Thank you everyone for the 2+years of fun! Sadly More Than Fair has disbanded. Sadly I do not have time to run a guild any longer due to work commitments, and though we did try to shift leadership in the end we could not find a suitable arrangement.
Thank you, thank you thank you all! And I will see you all in game when I get the chance to play 
Hi everyone!
If you are looking for an active established guild where everyone is equal join us at More Than Fair. Please read the article below and for an invite please pm me in game or shoot me a mail
@ashlee17 - Due to high demand and limited placements we currently do have a 7 day inactivity kick policy for More Than Fair, but if you are less active you can join our sister guild More Than Fair Fighters.
Who Are We?
More Than Fair is a guild formed on Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) populating the North American Sever.
We are a 480+ strong guild with helpful and active members where everyone is equal. At this time we are a predominantly Ebonheart Pact guild but we welcome players of all alliances.
What Type of Guild Are We?
We'd like to think of ourselves as a Home guild. Imagine the members of this guild as your family and the guild itself is your family's home. We strive for it to be somewhere everyone can feel right at home, doing whatever interests them in the game at any given time.
More Than Fair is a place where-
You can bring your friends to hang out.
You can make new friends.
You can ask questions about the game.
You can PvP, PvE, Level. Roleplay, Trade or Craft.
You can use us organize in-game events!
This is a home where all are welcome! (as long as the House Rules are followed)
We strive to become you new HOME guild!
What can we offer you?
We have a active membership - secure prime trader locations on a regular basis- have a teamspeak 3 server- facebook page and website to share your adventures in tamriel. We have guild run events, but also provide encouragement and support to help you plan your own! All can invite - all can use guild bank and all are welcome!
What are the House Rules?
The House Rules are guidelines we've established so we can all play together harmoniously. They're mostly “common sense” but just to avoid any confusion, we thought we'd better write them down.
Come and enjoy being in our home!
Make the most of your time here with us! Invite others to join you in questing, PvPing or doing whatever it is that you enjoy. Feel free to invite new people to join us too! Sell your wares in our guild store and in our guild chat! Get on the TeamSpeak sever and chat! (details are on the home tab in-game). Take the opportunity to say, "Hi" and encourage others on their adventures in Tamriel. Come to our guild meetings if you'd like and feel free to organize (or help to organize) guild events! This is your guild and it is what you make it!
Think about the others who are at home!
Many different people call our guild home. When you're on our TeamSpeak sever or guild chat, you may not know if the people you're playing with are 9 or 90 or if they've had their own unique life experiences and sensitivities, so try to keep that in mind when interacting with others. Race, Religion and Controversial real world topics in guild chat are strongly discouraged. Offensive language is also a no no. Please save those discussions for private messages or private TS channels. If you have a dispute with another guild member, please follow our dispute resolution guide lines that are also posted our web site.
Help out around the house!
Be a great houseguest! Don’t you just love it when you get home and find that someone else has done the dishes! It’s the best! As a member of our guildie family, please try to do your part to help the guild -- whether you play a few hours per week or ten hours a day, there are many opportunities to help out! From answering a newbie’s question, participating in guild raffles or becoming a moderator and having regular guild responsibilities, please share the load, so people don’t get burnt out. It helps to keep the guild strong and the house in order!
Well that’s all from us for now! Please wipe your feet, put the kettle on and make yourself a coffee -- Welcome Home
Check out our facebook for more information:
Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me
@ashlee17 in game for an invite.
Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
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