Okay, so in my time of picking the game up. Have not played it since the late Beta I have noticed a few major annoyances.
First and foremost is random loading screens when trekking through towns such as Daggerfall or Wayrest. Not entering any doors or anything like that I will get a random loading screen with no known reason. Sometimes while running, sometimes in the middle of using a crafting station and sometimes even while standing still and doing nothing. Going through doors and getting one I can understand, but in the general world and play is incredibly annoying.
Now, talking about doors takes me to my first bug issue. When going through quite a few different doors in all kinds of different locations I find myself becoming half stuck in the ground. Usually self fixes with a couple of jumps/crouch or other movements but it is damaging to immersion immensely.
About going into the ground leads us to the next one. The spider world boss near the stairs that take your from Stormhaven to Rivenspire are bugging out and falling into the ground and also running into the actual cliff wall when engaged. I heard in zone chat about others having this problem so it is not an isolated incident.
Next we have a display error that has occurred a few times for myself with display issues for my bow. A couple times my bow itself or the arrows it fires has changed into the square box that I'm assuming displays when there is an issue with the model/texture/other display error. Now the display issue pertaining to the arrows is not limited to just arrows shot but also affected bow skill projectiles as well. Only seemed to have this problem while venturing through Wayrest and a quick relog did not fix the issue.
Last but not least we have a combat ai issue. While fighting some casters in close proximity the will run into me and turn around for no apparent reason (pretty sure it was just caster based mobs, maybe rogues too). It seems as if they were trying to run around me but due to collision and them running right into me they just got stuck there and it seems very dumb on their part. Just seems like some badly written ai issue though.
EDIT: Oh, and on the subject of loading screens, I think there needs to be some better optimizations done. While most entering buildings and such ones are not an issue, I do tend to run into some that last for several minutes, sometimes longer. That is kind of annoying and wasting my time and a major turn off from the game itself.
Well, that is it for my current level of issues with the game since picking it up again a week or so ago.
Good luck in your conquests,
Edited by Valdez on November 17, 2014 5:37PM We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.