I have a good feeling about 1.6 as well. Hopefully it sees the end of all these ridiculous perma block shield builds and diversifies the builds players use.
Q: Is block casting still going to be possible?
Yeah, block was definitely something we talked about changing, we had a lot of really good ideas for changing it, but there’s so much stuff that went into this it’s something we didn’t have time for. It’s still on our radar and it’s something we plan to address in the future, but we wanted to focus on adding these specific features first.
It was pretty cool, I WANT to comment on your use of the resto staff... but I suck compared to you, so I can't really tell you how to play or anything:)
its a negative comment, I have recently developed a general dislike of resto stave users due to the fact resto staff heavy attacks can no longer be interrupted.
its a negative comment, I have recently developed a general dislike of resto stave users due to the fact resto staff heavy attacks can no longer be interrupted.
it's ok though. I can make an exception here:) and again you are far better than me, I have no right to pass any kind of negative judgment on you.
If you want me to make a constructive comment, I would advise just sticking with invasion/shield charge for your gap closer. Ambush, despite what countless other NBs may tell you, IS NOT an effective gap closer. Trust me, you will be far better off if you only use it for stealth openers. I don't care what Krim and whatever other NB master may tell you, ambush is not good for pure gap closing. Heck it is almost useless against venom arrow spammers, as it is interruptible.
You use a shield with your NB build. so, for gap closing, you will be better off sticking with shield charge for your gap closer. You will have to use stamina with your magicka build, true, but trust me, you will be better off for it.
As far i can see you don´t got a siphon ability on your mainbar, so you don´t got the 8% Magicka Boost.
Well you basicly run the same skills like me, but i changed VoB with Soul Tether.
I run Cripple, Incapacitating Strike on my second bar and Soul tether on my first bar, its fine.
Anyway you´re already on the softcap, if you don´t want to swap bars for incapacitating strike or if you need vob, its ok too.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
As far i can see you don´t got a siphon ability on your mainbar, so you don´t got the 8% Magicka Boost.
Well you basicly run the same skills like me, but i changed VoB with Soul Tether.
I run Cripple, Incapacitating Strike on my second bar and Soul tether on my first bar, its fine.
Anyway you´re already on the softcap, if you don´t want to swap bars for incapacitating strike or if you need vob, its ok too.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Thanks! I'm still iffy about my NB bar set ups. So I'm going back and forth with things. I think having soul tether on the first bar is a better idea. Thanks for your input!
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »Sypher what sets do you use on your Nightblade by the way?
Princess_Asgari wrote: »As far i can see you don´t got a siphon ability on your mainbar, so you don´t got the 8% Magicka Boost.
Well you basicly run the same skills like me, but i changed VoB with Soul Tether.
I run Cripple, Incapacitating Strike on my second bar and Soul tether on my first bar, its fine.
Anyway you´re already on the softcap, if you don´t want to swap bars for incapacitating strike or if you need vob, its ok too.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Thanks! I'm still iffy about my NB bar set ups. So I'm going back and forth with things. I think having soul tether on the first bar is a better idea. Thanks for your input!
The ulti i use the most is always on my bar i use the most. But when i hop on my NB its hard to decide which to go with. Since most of the killing happens on bar 1 I usually ran with incapacitating strike on it and soul tether on my second bar which was resto.
Playing NB is nothing like being on my Sorc or DK, and because of it my NBs bars are totally different than how my sorc and DK are because NB's have to rely on swapping bars more than other classes and if you cant swap bars its game over.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Princess_Asgari wrote: »As far i can see you don´t got a siphon ability on your mainbar, so you don´t got the 8% Magicka Boost.
Well you basicly run the same skills like me, but i changed VoB with Soul Tether.
I run Cripple, Incapacitating Strike on my second bar and Soul tether on my first bar, its fine.
Anyway you´re already on the softcap, if you don´t want to swap bars for incapacitating strike or if you need vob, its ok too.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Thanks! I'm still iffy about my NB bar set ups. So I'm going back and forth with things. I think having soul tether on the first bar is a better idea. Thanks for your input!
The ulti i use the most is always on my bar i use the most. But when i hop on my NB its hard to decide which to go with. Since most of the killing happens on bar 1 I usually ran with incapacitating strike on it and soul tether on my second bar which was resto.
Playing NB is nothing like being on my Sorc or DK, and because of it my NBs bars are totally different than how my sorc and DK are because NB's have to rely on swapping bars more than other classes and if you cant swap bars its game over.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »As far i can see you don´t got a siphon ability on your mainbar, so you don´t got the 8% Magicka Boost.
Well you basicly run the same skills like me, but i changed VoB with Soul Tether.
I run Cripple, Incapacitating Strike on my second bar and Soul tether on my first bar, its fine.
Anyway you´re already on the softcap, if you don´t want to swap bars for incapacitating strike or if you need vob, its ok too.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Thanks! I'm still iffy about my NB bar set ups. So I'm going back and forth with things. I think having soul tether on the first bar is a better idea. Thanks for your input!
The ulti i use the most is always on my bar i use the most. But when i hop on my NB its hard to decide which to go with. Since most of the killing happens on bar 1 I usually ran with incapacitating strike on it and soul tether on my second bar which was resto.
Playing NB is nothing like being on my Sorc or DK, and because of it my NBs bars are totally different than how my sorc and DK are because NB's have to rely on swapping bars more than other classes and if you cant swap bars its game over.
Talking about alot of weapon swapping, do you or anyone have any idea if you can still hold block while swapping your weapon? I have this feeling that I get cc'd alot because people use stuns anytime I weapon swap, which I do alot obviously as a DK.
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Oh and speaking of animation cancelling. I think I might have pulled off the most flawless animation cancel for this NB ever...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ADelziHVQM
Nice animation cancel btw, looks good
Oh and speaking of animation cancelling. I think I might have pulled off the most flawless animation cancel for this NB ever...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ADelziHVQM
Ambush, Ult, Bash, looks so epic
Btw try the second skill in S&B for Duels, it stack with Shadow Image.
As non-vamp i reduce the dmg by DK whips to nearly 230 as example.
Its compareable to Mutagen, but i like the extra slow and the possibility to hit 3 Enemys at the same time with the S&B Skill.
If you reduce the enemy standard spamskill with a dmg of ~500-550 you´re at around 80 DMG reduction, on 3 Enemys its already 240. (if they attack you all the time)
Mutagen/Rapid Reg heals every 1,x Seconds for ~90-110 (depends on Weapondmg) so i think its worth it
Well it depends on the actual situation but to see ~400 Dmg Shards is actually rly funny.
Btw try the second skill in S&B for Duels, it stack with Shadow Image.
As non-vamp i reduce the dmg by DK whips to nearly 230 as example.
Btw try the second skill in S&B for Duels, it stack with Shadow Image.
As non-vamp i reduce the dmg by DK whips to nearly 230 as example.
Does low slash special effect (damage reduction) get applied even if the target blocks the attack? Because the old crippling slash did not root target when blocked, not does blood craze from DW add any bleed when blocked...
AltusVenifus wrote: »Where do you find these guys that don't instantly break your fear... hilarious that you found 3 in a row...
AltusVenifus wrote: »Where do you find these guys that don't instantly break your fear... hilarious that you found 3 in a row...