I'll just leave this here...

xaraan wrote: »

5. Last, it's just fair. Someone that plays more and gets more xp should be ahead. (Guys that are v14 have earned millions of xp already). Games should be fun right? Everyone says that's the most important thing... Well, when games are not fair and the rules change half way through - that often isn't fair. They don't tell the winning team at half time they are losing half their points to make the game more competitive and I doubt they would be happy if they did. They don't tell the #1 team in a division their scores are worth half as much now so the rest of the division can catch up, even though the "largest demographic" of players in the sport will be players not on the #1 team.

These are all games, games have rules to be fair because nothing is fun about playing in a game that isn't fair. The simple truth is, they can at least find a middle ground to be fair to the players that play alot and not leave the ones that don't in the dust without completely screwing them over and leaving them feeling like they've wasted a lot of time playing this game.

@ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_PaulSage‌

This man speaks truth.

Maybe we should all decide that everyone that works at ZOS gets the same paycheck next month, regardless of time spent in the office, responsibility, or skill level required for the job?

@ZOS_PaulSage‌, how would you like it if Rob Altman decided that your christmas paycheck is the same as the Janitor's paycheck?

That would only be fair, right? He deserves a chance to catch up to you, regardless of all the skill, time and effort you spent getting to where you are.
  • Gyudan
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    the same as the Janitor's paycheck?

    Do you mean this janitor?


    I agree with everything stated above of course. :)
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I'm not actually happy to see a solution that mistreats long time players, but it's very clear that the game was released in an unfinished state, with rules that simply don't work. Therefore, the rules need to change, and there is probably no way of changing them without upsetting some people.

    There is a minority of players who have found a way to dominate with the current rules, and who want to keep that advantage. Those people will not be happy with any change, and there is no way of pleasing them. However, how important are they to the long term survival of the game? I would even go as far as saying that chasing from the game some of the more obvious exploiters of broken rules might actually contribute to keeping more of the "common rabble" by not making them feel vastly inferior and hopelessly behind in some kind of race, and let's face it, the bulk of the income for ZOS is from common rabble, not from hardcore theorycrafters and "elite" players.

    No, I don't think treating everyone exactly the same is not a good solution, and I hope for something better when this goes live, but we'll see how it plays out. We're still only seeing the interim stages on the uneven and winding road to the new Tamriel world order, and while the road ahead is unknown, I certainly don't want the game to stay where it is. It's in a bad place right now, and it needs to get out of it soon.

    I have found several ways to enjoy the game with the current rules, even with all the bugs and imbalances in the early months, and it's pretty likely that I will find ways to enjoy it under the new rules.

    In the spirit of the season, let's all wish for this to be resolved in a satisfactory manner.
  • Kraen
    xaraan wrote: »

    5. Last, it's just fair. Someone that plays more and gets more xp should be ahead. (Guys that are v14 have earned millions of xp already). Games should be fun right? Everyone says that's the most important thing... Well, when games are not fair and the rules change half way through - that often isn't fair. They don't tell the winning team at half time they are losing half their points to make the game more competitive and I doubt they would be happy if they did. They don't tell the #1 team in a division their scores are worth half as much now so the rest of the division can catch up, even though the "largest demographic" of players in the sport will be players not on the #1 team.

    These are all games, games have rules to be fair because nothing is fun about playing in a game that isn't fair. The simple truth is, they can at least find a middle ground to be fair to the players that play alot and not leave the ones that don't in the dust without completely screwing them over and leaving them feeling like they've wasted a lot of time playing this game.

    Edited by Kraen on December 24, 2014 12:33PM
    Finneas of Baby Face Bananas
    Free to Play? No, thx.
  • Winnower
    Maybe they can take this opportunity to do a "ladder reset", reset the servers, and let everyone make all new toons. . .

    Then we all get a fresh start and will be "equal" (whatever that means).
    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
  • Razzak
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »

    5. Last, it's just fair. Someone that plays more and gets more xp should be ahead. (Guys that are v14 have earned millions of xp already). Games should be fun right? Everyone says that's the most important thing... Well, when games are not fair and the rules change half way through - that often isn't fair. They don't tell the winning team at half time they are losing half their points to make the game more competitive and I doubt they would be happy if they did. They don't tell the #1 team in a division their scores are worth half as much now so the rest of the division can catch up, even though the "largest demographic" of players in the sport will be players not on the #1 team.

    These are all games, games have rules to be fair because nothing is fun about playing in a game that isn't fair. The simple truth is, they can at least find a middle ground to be fair to the players that play alot and not leave the ones that don't in the dust without completely screwing them over and leaving them feeling like they've wasted a lot of time playing this game.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_PaulSage‌

    This man speaks truth.

    Maybe we should all decide that everyone that works at ZOS gets the same paycheck next month, regardless of time spent in the office, responsibility, or skill level required for the job?

    @ZOS_PaulSage‌, how would you like it if Rob Altman decided that your christmas paycheck is the same as the Janitor's paycheck?

    That would only be fair, right? He deserves a chance to catch up to you, regardless of all the skill, time and effort you spent getting to where you are.

  • pppontus
  • Vlakna
    I now understand all the whining. So u ppl are crying because with this new system. You will have the same amount of CP as a VR1. You dont find that to be correct. You want to be more powerful because you play more time than others. I thought you are suppose to be good skill wise. Not because you spend more time playing the game. Well at least you help me understand your point of view. Thank you.
  • Ethona
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »

    5. Last, it's just fair. Someone that plays more and gets more xp should be ahead. (Guys that are v14 have earned millions of xp already). Games should be fun right? Everyone says that's the most important thing... Well, when games are not fair and the rules change half way through - that often isn't fair. They don't tell the winning team at half time they are losing half their points to make the game more competitive and I doubt they would be happy if they did. They don't tell the #1 team in a division their scores are worth half as much now so the rest of the division can catch up, even though the "largest demographic" of players in the sport will be players not on the #1 team.

    These are all games, games have rules to be fair because nothing is fun about playing in a game that isn't fair. The simple truth is, they can at least find a middle ground to be fair to the players that play alot and not leave the ones that don't in the dust without completely screwing them over and leaving them feeling like they've wasted a lot of time playing this game.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_PaulSage‌

    This man speaks truth.

    Maybe we should all decide that everyone that works at ZOS gets the same paycheck next month, regardless of time spent in the office, responsibility, or skill level required for the job?

    @ZOS_PaulSage‌, how would you like it if Rob Altman decided that your christmas paycheck is the same as the Janitor's paycheck?

    That would only be fair, right? He deserves a chance to catch up to you, regardless of all the skill, time and effort you spent getting to where you are.

    This post is worth a 1000 wins! I agree!
  • Elsonso
    Uh. I am not even sure if @ZOS_PaulSage‌ even works for ZOS anymore. In any case, mentioning him in a thread probably has zero impact. He has not signed on to his account since May and I am sure he has ALL of the notifications turned off. I would, if I had people like Jessica and Gina writing summaries for me.

    As for whether Sage is in any danger of getting paid the same as Bob the Janitor, I would suggest that a portion of his earnings depends on how financially successful ESO turns out to be. So, yeah, Robert Altman could take money from him.
    Edited by Elsonso on December 24, 2014 3:18PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • tinythinker
    Vlakna wrote: »
    I now understand all the whining.
    I thought most of them were upset that they were told that they would be rewarded by ZOS for continuing to earn XP to count toward the championship system after level cap and then finding out they wouldn't. A few also seemed upset that they had already done most or all of the alliance quests and didn't have that option for gaining XP. That's what I've mostly been seeing, anyway.
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Pmarsico9
    I would care if I didn't enjoy playing the game. But I do. So I don't care. It's that simple. I quested every zone completely, I found every skyshard. I ran every dungeon at the levels they were intended. I PVP'd (until Snipe ruined it with persistent 2 shot dead Templar.) And aside from PVP, I love every aspect of this game. I don't care if I have to "level" some more. There should be a cap on the Champion points.
  • Heishi
    This is pretty much what I hear:

    Got to endgame and did all the things got all the skill points nothing left to do.

    Then ZOS says everyone's gonna get 30CP.

    Lots of this.

    Now I haven't heard anything on any of the threads I've read about this, confirming that everyone if just getting 30CP regardless of XP. One thread brings the point they stated previously that they are tracking XP even past VR14. It was before the 30CP was brought up.. but everyone seems to jump instantly to panic rage.

    I've not seen anything which would suggest they aren't intending to have everyone with at least a VR1 get 30CP then the addition experience added on after that. Wouldn't that make a little more sense? VR1 gets 30, VR14 gets 30 plus say another 30 (not a confirmed number just going off the implied 1CP/hr and 30hrs to get from VR1 to VR14) for XP already put in.
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Heishi
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • pppontus
    Heishi wrote: »
    This is pretty much what I hear:

    Got to endgame and did all the things got all the skill points nothing left to do.

    Then ZOS says everyone's gonna get 30CP.

    Lots of this.

    Now I haven't heard anything on any of the threads I've read about this, confirming that everyone if just getting 30CP regardless of XP. One thread brings the point they stated previously that they are tracking XP even past VR14. It was before the 30CP was brought up.. but everyone seems to jump instantly to panic rage.

    I've not seen anything which would suggest they aren't intending to have everyone with at least a VR1 get 30CP then the addition experience added on after that. Wouldn't that make a little more sense? VR1 gets 30, VR14 gets 30 plus say another 30 (not a confirmed number just going off the implied 1CP/hr and 30hrs to get from VR1 to VR14) for XP already put in.

    I despise everyone who keeps saying that people rush to endgame and say there is nothing to do. No one ever said that. You know what? That's not it. I played to endgame and there's plenty to do for now, I just want to continue doing that. I don't want to *** grind more.

    And to your second point, they have clearly stated that there will be no additional points given to anyone. Read before you speak, ffs.
  • Heishi
    pppontus wrote: »
    Heishi wrote: »
    This is pretty much what I hear:

    Got to endgame and did all the things got all the skill points nothing left to do.

    Then ZOS says everyone's gonna get 30CP.

    Lots of this.

    Now I haven't heard anything on any of the threads I've read about this, confirming that everyone if just getting 30CP regardless of XP. One thread brings the point they stated previously that they are tracking XP even past VR14. It was before the 30CP was brought up.. but everyone seems to jump instantly to panic rage.

    I've not seen anything which would suggest they aren't intending to have everyone with at least a VR1 get 30CP then the addition experience added on after that. Wouldn't that make a little more sense? VR1 gets 30, VR14 gets 30 plus say another 30 (not a confirmed number just going off the implied 1CP/hr and 30hrs to get from VR1 to VR14) for XP already put in.

    I despise everyone who keeps saying that people rush to endgame and say there is nothing to do. No one ever said that. You know what? That's not it. I played to endgame and there's plenty to do for now, I just want to continue doing that. I don't want to *** grind more.

    And to your second point, they have clearly stated that there will be no additional points given to anyone. Read before you speak, ffs.

    I clarified in my post right after that I had just read they updated their explanation.

    My presumed implication that people rush to end game and my mutually exclusive comment that people say they are bored and don't have enough to do are merely observations, not my opinion or making things up.

    I didn't actually state anyone rushed to end game. But it does happen, always, in every mmo ever. Someone who spent say the last year getting to VR14 may claim they are bored and have nothing to do, but obviously didn't rush.

    Regardless of rushing to end game or not, there have been plenty of people who claim boredom. More precisely the number of people who claim they've got all the skyshards, done all the quests/dungeons/ect and they need more content(again, regardless of the amount of time taken to complete said feat).
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Gilvoth
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »

    5. Last, it's just fair. Someone that plays more and gets more xp should be ahead. (Guys that are v14 have earned millions of xp already). Games should be fun right? Everyone says that's the most important thing... Well, when games are not fair and the rules change half way through - that often isn't fair. They don't tell the winning team at half time they are losing half their points to make the game more competitive and I doubt they would be happy if they did. They don't tell the #1 team in a division their scores are worth half as much now so the rest of the division can catch up, even though the "largest demographic" of players in the sport will be players not on the #1 team.

    These are all games, games have rules to be fair because nothing is fun about playing in a game that isn't fair. The simple truth is, they can at least find a middle ground to be fair to the players that play alot and not leave the ones that don't in the dust without completely screwing them over and leaving them feeling like they've wasted a lot of time playing this game.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_PaulSage‌

    This man speaks truth.

    Maybe we should all decide that everyone that works at ZOS gets the same paycheck next month, regardless of time spent in the office, responsibility, or skill level required for the job?

    @ZOS_PaulSage‌, how would you like it if Rob Altman decided that your christmas paycheck is the same as the Janitor's paycheck?

    i agree with you
    Edited by Gilvoth on December 24, 2014 5:29PM
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