UPDATE: Sadly, since some silly forum mod decided to move this thread here to die, I'm going to have to cancel the contest due to lack of entries. Sorry gang. ZoS you are a bunch of freakin' killjoys!

You all know and love that amazing literary masterpiece,
The Lusty Argonian Maid wherein the trials and travails of the plucky Lifts-Her-Tail are told in all their salacious detail. If you don't, read here!
But gosh, it seems as if this is the ONLY trashy novel in all of Tamriel and that's just not right! Not to mention it is sorely lacking a companion for the lady readers out there. Where's our
50 Shades of Manly Gray Dunmer?
So, I am announcing a contest! In the comments here I want to see YOUR answer to
The Lusty Argonian Maid! You have until Sunday, Nov. 23rd to share your creative Tamriel-appropriate masterpiece here in the comments.
Here are the Rules:
1. It must have a title.
2. It must be no longer than the average length of the scenes we have from
The Lusty Argonain Maid itself. So approximately 200 words.
3. It must be APPROPRIATE. The tale from which you are supposed to take your inspiration is risque, not smutty! Well, okay, it's a little smutty! But, you know, no naughty, sure to be censored, words!
4. You may only enter once. If you enter more than once only your first entry will be considered.
How will you know if you have won? When the deadline is reached I will make a NEW Poll and it will have a link so that everyone may reference back to this thread to read the tales and the poll "answers" will be the titles of the various tales. This "Poll" will run for one week. At the end of that week, midnight EST, the tale title with the most votes will be declared the winner.
Is there a prize? You mean aside from forum fame (or possibly infamy)? Yes! I will contact the winner and once they have given me their in-game info I will mail them the extraordinary and princely sum of 5,000 gold! Am I awesome or what?
Sadly, I only have a North American Server account to unless an EU player will pledge to offer the purse to EU players this contest can only be open to NA players. If a sponsor for EU is found I will update this post with that information.
So! Sharpen your quills, grab your parchment, turn on some...er...lusty... music and have at it!