im looking forward to the new update but the lack of clarification and some decisions made by ZOS have left lots of people angry and confused at the moment.
as far as i understand the topics people seem to be upset with is:
1) the fact that with the same starting point people who have completed lots of quests will be at a disadvantage at earning champion points (CP) than those who just have a vr1 character. this will probobly be solved in the first week though by people who will grind just for champion points ( dont lie. you know that will happen. ) meaning people who dont want to grind and dont have access to quests since they completed them will be at an even bigger disadvantage.
2) the fact that vr1 and vr14 both get rewarded with 30 points at the start. this upsets me personally as well. this is essentially telling you that all your work amounts to the same rewards as someone who didnt work towards this at all. i would be ok if 30 CP was the max we could get. or if 30 CP was a starting point and we got more based on how much extra vr ranks we have. i would even be ok with 0 points at the start for everyone. HOWEVER rewarding people the same for different amounts of work just seems lazy to me.
3) the sorc nerfs(nerf is arguable as we still need to test to be definitive): sorcs just got told that ZOS doesnt see anything wrong with them at all and that worries alot of people. buffing the pets could potencially be good for PVE but for PVP where the pets are easily CC-able it does nothing for them. also the changes to surge, sorcs who want to use a staff now have the options of having a self heal and lower dps or more dps and no self heal. this is definetly a nerf as the situation now is having both dps and a self heal. what the obvious solution to this should be is one morph that works as critical surge works now and one morph that gives ONLY spell damage and self heals. this way both playstyles can be accomodated. besides why would you need both spell and weapon damage now that staves are based on spell damage ?

4) ultimate generation: people here are confused a bit about the situation. apparently what they changed was that the ways to get ultimate are as follows ( quoted from Gina) :"That's not the only way (referring to the light and heavy attack buffs) to generate Ultimate; you can also use a few abilities to get more, such as Carve from the 2H skill line (and the amount of Ultimate that ability gives has been rebalanced as well) or healing another player with the Ultimate gain buff. You will not gain Ultimate by blocking or dodging."
this was done in order to make the amount of ultimate people got more streamlined. while this makes sense in pve ( you all saw at least one DK or a few NBs with 3 standards/veils down at the same time ) in pvp this means that groups with larger amounts of people in them will have more ultimates available therefore be stronger. player skills will still play a part in this but as it stands larger groups get an advantage.
all in all i agree with most things but i dont like some decisions that were made and the fact that some statements made by ZOS before are now proven as false.
please add anything that i missed or may have understood wrong. the update is not even on PTS yet so lets all remain calm and make our points heard. we all like the game since we are here so lets be civilized and talk about the things we take issue with to make this a better game overall.