This. Sorry OP I have no sympathy for you. It cost me well over 300K worth of mats to get Enchanting to even 40+ for 9/9 Potency within ~6 weeks of launch. That was with farming myself for the Runes, my Enchanting buddy doing the same, both of us having multiple Enchanting Hirelings of at least 1/3 and tons of Gold buying decon glyphs + Potency + Aspect runes. Enchanting right now is the 3rd easiest to level, behind Provisioning and Alchemy. In fact, going solely based of IP gain from crafting/decon via a Crafting buddy, Blacksmithing is the slowest to level now.Ourorboros wrote: »LOL, have to laugh a bit at this thread since I leveled to 50 before they made it easier. This used to be a frequent forum rant. Do a search and you should find a wealth of helpful tips, though @AlexDougherty gave you pretty much all you need.
Trust me all of us that leveled it before they nerfed it HATED doing so and complained on the forums constantly. Now, Enchanting is considered very easy, in comparison.Who even has 300k? Wtf. It's like, because it use to be a nightmare, it's fine now. There's nothing in between good and bad. It makes a difference to me when I still have to spend more than half my gold because l don't have someone to swap glyphs and exploit with.
If you have the gold. I didn't know it gets easier though. Something to look forward to now.
I also remember being able to buy 100 potency runes for pretty cheap. Now they are all incredibly expensive. So they might have increased the experience, but they needed the drops. It's still pretty expensive.
I'm obviously going to do the grind. I still can say it sucks. Did I even ask for advise? I know how to level up enchanting. It's just a pain in the ass.
I never said it was impossible. My thread claims that it really sucks. It's hard enough finding a group for group dungeons. Finding a friend for this?.
AlexDougherty wrote: »
Which is why several of us have said level up an alt for enchanting.
- You create the glyphs.
- Bung them in the bank.
- Log out and bank in to the other character
- Deconstruct the glyphs.
- Go back to step one with the second charcter (so you end up deconstructing with the first glyph)
You can get an awful lot of XP this way, especially if you are using Kuta, I have on ocassion gone through these steps FIVE times with a single Kuta rune, which means I get the XP for constructing and deconstructing five times (that's a lot of crafting XP), but you really do need skill points in extraction for that to happen.
I am now at level 32 after painfully spending a lot of gold on custom high level glyphs to deconstruct. It might be easier now, but it is still very expensive.