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Justice System Questions for ESO Live

  • lestaudenmaierub17_ESO
    How will NPC killing be handled? Will I walk into a city and find no NPC's because other players killed them or is it instanced to each person's client: meaning if I kill the beggar behind the tavern and my buddy runs around the corner he'll still see the beggar?

    Do the NPC's respawn after a certain amount of time or do they disappear forever if I kill them.

    If NPC killing is not instanced, what is to prevent a couple of people from continually killing NPC's after they figure out the timer, thus essentially wiping out all the realism that goes on within a city?

  • Darkonflare15
    Whisper292 wrote: »
    1. With the implementation of Justice and Champion systems, does this mean there's no Provisioning overhaul in this update?

    Look back though the road ahead thread. They already stated that provisioning revamp is in update 6.
    Edited by Darkonflare15 on December 5, 2014 4:19PM
  • Fizzonance
    If we climb into a time machine and travel to the near future where the PvP-elements of Justice System has been implemented;
    1. How will you handle the possibility for Enforcers to camp outside of Outlaw Havens? The location of these has been mentioned to be hidden for non-Outlaws, but popular search engines tend to link to sites showing locations on a rather detailed level :) I'm guessing Sneak is the way to go...
    and 2; Will it be possible to collaborate with other Enforcers/Outlaws? - like a 'band of thieves' or a 'force of justice'?

    A man once said: The times they are a-changin' and for each update, ESO becomes an even better and more extensive world. I'm happy to be a part of it!
    Edited by Fizzonance on December 5, 2014 5:05PM
    ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ Fizzonance ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇
    Spellunker - Dunmeri Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact - [EU]
    Aska Mahdavi - Khajiiti Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion - [EU]
  • Parsa2nd
    Soul Shriven
    We are a very keen PS4 community and Elder Scroll players, Can you please confirm when will ESO will be launched on PS4? As the wait has been very long and enduring for us!
    Looking forward to your answer with anticipation.
  • MornaBaine
    Hi everyone!

    This Friday, December 5th, we'll be having a very special segment on ESO Live showcasing the Justice System with Justice Lead Scott Nixon. Scott will be giving a general overview of the Justice System, and will present various features that you can expect to see once the system is available including theft, burglary, assault, bounty, consequences of your actions, and more.

    If you have any questions about the Justice System and aren't able to join us on Friday during the show, you can post your questions here and we'll do our best to answer as many as we can!

    Will we get any new skill lines such as Thieving or Lockpicking to aid in our mischievous endeavors ?

    Oh I'd love to see the lockpicks we already have be used for breaking into houses and shops!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO
    Hi everyone!

    This Friday, December 5th, we'll be having a very special segment on ESO Live showcasing the Justice System with Justice Lead Scott Nixon. Scott will be giving a general overview of the Justice System, and will present various features that you can expect to see once the system is available including theft, burglary, assault, bounty, consequences of your actions, and more.

    If you have any questions about the Justice System and aren't able to join us on Friday during the show, you can post your questions here and we'll do our best to answer as many as we can!


    Will there be a bounty hunter system that is worth diving into?
    - Be Anyone.
    - Do Anything.
    - Go Anywhere.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Do you intend to have all NPCs be targets for murder, or will shop keepers and vital NPCs be spared from a grisly fate?

    Why only release one half of a major update? Pretty mean of you to exclude an entire playerbase from something if you only release the Crime half of the Justice System.

    Then again, if there's nothing but corrupt officials and criminals running amok, I guess I can become the hero Mournhold deserves but doesn't need right now.

    Will players be able to collect the bounty on other players' heads? (If not, then WHAT THE EFF @ZoS?! THAT'S PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT AND ONE HELL OF A PVP CATCH)
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Cuyler
    1. does getting caught with a bounty send you directly to jail as in oblivion?
    2. If indeed we are sent to jail, do our skills decrease for the time spent there, also like in oblivion?
    3. Will the JS require us to rethink any of our build strategies?
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • jwboudreau1b16_ESO
    With the Justice System, if I steal something and aren't caught, does my bounty increase? Also, at one point would guards apprehend you?

    PS, you guys are awesome and I love the ESO Live shows :)
    Edited by jwboudreau1b16_ESO on December 5, 2014 8:22PM
  • Neizir
    Will there be jail, rather than just death by guards, as a consequence of crime?
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
  • TheFibrewire
    will vampires and werewolfs will get a bounty in this justice system or will gaurds and NPC attack when we try to feed or transform
  • Pallmor
    Slurg wrote: »
    Will the justice system finally bring negative consequences to the idiots who think it's fun to spam spells over and over again in the banks and at the crafting and dye stations?

    It's funny, I was in Riften not long ago and some griefer was doing that at the dye station, and I thought to myself "Just wait till we get the justice system, buddy."

    Pretty Please ZOS!

  • Tandor
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    Elf_Boy wrote: »
    What steps will be taken to insure that the Justice System is not used to grief?

    Hopefully the justice system will finally allow Greifing. If you don't like it, go back to minecraft and live in your dirt house. This is the main reason so many people bought the game... they were expecting oblivion/skyrim style mayhem, and they got an easy version of the sims where nothing bad happens to you.
    xaraan wrote: »
    How will the justice system impact players that don't want to participate? I've read the info on opting in, but if it makes containers unable to be looted without 'stealing' then it effects everyone, opt in or not. Is this going to make things like motifs and recipes, often found in homes and castles in chests/dressers/trunks/etc. much easier to come across for thieves? Telling us we can find those items elsewhere, in the 'wild', isn't good enough IMO, since it's much easier for someone to just stay in the city and gather to their hearts content.

    You seem to forget... this is elder scrolls online. I really hope there is no "opt out" option or you'll see a lot of people "opt out" of paying the monthly subscription. If you don't want to steal/kill/be killed, play sim city. In morrow wind, skyrim, oblivion, there were consequences for stealing, and you had to make a decision as to whether or not the consequences would be worth the action. This system was one of the main contributors to the success of those games, because you couldn't do anything like that in any other game at the time.

    Will the justice system actually force people to make decisions, and provide negative consequences strong enough to deter players who aren't skilled enough to deal with the consequences?

    Of course in those games your "consequences" came from NPCs. The attitude you display in your own posts is exactly why many players are concerned about/asking for an opt out on the PvP. There are MANY PvEers who want to enjoy the challenge of being criminals a la what they experienced in Skyrim, etc. But they don't want to be forced into PvP conflict for those activities. Personally, I don't mind it. But because much of the player base WILL mind I think ZOS needs to take that into consideration....and look at posts like yours for the reason why.


    I have massive interest in a Justice System along the lines of Skyrim, where my actions have consequences so far as retribution by NPC guards is concerned. I have zero interest in PvP.
    Edited by Tandor on December 8, 2014 8:48PM
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