A tip for those hunting the Dwemer Motif

Tired of wading through Dwemer ruin after Dwemer ruin, only to find five containers, no motifs, and a hundred other players trying to do the same thing?

Well, you are in luck. There is a L15 Fighter's Guild quest called "The Dangerous Past". It takes place in an instanced, solo, Dwemer ruin called Mzeneldt. This ruin contains 100+ containers and about 40 mobs, all Dwemer. Once entering this instance, don't do any of the storyline, just loot containers and kill spiders and constructs. You will have a Fighter's Guild NPC with you at all times as well.

This instance is L15, but is scaled to your level. The minimum level is 15, but if you enter the instance as a VR1, all mobs will be VR1.

The difference between this instance and normal Dwemer ruins is the reset timer. This instance can only be farmed once per hour. It takes an hour for the containers and mobs to reset, no matter how many times you log in/out. I have found 12 pages in this instance so far, along with recipes, scraps for frames, and other items (salt, pepper, etc....)

So, if you still have a low level alt that hasn't started or got very far in the Fighter's Guild questline, head on over to Mzeneldt. You'll be glad you did.

Maybe if enough players do this the insane prices players are charging for the pages will drop like a rock. You can thank me in-game @dharbert :)

Edited by dharbert on November 13, 2014 12:15AM
  • Rebeccas04nub18_ESO
    Sigh. Maybe after the patch fix tomorrow. For me, every single container In Mzeneldt is utterly empty. It's this way whether I haven't been here in weeks (as was the 1st case) or a day or an hour. About 1/2 the dwemer ruins are this way for me & the other 1/2 is just fine. The issue is a known bug though.
    Wicked Felina/ Khajiit NB DC
  • boony
    I've just gone through a 'very quiet' v5 zone, only to discover hundreds of players running around in a dwemer ruin lol
    I must say spawn rates have changed a lot in this update, including chests :) i've done the 'same chest' in and out of a delve (different level though)....
    Not that I am complaining, I don't farm and have only every found 1 'special" motif in 8 months of playing the game lol
  • Blud
    Thanks dharbert. It was generous of you to share. However, I hope this does not get nerfed now.
  • dharbert
    Blud wrote: »
    Thanks dharbert. It was generous of you to share. However, I hope this does not get nerfed now.

    Doubt it. This instance has been like this since Day 1. The only difference is now there are Dwemer Motif pages added to the loot table.
  • Blud
    Well, I just happen to have a level 8 DK I've been working on :)
  • Gillysan
    Can someone please map this for me? I'll give you credit of course. Print this map and use a red marker if needed. Put dots where the containers are. Scan and upload it somewhere or PM me a dropbox link. I might eventually get around to doing this but if someone gets it done sooner that would be great.

    I don't know if the map is currently accurate. Using IRFanView you can easily Edit > Crop Selection, after RMB making a selection.

    See sig for other maps done so far.
  • dharbert
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Can someone please map this for me? I'll give you credit of course. Print this map and use a red marker if needed. Put dots where the containers are. Scan and upload it somewhere or PM me a dropbox link. I might eventually get around to doing this but if someone gets it done sooner that would be great.

    I don't know if the map is currently accurate. Using IRFanView you can easily Edit > Crop Selection, after RMB making a selection.

    See sig for other maps done so far.

    There are far too many containers to do that. There are groups of 2 to 6 containers all over the place. From the entrance to the exit. That map would be covered in red dots.
    Edited by dharbert on November 13, 2014 4:36AM
  • ItsMeToo
    dharbert wrote: »

    There are far too many containers to do that. There are groups of 2 to 6 containers all over the place. From the entrance to the exit. That map would be covered in red dots.

    Dots nice... tanks
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • like1tiger
    This is a really good and helpful tip. Thankyou :)
  • Gillysan
    dharbert wrote: »

    There are far too many containers to do that. There are groups of 2 to 6 containers all over the place. From the entrance to the exit. That map would be covered in red dots.
    You give me no choice but to say - this boy sure has a lot of quit in him.




  • Gillysan
    Fortunately, I'm not part of "generation can't". Mzeneldt has 241 containers. You need to advance the quest until the part noted on the map I made, then pay to map travel out.
  • astro74
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Fortunately, I'm not part of "generation can't". Mzeneldt has 241 containers. You need to advance the quest until the part noted on the map I made, then pay to map travel out.

    I just gave you 2 awesome :) One for the maps and one for not beeing apart of generation cant :D
  • dharbert
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Fortunately, I'm not part of "generation can't". Mzeneldt has 241 containers. You need to advance the quest until the part noted on the map I made, then pay to map travel out.

    I'm far from being part of "Generation Can't". I simply don't have time to map that place out. I think I've done plenty by even letting players know this place exists and how to get access to it.

    The number of containers is actually pointless when it comes to the Dwemer Motif pages. Even with that many containers in that instance, I've only ever received one page per trip. The motif pages are probably on a timer, much like purple recipes, where you can only find one per 15 to 20 minutes.

    The containers do come in handy though. Go through there enough times and you'll have stacks of provisioning resources and recipes.
  • yiasemi
    Take a deep breath. And ask if waiting a couple of weeks really diminishes you in any way. I was watching one of those Time Team repeats last week where railway navvies had to spend their wages in the company shop, as they were digging a tunnel in the middle of nowhere. And..I said, ha ha the mugs, no one falls for that now...
  • Cuyler
    Good info Thank you! :smiling_imp:
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Nazon_Katts
    Wow. You've just given me a reason to log in. And me idiot left the notebook at home, thinking I wouldn't need it for at least a week or two. Hah, that's going to be fun and perfectly fits my schedule, anyways.

    Thanks a bunch!
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • BalerionBlackDread
    Has anyone been successful using this method? There are a great many containers concentrated in one area, but I haven't found a page yet (been through about 5-6 times). I find the occasional scrap, but that's it. I'm only level 14, could that be the problem? I wouldn't think there's a level req. to find motifs?
  • dharbert
    Has anyone been successful using this method? There are a great many containers concentrated in one area, but I haven't found a page yet (been through about 5-6 times). I find the occasional scrap, but that's it. I'm only level 14, could that be the problem? I wouldn't think there's a level req. to find motifs?

    I have found a Dwemer Motif page every time that I run Mzeneldt. There is no level requirement. However, the motif pages are on a timer, similar to purple recipes. If you recently found a Dwemer Motif page in another delve, then immediately went to Mzeneldt, you probably won't find one there.

    I have a toon that is dedicated to Mzeneldt only. I run it once per hour and I've found a Dwemer Motif page every time.
    Edited by dharbert on November 16, 2014 6:17AM
  • Adhal
    If they are on a timer then its by character only. I park 3 alts and loot containers every hour or so between doing other stuff and have got more than 1 an hour
  • BalerionBlackDread
    I guess I'm just having bad luck, getting ready to go in now see if my luck changes.
    Edited by BalerionBlackDread on November 16, 2014 8:52AM
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    dharbert wrote: »
    Tired of wading through Dwemer ruin after Dwemer ruin, only to find five containers, no motifs, and a hundred other players trying to do the same thing?

    Well, you are in luck. There is a L15 Fighter's Guild quest called "The Dangerous Past". It takes place in an instanced, solo, Dwemer ruin called Mzeneldt. This ruin contains 100+ containers and about 40 mobs, all Dwemer. Once entering this instance, don't do any of the storyline, just loot containers and kill spiders and constructs. You will have a Fighter's Guild NPC with you at all times as well.

    This instance is L15, but is scaled to your level. The minimum level is 15, but if you enter the instance as a VR1, all mobs will be VR1.

    The difference between this instance and normal Dwemer ruins is the reset timer. This instance can only be farmed once per hour. It takes an hour for the containers and mobs to reset, no matter how many times you log in/out. I have found 12 pages in this instance so far, along with recipes, scraps for frames, and other items (salt, pepper, etc....)

    So, if you still have a low level alt that hasn't started or got very far in the Fighter's Guild questline, head on over to Mzeneldt. You'll be glad you did.

    Maybe if enough players do this the insane prices players are charging for the pages will drop like a rock. You can thank me in-game @dharbert :)



    I kid, I just finished this with one run through checking every single container I only got 3 scrap nothing else.
  • EQBallzz
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Fortunately, I'm not part of "generation can't". Mzeneldt has 241 containers. You need to advance the quest until the part noted on the map I made, then pay to map travel out.

    Can you give more clarification on the map? You say advance the quest until the part noted on the map..but which map? My map doesn't look like that and I don't see where this maap leads to another area.
  • Kartalin
    I've been working on the delves in Alik'r and ran through a few of these dwemer ruins, making multiple loops around, and haven't found a single motif. I realize that's not uncommon, because I know how often I've found daedric and ancient elf motifs, for instance. I would just like clarification on what a dwemer container actually is. Does this refer to the dwemer pots, steam pipes, etc? I see a lot of empty chests just hanging around the Alik'r delves but I think that's because of the questline that has you going through those ruins looking for a treasure hunter. Appreciate any help.

    Mzeneldt sounds like a good idea, especially since it's instanced to your character. I have a DK alt at about the right level for that...
    • PC/NA
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    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 36
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Hciliata
    milthalas you want to check the urns, pots, and jars. AFAIK they aren't in the steam pipes or chests. If you discover that all the jars pots and urns in a particular delve are totally empty, leave the delve, log into a different char, and don't return to that delve for at least an hour with the first char (some say 90 minutes.) Also some have said that once any individual finds a page in a particular delve, no more pages will pop for anyone in that delve for hours. The first week I got two pages in one day in the same delve with the same character, but those runs were 6-8 hours apart, and I don't know whether they have changed anything. It may be helpful to avoid taking inessential urn loot (cloud mist, lockpicks, etc) on your hunts, because it seems like there is some threshhold of urn looting that causes the entire delve to become devoid of urn loot, I guess as an anti goldfarmer bot strategy. Sometimes I go empty handed but usually I'll get a page each day if I'm dedicated to it.
  • Savos_Saren
    Hey guys- I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but Avananchnzel (sp?) in the Rift has a large Dwemer ruin that I, personally, have retrieved 4 motifs within 3 days. You might want to give that one a try.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • Gillysan
    EQBallzz wrote: »

    Can you give more clarification on the map? You say advance the quest until the part noted on the map..but which map? My map doesn't look like that and I don't see where this maap leads to another area.
    I have many maps, too many to post on a forum thread. Go here:
    ESO Dwemer Ruins List
    It's in my forum signature too. You don't want to finish the Fighters Guild quest, but you want to advance it to just the end so that Sees-all-colors follows and fights for you. Otherwise she stops at certain points and no longer helps out.

    At the end there are items to pick up. Don't pick them up and don't do the ending dialogue with See's-all-colors. Hit M and map travel out. You may have to select from the Locations list I think I had trouble with right-mouse clicking to get the world map.

    On my spreadsheet the FG quest is in the Other section.

    Additional notes: I got into Mzeneldt at level 9 with my, for fun, bow sorcerer daedra pet.
    You will need to give him a couple inventory bag space upgrades
    Edited by Gillysan on November 18, 2014 2:47AM
  • driosketch
    A few runs through the fighter's guild quest got me nothing. But I had a low level character on DC, and a few runs through the starter ruins netted me a couple pages so far.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • EQBallzz
    Gillysan wrote: »
    I have many maps, too many to post on a forum thread. Go here:
    ESO Dwemer Ruins List
    It's in my forum signature too. You don't want to finish the Fighters Guild quest, but you want to advance it to just the end so that Sees-all-colors follows and fights for you. Otherwise she stops at certain points and no longer helps out.

    At the end there are items to pick up. Don't pick them up and don't do the ending dialogue with See's-all-colors. Hit M and map travel out. You may have to select from the Locations list I think I had trouble with right-mouse clicking to get the world map.

    On my spreadsheet the FG quest is in the Other section.

    Additional notes: I got into Mzeneldt at level 9 with my, for fun, bow sorcerer daedra pet.
    You will need to give him a couple inventory bag space upgrades

    edit: nm I see it now. I was looking in the EP section.

    btw, I have cleared this area 3 times and didn't get a single page. I did get one from the lower level delv in Stonefalls called Inner Sea Armature.
    Edited by EQBallzz on November 18, 2014 3:15AM
  • Gillysan
    The brown text is a link, click on it.
    ESO Dwemer Ruins List

    Look for Mzeneldt in the Other colored part, click on the dugeon name, it's a link too.
  • Gillysan
    driosketch wrote: »
    A few runs through the fighter's guild quest got me nothing. But I had a low level character on DC, and a few runs through the starter ruins netted me a couple pages so far.
    I'm using 4 characters to run through dungeons; 2 vet, 1 under 50 and the one dedicated for Mzeneldt. The one in Mzeneldt has gone from 9 to 13 in that dungeon alone. The other 3 run through up to 11 dungeons each, per cycle, as fast as I can. I have put in maybe 3 solid days this way and gotten a few pages and over 100 scraps. I'm not going for scraps yet, going straight for the dwemer containers. I got the maps all opened on my second computer. You can print them out too.

    I've gotten a few pages. I'm down to the last few pages for setting up my crafters, then will need a few more for the achievement hogger, and a few for selling I'm sure. I didn't track how many hours but by solid days, I mean I played all day with some breaks thrown in. :D

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