i am having the same issue.... I played most of day December 23 with no issue. starting yesterday, I am averaging about 5min of game play before I crash to login screen. sometimes I can log back in, normally I have to exit and restart patcher. I have visited many websites with fixes, nothing has worked thus far. I have reinstalled my drivers, I have reinstalled game, I have run the repair tool, nothing has fixed this. I have run as admin, I have changed compatibility to svc pack 3, still nothing is working. I turn off my virus scan, I have opened ports, I have chanted and burned candles, my dog is looking at me scared as I the next step is some sacrifice to the computer gods.
not sure what to do next.
Seriously have you tried monitoring memory usage? 4G RAM means Windows takes about 1/2 that for OS leaving 2G for the game. Try running Cleanmem as a task to deallocate memory that the game has allocated but is not using.
Delete shader cache cooked file and usersettings.txt in Live directory and let them respawn.
Prefer maximum power in NVidia Control Panel global profile and ESO.exe profile. Add profiles for dwm.exe and explorer.exe and set them prefer max power.
PCI-e link state power control disabled in Windows power settings.
CPU max power in Windows power settings.
Disable all sleep.
Unpark your CPU cores. Google how to do this.
Use Process Lasso software to mitigate ESO's unoptimized multithreading. Use game mode for the ESO.exe process. Google this for details.
Disable CPU stepping and power savings in bios. Use S1 instead of S3.
Only install NVidia driver and Physx. Do not install GeForce experience or shadow play.
Make sure you are running no more than one overlay or just turn them all off. Afterburner, Precision X, Steam, FRAPS, Dxtory, Razer, etc. They can interfere with each other.
Disable all addons just to test.