Possible new achievements

Not sure where the best place was for this post, so I settled on Customer Support :p

Some friends and I were discussing all the little things in the game and the personal challenges we've set for ourselves and came up with a few recommendations for new achievements :D

Well Read - Because of the numerous quests that involve libraries and how integral lore and lorebooks are to TES/O this achievement is awarded for finding/reading all the lorebooks in Shalidor's Library.

Bibliophile - First, the title is a work in progress ;) This is awarded for finding/reading all the items for Eidetic Memory.

Master Chef - This is awarded for finding/learning all the recipes in the game (my personal challenge). Personally, I feel that "Iron Chef" is better suited to this achievement but, alas, it's already taken for learning/creating purple food/drink.

I'm not sure what the "official" way of making recommendations is, so I also submitted this in-game with /feedback.

If anyone has any other great ideas for possible new and challenging achievements feel free to add to the list!
"It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time." ~ Valaste
  • Gyudan
    Nirn treasure finder - Find all the buried treasures associated with blue treasure maps for each location. (with one specific achievement for each zone and alliance)

    Trial damage dealer / blocker / healer - Add an achievement for 10,000,000 points just like in dungeons. Only having the 1M version seems a bit small given the time spent there.

    Shiny outfit - Achievement for wearing all equipment in legendary quality (including jewelry).

    Passionate fisherman - Achievement for successfully fishing 10 / 100 / 1,000 / 5,000 times.
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey folks,

    These are great! We'll certainly forward this feedback along, but we wanted to let everyone know that you can also submit suggestions like these using /feedback in the game. That way if you wind up with an awesome achievement idea in the middle of playing, you don't have to alt+tab to get it to us.

    Keep them coming!
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