Surfinginhawaii wrote: »My character is a V14 DK Nord and that is not the best race for DK in my opinion but that being said, to see an awesome DK Nord build go to
Checked that site, however all DPS specs seem to require destro staff? I'm trying to find a playstyle with something like 2-handed Axe.
xMovingTarget wrote: »
There you go. still best pure DPS. Everything explained in the video
Works Solo, for Dungeons, for Trials.
2H isnt really good.
Checked that site, however all DPS specs seem to require destro staff? I'm trying to find a playstyle with something like 2-handed Axe.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »[
The missing of a seducer set in your build is the main reason why it is not so good in long fights.
I will like to discuss with you about this but first let me post my build so we can compare.
5 pcs Seducer divines on small and infused big (light)
2 pcs of the valkyn skoria undauted (light)
why don't you sit down and use your brain and figure something out yourself.. you know, be original, play with different skills, test stuff out.
This is what is killing MMOS. Everyone goes online to find "the best build"
LMAO a DK using a seducer build.... rofl....
You do know that flames of oblivion reduces your regen to negative 23, right?
this build is not good. The valkyn skoria set looks cool, but it is only slightly more DPS in trash pulls... its a DPS loss on single target fights.
the standard "meta" build for DK's was:
4 Aether, 4 Torug, 4 soulshine (2 wep 1 spell damage)... with a fire staff.
Using a frost staff on a DK is a really, really poor decision, considering the fact that DK's get a bonus to fire AoE effects, and if you're a Dunmer, you get 6% increased fire damage.
As for your concern about V12 vs V14 gear, it makes literally no difference. As long as the gear is V10+, the enchant on the gear will be the same.
You seem overly concerned about the traits on your gear, but in reality they make very little difference, as you should be soft capped on magicka regardless of whether you're wearing infused or well-fitted.
Your bar should be:
Crushing shock, engulfing flames, spell sym, flames of oblivion, mage light
Unstable flame, cinder storm, igneous weapons, flames of oblivion, mage light
You can swap out cinder storm for chains or evil hunter if your group requires it.
For AoE/Trash:
engulfing flames (or talons), fire ring, spell sym, flames of oblivion, mage light
Inhale, Free slot, igneous weapons, flames of oblivion, mage light
Inhale is superior to GDB because it heals you a static amount every time, can heal you to full health, and you're not wasting mana trying to heal from 60%.
For super OP healing, use igneous shield, then pop inhale and watch yourself get a 2k heal from trash mobs.
why don't you sit down and use your brain and figure something out yourself.. you know, be original, play with different skills, test stuff out.
This is what is killing MMOS. Everyone goes online to find "the best build"
I created my first alt few days ago, so I'm getting really close to veteran zones now.
I'd appreciate if someone could give me a few tips, based on this info:
- Nord DK, DPS
- Where should I put my attribute points into? I've put everything in Health.
- I don't mind if it's Stamina or Magicka build, as long as I get to use a proper 2-handed weapon
- Also I'm using full heavy armor
Bah. If you are going to troll at least do it with some finesse.GamerzElite wrote: »
Magica build DK DPS are weak for trials. A DK is melee warrior and you are a Nord, so best suited role for you is DK Tank. If you see the skill class of DK then you will found DK skills are not for ranged attack.
**Templers are known as Healers, but if you compare with DK. A Templer can easly beat DK in ranged attack and PvE trails all based on ranged attack.
** In melee DK is boss, so choose ur role wise fully.
Sorry abt my grammer.
Bah. If you are going to troll at least do it with some finesse.
The flourish about the "grammer" was a nice try but it just didn't work.
I have a magicka based VR14 DK it can do better then my magicka NB most of the time with much less effort. And no a well well coordinated group of 12 good magicka based DKs with a few resto users would just melt AA.GamerzElite wrote: »
Why u upset?
I have all 4 classes and in PvE NB's are king. But in PvP DK's are god.
Disagree try run AA with 12 DK.....
12 Srorc 100% chance to win
12 NB 100% chance to win
12 Templers 40% Chance to win
12 DK 0.5% Chance to win
**If u see DK skill line u will undestand why I am saying.
I have a magicka based VR14 DK it can do better then my magicka NB most of the time with much less effort. And no a well well coordinated group of 12 good magicka based DKs with a few resto users would just melt AA.
GamerzElite wrote: »
Now you are trolling.
Magica based DK melee are awesome but if you are playing with Destro Staff, you are just wasting your skill lines.
I saw your post abt build, You said you use Inner light with your Destro staff and use Crushing Shock!
1.Crushing Shock deal as weapon damage why you are wasting spell crit on it?
2. Your Armor set and Jwellery set incresing Spell crit but what spell you use with Destro?
3. In bar 2 you use weapon damage skills! Igneous weapons add 20 weapon Damage , Draw Essence max 267 magic damage ,Elemental Ring around 300 flame damage but usefull on mob , Flames of Oblivion max 35 Flame damage.
Why spell crit when you are not using any spell?
I can easly see your DPS is between 150-350 on single target with this build. How, cause I used these skill lines before.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »
Right NOW in this game the use of staves is a little confusing the fire-ice-shock and the resto works with weapon dmg and spell critical with update 6 they are changing in spell dmg and spell critical as a magika ability shuld be so his build hibrid between spell crit and weapon dmg is one of the best builds around