms
  • Rank 2: Ability to construct 1st level basement
  • Rank 3: Ability to construct 2nd floor rooms
  • Rank 4: Ability to construct 2nd level basement
  • Rank 5: Ability to construct 3rd floor rooms
  • Rank 6: Ability to construct 3rd level basement
  • Rank 7: Ability to construct 4th floor rooms
  • Rank 9: Ability to construct 4th level basement
  • Rank 8: Ability to construct on a 5th level
Handyman Hireling:
  • Rank 1: Will receive mail once a day from the hireling with material
  • Rank 2: Will receive mail once a day from the hireling with more material
  • Rank 3: Will receive mail twice a day from the hireling with even more material
  • Rank 1: Ability to make freestanding walls, fences, barriers and reliefs
  • Rank 2: Ability to make Crafting, alchemy, enchanting, and dye stations
  • Rank 3: Ability to add areas for gardens, clearings, mines, a stable and a Wayshrine
  • Rank 1: Ability to plant trees, bushes, and dirt pathways
  • Rank 2: Ability to create waterways and ponds, and place rocks and boulders
  • Rank 3: Ability to deform the terrain
  • Rank 1: Ability to make pots, dishes, cups, silverware, bottles, candle holders, etc.
  • Rank 2: Ability to make curtains, rugs, pillows, room dividers, etc.
  • Rank 3: Ability to make instruments, fireplaces, fire pits, chandeliers, etc.
  • Rank 1: Ability to make Chairs, Tables, Desks, Bookshelves, Crates, etc.
  • Rank 2: Ability to make Benches, Beds, Dressers, Side tables, Cabinets, Chests, etc.
  • Rank 3: Ability to make Wardrobes, Corner Curios, Wine Racks, Bars, Weapon Racks, Armor Mannequins, etc.
To place items crafted by the Architect, Constructor, Landscaper, Homemaker, and Craftsman skills, the player should visit the Drafting table. When decorating, items should be affected by physics, gravity and collision when placed and should fall into their resting place realistically. The Havok Engine should be able to handle that part quite well. Items should be designated as “interior” or “exterior” items. Only the height of certain items should be considered. If a player wants to create a floorless room and plant some saplings while throwing a rug outside, so be it!

The inventory used to house the crafted items should be the players own inventory and bank, much in the same way other crafting is handled. Using the same inventory will allow these items to be sold in guild stores and traded among players.

Functional Furniture!
No matter the phase, all the furniture in the player homes needs to be functional. The first phase of housing could also be the first phase in a long plan to incrementally update ESO with functional chairs, benches, beds, hammocks, etc. ZOS should allow players to use functional furniture in their homes and, over time, replace the non-functional chairs across Tamriel with functional ones.

The functional furniture includes the ability to store items in furniture or container that would logically house items. Desks, Bookshelves, side tables, cabinets, etc. should all have storage space within them and should allow the player to store their items. These items should be locked away inside the house and should ONLY be accessible by revisiting the house. No magical cabinet-banks, please.

Building a house should be powerful and simple, but this type of system is a long ways off. This is why a multi-phase housing release is preferable. The phases could be released months, quarters, even years apart from one another. Having pre-existing homes would go a long way to satisfying a large fraction of the user base. Adding more functionality later by adding the farming wilderness homes would whet player appetite for more functionality and would, no doubt, lead to many players upgrading. Once the fully customizable homes are released you’ll have a mass of players rushing to make gold so they can afford to add that next room to the second floor of their home.

That’s once, twice, three times a goldsink. :wink:
Edited by Gidorick on January 7, 2015 3:20AM
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  • Gidorick
    I can't the only one that thinks this would be a boon to ESO! Anyone think this type of system isn't needed?

    I know housing has been discussed before, but I don't think a staggered release of progressively functional houses has been. People have said "Just give me a shack!"... which would actually be kind of funny.

    Mostly though, I'm just trying to talk about stuff other than the 1.6 update. :wink:
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  • Slurg
    Well it is a very long post; a lot of people probably didn't read it. A phased approach with multiple housing options at different price points and levels of commitment to acquire and expand the housing sounds very appropriate. It doesn't sound like ZOS is anywhere near making plans for housing though and even discussing something like what you suggest as Phase 1 (which would be good enough for a lot of people) is a long way off.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Gidorick
    Slurg wrote: »
    Well it is a very long post; a lot of people probably didn't read it. A phased approach with multiple housing options at different price points and levels of commitment to acquire and expand the housing sounds very appropriate. It doesn't sound like ZOS is anywhere near making plans for housing though and even discussing something like what you suggest as Phase 1 (which would be good enough for a lot of people) is a long way off.

    Yea. I added the little summary section for the TLDNRs.

    I was of the thought that it was too early to be talking about these sorts of things but then I figured we should get our input in as early as possible so the ideas are the during the planning stages.
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  • Aaron0887
    The issue I have with these kinds of instanced housing systems, despite the perks, is the segregation it creates in the player base. I've played several MMO's in the past (and recently) where it's gone to such an extent that the cities and towns in the world that used to flourish with player activity are now practically ghost towns.

    I'd like housing as an option but feel that the perks should be limited to things like storage space and not necessarily extend to perks for things like crafting. That would give players good reason to have to return to the non instanced areas and keep the open world alive.
  • dietlime
    Two ways just for vanity:

    1.) Everybody approaches the same exterior, and has a custom interior. Entering while in a party enter's the leader's house.

    2.) Usable item opens a temporary portal party can use, pocket dimension style. Pocket dimension houses have been popular in the TES mod scene since Oblivion.


    1.) Purchasable, serves as extended bank space. Less convenient to use, but a good place to stash stuff you don't often use - like sets you've collected that are out of date.

    Since you'd have to hit a load screen and possibly travel a short distance, putting 100 slots in there wouldn't hurt the game at large. Maybe portable homes have lower capacity.

    2.) Display racks. The game does have unique items, but we don't see them very often. An object you open that has one slot, you can mount weapons to. Homes should have whole rooms with a bunch of these. Mannequins for armor.

    3.) Crafting tables. Purchase to unlock.

    4.) Possibly some kind of NPC that can do... something for you. Something vampires can feed off of, for example.

    Those are the quintessential functions of an Elder Scrolls home. Anything else is fairly tertiary, and I get that you want this game to be like other MMO's or Animal Crossing, and that suits it well; but those things I listed are the things ESO must have if it has homes.
    Edited by dietlime on January 7, 2015 3:57PM
  • dietlime
    Tile editor style would be cool but is very demanding to develop.

    Simple modular static upgrades on 3-5 available home maps would be something I feel I could reasonably say to ZoS "you should get this in before your project ends."

    Also I forgot to mention but obviously these should accommodate RP players with functional furniture and possibly other vanity items, such as kegs that can be used, as the OP stated. Since the basic function is already in the game and it would be a non-combat instance where people could do things privately.

    I think it would serve the small and insular community this game has well. I know of a few other games that exist on basically just being chat rooms and privacy in that regard is a bullet point on their lists. Myself, I would really enjoy a show-room.

    -Off the wall idea: crafted sets that can only be crafted if you own a certain home.
    Edited by dietlime on January 7, 2015 4:02PM
  • MornaBaine
    I love these ideas. But ZOS doesn't even have player housing on their radar which p1$$e$ me off to no end. Right now I'd just be freaking thrilled to be able to have private empty instances of the existing houses and manors and castles that you could take a group into WITHOUT having to deal with other players constantly showing up to hassle you or add confusion.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Gidorick
    Oh I realize this would take a lot of effort and resources to develop. The difficulty of making an effective building system was the whole inspiration for a phased release. Letting us buy existing locations would be much easier to implement than fully customizable plots of land.
    Edited by Gidorick on January 8, 2015 2:50AM
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  • TheShadowScout
    Personally I would be happy with phase 1 of the suggestion... possibly reserving the "out of town homestead" for guild headquarters?

    The "completely design your own" idea is nifty too, though may take a bit too much effort to do right, I'd rather have more options in pre-existing housing of all sizes, and more choices in decorating these... on the other hand, who knows what time may bring, perhaps someday...
  • Beerbill
    I like most of the ideas but some points i don't agree, like housing being a gold sink or not using the actual professions in the game.

    I think that it could be a material sink (which will eventually lead to a gold sink but not making the other material items in the game feel useless). I believe housing should improve the game economy and bring usefulness to the other game aspects (such as crafting) that we already have.

    Also the most important aspect there is be able to customize your property. There are a lot of empty houses in game already that people could be living in but the fact that is not customizable make it feel like it don't belong to you, is just a asset left there.
  • Enodoc
    I just found this thread. Nice suggestions here! Regarding cultural styles, I like the idea of having to learn a new style to be able to build in it; using the existing motif books would work for that, since they talk about architecture in them as much as armour/weapon designs, but I can see why they may want to add in a new source for them.

    I would also like to see the Farming idea combined with the player-built homes; eg a plot of land in the forest would have the option to create a Clearing, a plot of land near a mountain would have the option for a Mine, and a plot of land in the open country would have the option for a Garden.
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  • Messy1
    This seems like a beautiful system and I endorse it. Also keep in mind my idea for portable housing
    Your system combined with my prtable housing system will equal awesome!!
  • Gidorick
    Enodoc wrote: »
    I would also like to see the Farming idea combined with the player-built homes; eg a plot of land in the forest would have the option to create a Clearing, a plot of land near a mountain would have the option for a Mine, and a plot of land in the open country would have the option for a Garden.

    Would others be able to see this plot of land? Would it be out in the open? If so, with thousands of players, how do you prevent the landscape from being inundated with homes?

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  • Enodoc
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Would others be able to see this plot of land? Would it be out in the open? If so, with thousands of players, how do you prevent the landscape from being inundated with homes?
    Not in this case; each would be in an instanced location removed from the main zone. For example: in Stonefalls or Rivenspire, a secluded mountain pass leads up to an open plateau; in Malabal Tor or Grahtwood, a path through dense trees leads to a clearing; in Alik'r, a track through the dunes leads to a small oasis; in Auridon, a boat at a jetty takes you to a small island; in Stormhaven or Glenumbra, a trail through the hills leads to a quiet valley.

    Alternatively, they could be entirely independent of the main zones, and be their own, self-contained instances. In this case, you would go to the Real Estate Office in your capital city to buy a plot of land, at which point you could choose the effective "geographical location" of your land so that it feels like it belongs in one of the zones:
    • Island: Auridon-style landscape
    • Moorland: Rivenspire-style landscape
    • Forest: Greenshade-style landscape
    • Desert: Alik'r-style landscape
    • Swampland: Shadowfen-style landscape
    • Lowlands: Stormhaven-style landscape
    • Mountain: Eastmarch-style landscape
    • Ashlands: Stonefalls-style landscape
    • Plains: Reaper's March-style landscape
    Once purchased, your Estate would be visitable via Wayshrine.
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  • Goldie
    I have actually found buildings that are not used in any quest in the game and are never visited. Each factions has 1 in their 3rd zone, and they are all nearly identical aside from location and building style.

    Some of us have speculated that these places may be our future "guild housing".
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar
  • Gidorick
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Not in this case; each would be in an instanced location removed from the main zone. For example: in Stonefalls or Rivenspire, a secluded mountain pass leads up to an open plateau; in Malabal Tor or Grahtwood, a path through dense trees leads to a clearing; in Alik'r, a track through the dunes leads to a small oasis; in Auridon, a boat at a jetty takes you to a small island; in Stormhaven or Glenumbra, a trail through the hills leads to a quiet valley.

    Perfect. This is exactly what I was envisioning with Phase 3 of the above plan.
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Alternatively, they could be entirely independent of the main zones, and be their own, self-contained instances. In this case, you would go to the Real Estate Office in your capital city to buy a plot of land, at which point you could choose the effective "geographical location" of your land so that it feels like it belongs in one of the zones:
    • Island: Auridon-style landscape
    • Moorland: Rivenspire-style landscape
    • Forest: Greenshade-style landscape
    • Desert: Alik'r-style landscape
    • Swampland: Shadowfen-style landscape
    • Lowlands: Stormhaven-style landscape
    • Mountain: Eastmarch-style landscape
    • Ashlands: Stonefalls-style landscape
    • Plains: Reaper's March-style landscape
    Once purchased, your Estate would be visitable via Wayshrine.

    I think this could be a good way to add locations without attaching them to the world. I think this idea would be more conducive to the Crown Store and since it wouldn't require "attaching"homes to zones it would be less work for ZOS.

    Still though... I'd love to be able to get to my home in game without wayshrines or menus.
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  • Gidorick
    Hey @ZOS how about you go ahead and release Phase 1 of this idea?
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Phase 1: Pre-existing City Housing
    First and foremost there should be, within ESO, the option to purchase/rent property within each of the stable and populated cities of ESO. It wouldn’t make much sense to settle down in Camlorn, but Daggerfall should have the option, a few in fact. From little one-room huts to large multi-room estates. Some cities might only have one choice for the player, some might have many, and some might have none.

    The point is: there should be pre-built, instanced locations for players to buy, decorate and use as their own space in the cities of Tamriel. Every player would use the same door to access the space. If a player doesn’t own the space they are sent to a public instance of the space that includes a bulletin board with the option to buy the property.

    I would personally prefer that the bulletin board offer a “quest” to the player to buy the house and the quest send the player to that particular town’s leader who then might give the player some tasks to perform for the town to prove they are worthy of being a citizen… but I recognize that might not be a popular concept.

    Either way, the end result is the player having ownership of property in a town that they can make their own.

    You could even release phase 1 in multiple parts:

    Housing Phase 1
    • Release 1: Instanced Player Housing that has a predetermined layout. Players cannot redecorate or use furniture.
    • Release 2: Instanced Player Housing that has multiple predetermined layouts. Players can change the layout but cannot redecorate or use furniture.
    • Release 3: Instanced Player Housing that has multiple predetermined layouts. Players can change the layout and can use furniture.
    • Release 4: Instanced Player Housing that has multiple predetermined layouts. Players can change the layout, can use furniture, and can completely redecorate.
    Edited by Gidorick on April 4, 2015 1:16AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • ShadowMage
    Great ideas and nicely thought out plan. Hopefully ZOS takes a peek and gets working on some of this.

    Just one thing I disagree with, though. I don't think that building a house (phase 3 of your plan) should be locked behind a skill line. I don't think everyone should be able to build a mansion from the start, but I don't like the idea of having to spend skill points to build a house. Maybe at high levels/vet ranks skill points aren't a big deal, but at lower levels, they are. Perhaps lock the house building skills behind quests/achievements instead?

    EDIT: Then again, if they do put house building behind a skill line, it would be a neat idea to allow players to build houses for other players, creating a new crafting profession.
    Edited by ShadowMage on April 13, 2015 3:51PM
    PC / NA
    Thenathra - Khajiit Stormblade (Sorcerer - Dual-wield Swords/Lightning Staff)

    Several alts I've created, but haven't leveled much yet:
    Norryne - Dunmer Paladin (Templar - Two-hand Hammer/One-hand Hammer & Shield)
    Demerwei - Argonian Shadowscale (Nightblade - Dual-wield Axes/Dual-wield Daggers)
    Gohrnag - Orc Elementalist (Dragon Knight - Frost Staff/Lightning Staff)
    Kerasha - Redguard Mystic (Templar - Flame Staff/Restoration Staff)
    Alawael - Bosmer Assassin (Nightblade - Bow/Two-hand Battleaxe)
    Hjerlm the Quiet - Nord Dragonguard (Dragon Knight - One-hand Sword & Shield/Two-hand Greatsword)
  • Gidorick
    Great ideas and nicely thought out plan. Hopefully ZOS takes a peek and gets working on some of this.

    Just one thing I disagree with, though. I don't think that building a house (phase 3 of your plan) should be locked behind a skill line. I don't think everyone should be able to build a mansion from the start, but I don't like the idea of having to spend skill points to build a house. Maybe at high levels/vet ranks skill points aren't a big deal, but at lower levels, they are. Perhaps lock the house building skills behind quests/achievements instead?

    EDIT: Then again, if they do put house building behind a skill line, it would be a neat idea to allow players to build houses for other players, creating a new crafting profession.

    Interesting idea about being able to build for other players. You could contract your skills out. Visit players plots of land and build their house for them. I hadn't even considered this application. Cool deal.

    But honestly, I'm not married to the Skill line approach. With the crown store it would most likely be a pay system, unfortunately.
    Edited by Gidorick on April 13, 2015 4:07PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • ShadowMage
    Gidorick wrote: »
    With the crown store it would most likely be a pay system, unfortunately.
    Sadly, you're probably right... Oh well, we can dream right?
    PC / NA
    Thenathra - Khajiit Stormblade (Sorcerer - Dual-wield Swords/Lightning Staff)

    Several alts I've created, but haven't leveled much yet:
    Norryne - Dunmer Paladin (Templar - Two-hand Hammer/One-hand Hammer & Shield)
    Demerwei - Argonian Shadowscale (Nightblade - Dual-wield Axes/Dual-wield Daggers)
    Gohrnag - Orc Elementalist (Dragon Knight - Frost Staff/Lightning Staff)
    Kerasha - Redguard Mystic (Templar - Flame Staff/Restoration Staff)
    Alawael - Bosmer Assassin (Nightblade - Bow/Two-hand Battleaxe)
    Hjerlm the Quiet - Nord Dragonguard (Dragon Knight - One-hand Sword & Shield/Two-hand Greatsword)
  • Zhoyzu
    I like the idea, i just hope you can explain to me where ill find the skill points for the "housing"skill line you have come up with. adding skills lines without increasing skill points is bad (unless any one of my characters can enter an account wide house).
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Zhoyzu
    Also one thing i do in TES games is collect books. Idk why but i do. Having a library is very important to me and would like that my bookshelves are filled with all the lore books ive collected. (and not all purple, maybe color code them and shuffle across the book cases).
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • ChampionSheWolf
    I would prefer a housing system that is just phased in the world proper for your faction and a spot in particular areas in the world. I know the spot I would particularly like, but since Westmarch is yet to be implemented, it's not there. With phasing tech as it is, having limited housing space just doesn't make much over all sense anymore. I would hope they have a construction system of some kind, and at least allow us to customize the look of it in some sense. I love my riverside home in Skyrim, and would love to build something like it here in TESO, after all.

    And of course I would expect to pay. A housing system would require a huge investment of man hours, resources and development just to get it working in this game, especially to try and meet expectations potentially based on just what Skyrim's Hearthfire delivered.
    Harbinger of The Black Wolves.
    Member of Grindstone.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Tyra Ravenheim - Templar (newly rerolled)
  • Gidorick
    Sadly, you're probably right... Oh well, we can dream right?

    That's all we l have right now. Lol. .

    But seriously, the 3 stage plan is what I'm truly hoping for. This would mean we get SOME form of housing sonner.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Jando
    IMHO, housing isn't worth the Dev time. I want new content, new zones, new stories, new dungeons, new raids, new pvp, new services: barbershop, race/class change, PC Controller Support, etc. and a functioning LFG tool...then..yes, housing would be nice.
    Dear ZoS - Sell us great content at a reasonable price. Stop the Grind!!
  • ShadowMage
    Zhoyzu wrote: »
    Also one thing i do in TES games is collect books. Idk why but i do. Having a library is very important to me and would like that my bookshelves are filled with all the lore books ive collected. (and not all purple, maybe color code them and shuffle across the book cases).
    Yes! Me too. Every bookshelf in every house I purchased in Skyrim was filled with random books I picked up and/or stole. Including spell tomes.
    PC / NA
    Thenathra - Khajiit Stormblade (Sorcerer - Dual-wield Swords/Lightning Staff)

    Several alts I've created, but haven't leveled much yet:
    Norryne - Dunmer Paladin (Templar - Two-hand Hammer/One-hand Hammer & Shield)
    Demerwei - Argonian Shadowscale (Nightblade - Dual-wield Axes/Dual-wield Daggers)
    Gohrnag - Orc Elementalist (Dragon Knight - Frost Staff/Lightning Staff)
    Kerasha - Redguard Mystic (Templar - Flame Staff/Restoration Staff)
    Alawael - Bosmer Assassin (Nightblade - Bow/Two-hand Battleaxe)
    Hjerlm the Quiet - Nord Dragonguard (Dragon Knight - One-hand Sword & Shield/Two-hand Greatsword)
  • Gidorick
    Zhoyzu wrote: »
    I like the idea, i just hope you can explain to me where ill find the skill points for the "housing"skill line you have come up with. adding skills lines without increasing skill points is bad (unless any one of my characters can enter an account wide house).

    I would assume more skyshards are added with the upcoming DLC... I mean, Craglorn has skyshards, right?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Sir_Xalvador
    i agree with player housing maybe not built off your skill points just spending gold or doing quests in my opinion skill points are hard to come by unless you make a new set of skill just for player housing here would be an awesome start
    complete with crafting areas for all crafts and storage etc...and a place to display all your armor and weapons that you want too...


  • Xandryah
    probably i agree with you on most of what you have suggested..

    i don't believe housing is a difficult thing to implement in the game..

    in swtor housing is an instanced zone, that is embedded in a certain area/planet.

    this could be done in ESO too, instanced housing on an island/underwater-world/mountains/ice-cave/lava-cave/on the trees

    the entrance to the house should be at some border-zone where the player usually can't move further (steep mountains, sea in general)

    also there should be a direct way to enter the house (wayshrine or so...)

    also, for those who would like to have a house in a civil area , a city or village... a brand new zone could be introduced with a big city (i hoped IC but it won't happen) it could be vivec maybe or some other city or a brand new city which we don't know

    and that city would have a instanced area where you would enter inside your house...if you know what i mean...

    it would not be so hard to implement, i truly believe...
  • ahampelb14_ESO
    awesome post - I've love to see housing
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