Best DK PvE build?

I created my first alt few days ago, so I'm getting really close to veteran zones now.
I'd appreciate if someone could give me a few tips, based on this info:

- Nord DK, DPS
- Where should I put my attribute points into? I've put everything in Health.
- I don't mind if it's Stamina or Magicka build, as long as I get to use a proper 2-handed weapon
- Also I'm using full heavy armor
Edited by Bloodfang on December 11, 2014 8:36PM
  • Surfinginhawaii
    My character is a V14 DK Nord and that is not the best race for DK in my opinion but that being said, to see an awesome DK Nord build go to
    Edited by Surfinginhawaii on December 11, 2014 8:41PM
  • Bloodfang
    My character is a V14 DK Nord and that is not the best race for DK in my opinion but that being said, to see an awesome DK Nord build go to

    Checked that site, however all DPS specs seem to require destro staff? I'm trying to find a playstyle with something like 2-handed Axe.
  • Slurg
    Once upon a time it was said the best DKs wore dresses and carried sticks of destruction. More recently I've heard heavy armor and 1h and shield was also acceptable. I used to wear heavy armor and tried a variety of weapons. And died a lot. Finally I gave in and converted to dress and stick and now I kill things much faster.

    Also if you put all attribute points in health you should make heavy use of armor glyphs to increase the other attributes.
    Edited by Slurg on December 11, 2014 9:11PM
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Darkrogue671
    "Play as you want" is much like freedom of speech. You can play however you want but there will still be consequences. :\
  • Bloodfang
    I'm not trying to make him a hardcore raider :wink:

    Just hoping for a build that will easily clear all the world bosses, dolmens etc. (in the veteran zones)?
  • Amsel_McKay
    Any build will work in PvE 1-50, at VR1 you may need to respec to get groups.
  • spryler
    Couple things about DKs -

    Ardent flame is amazing. Even as a melee dps you should rely heavily on fire damage as you get crazy passives from that skill like. One of the highest damage-dealing stamina DKs I know is a Dunmer for the 9% fire damage bonus.

    Talons is the best CC in the game.

    The combo of Igneous Shield (morph of the shield in Earthen Heart) and Green Dragon Blood is a good self-heal as Igneous Shield boosts your healing. Better for groups as Igneous shield is a group damage shield.

    DK standard is just super amazing. Focus (among other things) on increasing your Ultimate generation so you can drop that as much as possible.

    Igneous Weapons.
  • Slurg
    I agree pretty much any build can work for DKs up to level 50 but if your goal is to easily clear stuff in the vet zones (without dying and sometimes solo) you will need a ton of magicka to use those awesome DK skills. That's been my experience anyway.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • xMovingTarget

    There you go. still best pure DPS. Everything explained in the video ;)

    Works Solo, for Dungeons, for Trials.

    2H isnt really good.
    Edited by xMovingTarget on December 11, 2014 9:30PM
  • Xjcon
    Try sword and board, use Talons, to control mobs and give a little dps, pick a melee attack, use green dragon blood for heals and some other types of damage dealing abilities.
    I leveled to VR14 this way and swapped out various abilities so I could level up everything. Don't expect an ability to be very effective till you level it up. This isn't as fast as destro staff dps but I could take on large groups of mobs no problem, there is a video on you tube I watched awhile back called best DK Tank build I think, the guy shows how to easily farm groups in spellscar.
    Edited by Xjcon on December 11, 2014 10:00PM
    Briza Do'urdenx V16 Dunmer DK
    Jcon V16 Orc DK
    Vierna Do'urdenx V16 Bosmer NB
    Jarlaxle Baenrex V16 Dunmer NB
  • Surfinginhawaii
    Despair9 wrote: »

    Checked that site, however all DPS specs seem to require destro staff? I'm trying to find a playstyle with something like 2-handed Axe.

    He has another DK character he calls the butcher which is 2-handed.
  • Morticide828
    I've broken 2K dps using my dual wield dunmer DK, and it's a relatively cheap build that most people can attain quite easily :smile:

    VR14 Dunmer Werewolf (+15% Stamina Regen for WW)
    All Medium Armour / Legendary
    Single Target set is 5 Piece hundings (Helm, Chest, Shoulders, Boots, Belt), 5 Piece Viper (Neck, daggers x2, Pants and Gloves)
    Divines on Small Pieces (Shadow Stone), Infused on Large Pieces.
    Rings are Two-Fanged Snake x2

    Legendary Glyphs of stamina on all infused pieces, Epic glyphs of stamina on the small pieces.

    Jewelry enchants are 2x +18 Stamina Recovery, and 1x +630 Armour (Reduce physical harm). Just to reduce squishyness a bit. Novas make some red circles near impossible to see!

    You can quite happily substitute the Viper set for Night mothers four piece if you can't afford the Viper (Can be expensive to buy). You'll lose 92 Stamina at legendary, and gain 4% spell crit. Both are negligible.

    Single Target Bar:
    1. Green Dragons Blood
    2. Blood Craze
    3. Flames of Oblivion (Inferno Morph)
    4. Rapid Strikes
    5. Spell Symmetry to keep Flames of Oblivion up at all times (+13% Crit).
    Ultimate: Standard of Might

    My off bar is similar, and the Daggers are 2 Piece Night mothers:
    1. Green Dragons Blood
    2. Extended Chains
    3. Flames of Oblivion
    4. Igneous Weapons (I use my bow for certain fights. Terrible DPS, but VA /LA Weave
    5. Steel Tornado (Amazing AoE + Execute)
    Ultimate: Werewolf Berserker (For Ultimate Generation)

    Rotation is so easy, anyone can do it.
    For single target, Flames of Oblivion should be on at all times. Use Igneous weapons before the fight - there'll be someone keeping it up most fights.
    Open with Standard and a Panacea of weapon power. Blood craze (Use Foundry Tactical Combat or similar so you can time it), and then just rapid strikes. Use Green dragons blood at about 70% stamina to keep your pool up, and Spell sym occasionally to keep Flames of Oblivion up (Warn your healer via teamspeak. Don't be standing in a wisp-mother circle when you do it in AA for example. Use your brain :stuck_out_tongue: )

    For Aoe, it's really not that hard. Green dragons blood, weapon potion, and then run in and press Steel Tornado until everything is dead. For long AoE fights like the serpent trash, you'll be taking enough damage as a werewolf to have a standard up every seven or so seconds, and that gives you a heap of magicka / stamina back. Refresh potion when available.

    And that's literally it. You can use evil hunter on the Stone Atronach in AA if you feel the need, but I rarely bother.

    If you need clarification, my in game name is the same as my forum name, or in my signature.

    Hope this helps someone :grinning:

    Screenshot for proof - I'm offline because I was spamming my parse in officer chat to RyuujinV (Who screencapped it for me :relaxed: ), and it kicked me for spamming the server, lol
    Edited by Morticide828 on December 13, 2014 3:42AM
    Morticide Baen'ath - Dragonknight ●

    ● The Eight Divines ●

    ● NA ● AD ● DUNMER ●
  • Tonnopesce

    There you go. still best pure DPS. Everything explained in the video ;)

    Works Solo, for Dungeons, for Trials.

    2H isnt really good.

    Sorry mate but is just meh.......
    First of all i cant understand why you are using aether vr 12 set instead of nigth mother vr14 quite the same bonus but custom traits, the hig weapon dmg is usefoul only with the elemental ring and the curshing shock so a turug's will be better then the elegant ( and remember the custom traits) since to archieve the hig dps you depend on the over time dmg of engulfing flames (if you use it 2times it will stack) and unstable flame .
    Second as a dps why you need to improve so much on healt as you told a willow pact 3pcs can be better,ok for the jewels but imo you where doing 1.4 k dps into mammoth and you have consumed half of your pool to kill him longer fights will cut down your dps to 8-900.
    The missing of a seducer set in your build is the main reason why it is not so good in long fights.

    I will like to discuss with you about this but first let me post my build so we can compare.

    5 pcs Seducer divines on small and infused big (light)
    2 pcs of the valkyn skoria undauted (light)
    Main hand frost destro covenant vr14 vith the disease enchant (i've choosed frost for the trait)
    Off hand shiel ( nirnorned) and sword (+ spell crit) torugh's pact (disease +magika enchant)
    Head jewel is casual but with the magika trait and +14 spell dmg
    Rings are from the covenant set +10% spell crit 1+ spell dmg 1 + magika regen

    In My build even if i'm not soft cap the magika regen is higer than in yours, spell dmg is higer and we have the same spell crit i can easy overcome your aoe dmg thanks to the undauted set and even if i swich to shield & sword i can count on even more spell dmg
    I got quite the same rotation but in long fights i have more magika pool due to the seducer more dmg overtime and more aoe overall dmg.

    MY D IS BIGGER...... \ sarcasm
    You now it was not for this but i like your build and since now we are in 1.5,5 i will like to know how it has evolved

  • GreyBrow
    Despair9 wrote: »

    Checked that site, however all DPS specs seem to require destro staff? I'm trying to find a playstyle with something like 2-handed Axe.

    why don't you sit down and use your brain and figure something out yourself.. you know, be original, play with different skills, test stuff out.

    This is what is killing MMOS. Everyone goes online to find "the best build"
  • GreyBrow
    The missing of a seducer set in your build is the main reason why it is not so good in long fights.

    I will like to discuss with you about this but first let me post my build so we can compare.

    5 pcs Seducer divines on small and infused big (light)
    2 pcs of the valkyn skoria undauted (light)

    LMAO a DK using a seducer build.... rofl....

    You do know that flames of oblivion reduces your regen to negative 23, right?

    this build is not good. The valkyn skoria set looks cool, but it is only slightly more DPS in trash pulls... its a DPS loss on single target fights.

    the standard "meta" build for DK's was:

    4 Aether, 4 Torug, 4 soulshine (2 wep 1 spell damage)... with a fire staff.

    Using a frost staff on a DK is a really, really poor decision, considering the fact that DK's get a bonus to fire AoE effects, and if you're a Dunmer, you get 6% increased fire damage.

    As for your concern about V12 vs V14 gear, it makes literally no difference. As long as the gear is V10+, the enchant on the gear will be the same.

    You seem overly concerned about the traits on your gear, but in reality they make very little difference, as you should be soft capped on magicka regardless of whether you're wearing infused or well-fitted.

    Your bar should be:

    Crushing shock, engulfing flames, spell sym, flames of oblivion, mage light
    Unstable flame, cinder storm, igneous weapons, flames of oblivion, mage light

    You can swap out cinder storm for chains or evil hunter if your group requires it.

    For AoE/Trash:

    engulfing flames (or talons), fire ring, spell sym, flames of oblivion, mage light
    Inhale, Free slot, igneous weapons, flames of oblivion, mage light

    Inhale is superior to GDB because it heals you a static amount every time, can heal you to full health, and you're not wasting mana trying to heal from 60%.

    For super OP healing, use igneous shield, then pop inhale and watch yourself get a 2k heal from trash mobs.
  • qiyamatawilrwb17_ESO
    V14 dark elf DK, having tried all weapons i pretty much settle on heavy tank build with balanced stam/magicka. (heavy with stam buffs+warlock items) sword/shield and destro staff. pretty much set the world on fire and stand in it blocking while everything burns around me. easymode.
  • qiyamatawilrwb17_ESO
    GreyBrow wrote: »

    why don't you sit down and use your brain and figure something out yourself.. you know, be original, play with different skills, test stuff out.

    This is what is killing MMOS. Everyone goes online to find "the best build"

    i agree. and the dps counters, stat professors... having said that im going to look up a sorc tank build... is this even possible???
    (kinda sucks when you are near broke and you have a toon you cant respec adding the knowledge you have acquired later. to grind or not to grind? ugh.. sorc now gathers dust. and crafts)
  • Tonnopesce
    GreyBrow wrote: »

    LMAO a DK using a seducer build.... rofl....

    You do know that flames of oblivion reduces your regen to negative 23, right?

    this build is not good. The valkyn skoria set looks cool, but it is only slightly more DPS in trash pulls... its a DPS loss on single target fights.

    the standard "meta" build for DK's was:

    4 Aether, 4 Torug, 4 soulshine (2 wep 1 spell damage)... with a fire staff.

    Using a frost staff on a DK is a really, really poor decision, considering the fact that DK's get a bonus to fire AoE effects, and if you're a Dunmer, you get 6% increased fire damage.

    As for your concern about V12 vs V14 gear, it makes literally no difference. As long as the gear is V10+, the enchant on the gear will be the same.

    You seem overly concerned about the traits on your gear, but in reality they make very little difference, as you should be soft capped on magicka regardless of whether you're wearing infused or well-fitted.

    Your bar should be:

    Crushing shock, engulfing flames, spell sym, flames of oblivion, mage light
    Unstable flame, cinder storm, igneous weapons, flames of oblivion, mage light

    You can swap out cinder storm for chains or evil hunter if your group requires it.

    For AoE/Trash:

    engulfing flames (or talons), fire ring, spell sym, flames of oblivion, mage light
    Inhale, Free slot, igneous weapons, flames of oblivion, mage light

    Inhale is superior to GDB because it heals you a static amount every time, can heal you to full health, and you're not wasting mana trying to heal from 60%.

    For super OP healing, use igneous shield, then pop inhale and watch yourself get a 2k heal from trash mobs.

    Wait what? flames of oblivion in a cursing shock build....... LMAO this
    how is supposed to affect your target if you are most of the time ranged?
    Ok the Skoria's set is supposed to work on trash pulls but it does way more damage than have flames of oblivion equipped. And it work even on bosses, you want to trow away + 800 dmg evry 15 sec or 800 + 360 without aoe cap evry 5-10 sec in trash pulls?
    And why you dont use moten whip in a mid range build who relee on engulfing flames stack bonus + unstable flames stack bonus?
    Only with these tree skills on the bar i can overcome your dps,

    You are proposing us a trial only build with trial dropped sets is not going to wotk in dungeons imo.

    The traits can really make the difference btw and vr 14 sets are a little more powerful than vr 12 sets or nobody will have cryed when ZOS has added the 2 more vr levels

    The aoe bonus is applied to the class line abilities not to the staff abilities...
    As an altmer i gain + 4% from all elements so in any case my cursing shock hit harder than your.

    And the frost covenant staff can get me all the bonus you pretend to have with all your op's equip + 16% spell crit, with all your sets togeder you get + 12% or +18% with a purple staff, 2% more? gz

    Now regard the 4 + 4 +4 set you propose right now ok but in uptate 6 it will become worthless, how by numbers my build cant work please tell me

    And sry i'm not a genius but how in oblivion you can equip a 4+4+4 when if you use a flame staff you have only 11 slots?
    Edited by Tonnopesce on December 13, 2014 7:05PM

  • PBpsy
    4 Aether -spell crit +spell power (Torug's or Willow's if you are still farming)
    4 Twilight's -I prefer it over Torug's since I like more crit and the spell is not bad either since your dots still use Spell power.
    3-Soulshine-Standard weapon damage,
    Mundus- people say Shadow is better but f that I will go Thief Always ~8% spell crit is a lot of ultimate generation.

    Bar 1 - CS,EF,UF -Spell Symmetry(group) or Elemental drain(solo),Inner light,Flawless Dawnbreaker -Pretty standard DK single target build.
    Bar 2.-Igneous weapons ,Draw Essence,Elemental Ring, Flames of Oblivion,Inner light , Standard OF might.

    Second bar is awesome aoe and fun as hell. You see the large trash pull , run in activate FoO , when you are well positioned Draw Essence, Drop Standard , pop 3-4 Elemental rings,Drow Essence,Drop Standard, Pop Elemental ring ...
    Depending on where and what I fight I have been able to have 3 standards at the same time many times and usually I am 3/4 of my magicka up

    The build can be a bit squishy solo since your self heals come from Drow Essence and Battle Roar but it can solo Hircine's, my viable solo build check, without problem.

    For world bosses you may need to change the buff slots for survivability skill or put on a sword and shield but there are few of them that will cause a problem.

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  • Bloodfang
    GreyBrow wrote: »

    why don't you sit down and use your brain and figure something out yourself.. you know, be original, play with different skills, test stuff out.

    This is what is killing MMOS. Everyone goes online to find "the best build"

    Maybe because I won't be using DK as my main? I don't really mind what build I use, as I wont play him much, but when I do I want him at least effective. It makes me wonder do some people just post without reading anything.

    Edit: Thanks to everyone for your constructive feedback, I would have replied sooner but sadly I was pretty much occupied in my real life!
    Edited by Bloodfang on December 13, 2014 10:13PM
  • Xsorus
    Or you could just be lazy like me.

    run 5 Piece Kynes Kiss/3 Piece Hunding Rage

    1 Bar is your Single Target bar

    Poison Injection/Lethal Arrow (Or FA if you just PvE)/Evil Hunter/GDB/Igneous Weapons

    2nd bar is your AoE bar
    Acid Arrow/Scorched earth/Evil Hunter/GDB/Igneous Weapons

    Run Stamina Recovery on your Jewelry (I have 171 with GDB up, if Templar with me 201)

    Spam Lethal Arrow/Light Attack over and over again for 1k-1.2k DPS
    in AoE fights, do Sorched Earth on stack, spam Acid Arrow (3k-5k dps depending if you're undead or not)

    Basically never have to stop to get Stamina except to occasionally pop a stamina Pot.
  • Elf_Boy
    My DK is lvl 22 or so. Imperial and representing the Daggerfall Covenent.

    I enjoy buffing up and charging into combat hewing and rending those who dare to work against my beloved homelands. Steel and Fire FTW.

    Heavy armor and Two Handers all the way.

    I play PvE only (so far) and make no pretenses about my build being awesom, the best or even any good.

    The build does -however- work for me.

    I am at work right now. When I get home I will post my build and skill bars so you can take a look. Maybe there will be something that you like or works for you.

    Posting right now so I can search and find this post to edit and update later.

    OP, what kind of play style (or goals for abilities) do you go for? Knight with some Spells ( aka Sparhawk) dragon blood so all natural powers? Or something else?

    Besides DK, heavy armor, and 2-hander what skill lines are you interested in using? What are you avoiding? Will you be crafting?

    Along with skill lines, are you looking to be (or to totally avoid) adding Dog Breath (Were-Wolf) or becoming a desicated walking corpse (Vampire)?

    Do you plan on doing any PvP at all? If so considerations must be made when picking skills.

    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
  • GamerzElite
    Despair9 wrote: »
    I created my first alt few days ago, so I'm getting really close to veteran zones now.
    I'd appreciate if someone could give me a few tips, based on this info:

    - Nord DK, DPS
    - Where should I put my attribute points into? I've put everything in Health.
    - I don't mind if it's Stamina or Magicka build, as long as I get to use a proper 2-handed weapon
    - Also I'm using full heavy armor

    Magica build DK DPS are weak for trials. A DK is melee warrior and you are a Nord, so best suited role for you is DK Tank. If you see the skill class of DK then you will found DK skills are not for ranged attack. Try a stamina build with Bow and 2H sword.

    **Templers are known as Healers, but if you compare with DK. A Templer can easly beat DK in ranged attack and PvE trails all based on ranged attack.

    ** In melee DK is boss, so choose ur role wise fully.

    Sorry abt my grammer.
    Edited by GamerzElite on December 14, 2014 8:42AM
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • PBpsy

    Magica build DK DPS are weak for trials. A DK is melee warrior and you are a Nord, so best suited role for you is DK Tank. If you see the skill class of DK then you will found DK skills are not for ranged attack.

    **Templers are known as Healers, but if you compare with DK. A Templer can easly beat DK in ranged attack and PvE trails all based on ranged attack.

    ** In melee DK is boss, so choose ur role wise fully.

    Sorry abt my grammer.
    Bah. If you are going to troll at least do it with some finesse. :(

    The flourish about the "grammer" was a nice try but it just didn't work.

    Edited by PBpsy on December 14, 2014 7:43AM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • GamerzElite
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Bah. If you are going to troll at least do it with some finesse. :(

    The flourish about the "grammer" was a nice try but it just didn't work.


    Why u upset?
    I have all 4 classes and in PvE NB's are king. But in PvP DK's are god.

    Disagree try run AA with 12 DK.....
    12 Srorc 100% chance to win

    12 NB 100% chance to win

    12 Templers 40% Chance to win

    12 DK 0.5% Chance to win

    **If u see DK skill line u will undestand why I am saying.
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • PBpsy

    Why u upset?
    I have all 4 classes and in PvE NB's are king. But in PvP DK's are god.

    Disagree try run AA with 12 DK.....
    12 Srorc 100% chance to win

    12 NB 100% chance to win

    12 Templers 40% Chance to win

    12 DK 0.5% Chance to win

    **If u see DK skill line u will undestand why I am saying.
    I have a magicka based VR14 DK it can do better then my magicka NB most of the time with much less effort. And no a well well coordinated group of 12 good magicka based DKs with a few resto users would just melt AA.
    ESO forums achievements
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  • GamerzElite
    PBpsy wrote: »
    I have a magicka based VR14 DK it can do better then my magicka NB most of the time with much less effort. And no a well well coordinated group of 12 good magicka based DKs with a few resto users would just melt AA.

    Now you are trolling.
    Magica based DK melee are awesome but if you are playing with Destro Staff, you are just wasting your skill lines.

    I saw your post abt build, You said you slotted Inner light with your Destro staff and use Crushing Shock!

    1.Crushing Shock deal as weapon damage why you are wasting spell crit on it?
    2. Your Armor set and Jwellery set incresing Spell crit but what spell you use with Destro?
    3. In bar 2 you use weapon damage skills! Igneous weapons add 20 weapon Damage , Draw Essence max 267 magic damage ,Elemental Ring around 300 flame damage but usefull on mob , Flames of Oblivion max 35 Flame damage.

    Why spell crit when you are not using any spell?
    I can easly see your DPS is between 150-350 on single target with this build. How, cause I used these skill lines before.
    Edited by GamerzElite on December 14, 2014 8:54AM
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • Tonnopesce

    Now you are trolling.
    Magica based DK melee are awesome but if you are playing with Destro Staff, you are just wasting your skill lines.

    I saw your post abt build, You said you use Inner light with your Destro staff and use Crushing Shock!

    1.Crushing Shock deal as weapon damage why you are wasting spell crit on it?
    2. Your Armor set and Jwellery set incresing Spell crit but what spell you use with Destro?
    3. In bar 2 you use weapon damage skills! Igneous weapons add 20 weapon Damage , Draw Essence max 267 magic damage ,Elemental Ring around 300 flame damage but usefull on mob , Flames of Oblivion max 35 Flame damage.

    Why spell crit when you are not using any spell?
    I can easly see your DPS is between 150-350 on single target with this build. How, cause I used these skill lines before.

    Right NOW in this game the use of staves is a little confusing the fire-ice-shock and the resto works with weapon dmg and spell critical with update 6 they are changing in spell dmg and spell critical as a magika ability shuld be so his build hibrid between spell crit and weapon dmg is one of the best builds around

  • GamerzElite

    Right NOW in this game the use of staves is a little confusing the fire-ice-shock and the resto works with weapon dmg and spell critical with update 6 they are changing in spell dmg and spell critical as a magika ability shuld be so his build hibrid between spell crit and weapon dmg is one of the best builds around

    But still I am wondering, what spell he is using? All armor/Jewel is increasing Spell crit! Again he slotted Flame of oblivion.

    *Flame of oblivion add some Weapon and Spell crit when it activated, But when I activate it, does any magica left to attack?
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • Jitterbug
    I'm guessing you quite easily could make an awesome DK, medium armor, berserker 2H axe Nord...
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