[Urgent] Devs, we can't install the game..

For a few days now, people have been completely unable to install their game at all. -Please- look at the two threads made about this and don't tell us to reinstall or redownload and such, I can assure you we've all tried this and it doesn't work.

There's a problem with the patch files on the EU branch, please look into this..

Thread number 1

Thread number 2
  • AshySamurai
    Paying customers can't update/launch the game! Created in General Discussion thread.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Kojijama
    Soul Shriven
    Lol man for what new thread o_O Just spam. All who have the same problem can find this threads very easy ... < yea this is too spam but really... MAN
  • Wolfess
    @Kojijama I merely made a new one with a decent title so Devs may actually be drawn into looking at this -serious- problem.
  • AshySamurai
    Kojijama wrote: »
    Lol man for what new thread o_O Just spam. All who have the same problem can find this threads very easy ... < yea this is too spam but really... MAN

    Dude, you're new in this forum. And I'm playing since beta. If you don't create tonns of the same topics everywhere and to not start moan in every single one - devs will never fix it. (ZOS asume us that they read all topics, but where is the fix? It's more than 24h left.)
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Nhayara
  • Quoriah
    Summing up my feedback from the threads mentioned by @Wolfess.

    TL;DR: Monday patch sent my EU ESO installation in a loop between the ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0) and Eror 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail errors.

    After further testing, I can conclude the following:
    - the patch files are BROKEN since the launcher can't apply the patch to the already installed client
    - the ENTIRE EU update branch seems BROKEN because you can no longer re-install the EU client

    The long version after the 1.5.3 patch on the EU branch:
    - I patched the game and all seemed well. Clicking "Play" results in the client crashing before I get the intro videos with the logos.
    - Start the client manually (eso.exe) results in a crash as well.
    - Use the repair option results in this error: ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0 (..\..\..\..\shared\unzipper.c/823). Launcher closes at this point. Restarting the launcher does nothing since it doesn't need to update, but clicking Play results in the same crash as above.
    - Deleting the patch files forces the launcher to update the client. The update then ends with the Error 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail - Failed to open patch, please click repair for your game.

    The NA client works fine, it's just the EU client that's broken.

    Went ahead and bit the bullet and did the following:
    - removed the EU client
    - installed the NA client
    - everything works - installing the client / patching / logging into the game / char creation
    - removed everything again (with the ESO uninstaller)
    - trying to reinstall the EU client ONLY DOWNLOADS THE LAST 5GB PATCH not the full game client
  • Wolfess
    It'd be so nice if we could just get an admin to let us know that it's being worked on..
  • pSyCeNeTiC
    Soul Shriven
    bought the game yesterday, downloaded the 5,2gb ... 7 times with restarts, reinstallations, installation on other partitions, starting as administrator, deactivate antivir etc.
    Yes it can only be fixed by the developers, and such a HUGE ERROR BUG isn't fixed even after 3 day. I've never seen something like this. I've played the Beta a little and now i wanted to give ESO a try. Thought month after the release, it should be a good product, and now,this bug is my first impression so far. Sad.
  • Wolfess
    pSyCeNeTiC wrote: »
    bought the game yesterday, downloaded the 5,2gb ... 7 times with restarts, reinstallations, installation on other partitions, starting as administrator, deactivate antivir etc.
    Yes it can only be fixed by the developers, and such a HUGE ERROR BUG isn't fixed even after 3 day. I've never seen something like this. I've played the Beta a little and now i wanted to give ESO a try. Thought month after the release, it should be a good product, and now,this bug is my first impression so far. Sad.

    Yep, same here :/ Here, Sir (or Madam), have all my feels! :(
  • Enodoc
    Just gonna tag @ZOS_GaryA‌ since he was involved in the other threads, with what I think is the root cause of the issue:
    Quoriah wrote:
    - trying to install the EU client [from scratch, no existing ESO installation] ONLY DOWNLOADS THE LAST 5GB PATCH not the full game client.
    Edited by Enodoc on November 12, 2014 1:19PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Quoriah
    Looking at what ZoS reps replied to the French thread - I lost my faith in a timely fix.

    They seem to be unable to graps the concept of not being able to install the damned game.
  • Wolfess
    Ugh, SO ANNOYING. There's screenshots and full explanations -everywhere-. Are they flippin' blind or whàt?
  • Quoriah
    At least it seems that ZOS people are more present on the French customer support section. At least most erro 303 / update issues have a a reply from some ZOS rep.

    Nothing helpful, but at least they replied :)))
  • Wolfess
    I've yanked out my best French (which is still horrible) and replied to the French 303. I'm seriously just getting pissed off, I mean, the topic there had àll screenshots included, full explanation, and they basically just go "Have you tried turning it on and off again?".

    Do we look stupid or something?
  • Enodoc
    They just seem to have missed the fact that we are also talking about new players. New players cannot Update or Repair because they do not yet have anything to repair. It's their initial download of the client files that is not working, because the Launcher is only downloading the last patch and not the whole client.
    @ZOS_GaryA‌ @ZOS_EveP‌
    Edited by Enodoc on November 12, 2014 1:31PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Wolfess
    ^ Exactly.. Ugh, I'm getting so beyond frustrated with this :/ I've posted links to all 4(!) threads on this issue of the English forum onto the 303 error thread of the French forum. Hopefully it'll make a difference.. >.>
  • Nhayara
    I had thoose link posted allready.
    In fact, they told me to repair the game.
    Yeah, what should I repair ? I can't even dowload it.

  • Wolfess
    Ah sorry, @Nhayara, I didn't see that. (I'm not good at French so I skipped past some bits)

    Exactly, there's nothing to repair, doesn't work :S
  • AshySamurai
    Actually, I have what to repair, but it crashes all time with Abort: Invalid Memory Size (0). So, it really doesn't make any difference.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Chadwing
    You can't repair what isn't even installed.
  • Wolfess
    "We will be performing our regular maintenance on the North American server, Thursday at 8:00AM EST (1:00PM GMT) and on the European megaserver, Thursday at 10:00PM EST (3:00AM GMT Friday)."

    So.. Are we to assume this means we have to wait until then to even get a possibility at a fix?..
  • Quoriah
    @Wolfess, let me know if you get any feedback from ZOS - really curious if they come up with something more useful than the standard replies.
    ZOS_EveP wrote: »
    Nous avons créé des tickets pour vous. Le service-client prendra contact avec vous pour vous proposer d'autres solutions ou vous demander plus d'informations.
  • AshySamurai
    I still hope for some compensation for all this.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Wolfess
    @Quoriah Since I haven't even heard back to my 2 tickets I made yesterday noon, I doubt I'll actually hear back from -this-.. Bah :< I'll definitely let you all know if I hear something proper, though.

    @AshySamurai Me too. Would be nice to get some free days or something to compensate for this complete wreck.
  • Wolfess
    Wanted to let everyone know:
    Thanks for the reports, everyone. We're investigating this now and will come back to you as soon as we have additional information. Thank you for your patience!

  • svarteryttaren
    Soul Shriven
    I got a reply yesterday and it read.
    Please send us your dxdiag.txt and msinfo.txt file so we can look into it (not litteraly but that was the context basically) so by that time they hadnt figured out that it was a wide problem.
    But its been over 24 hours since i got that reply, so I'm hoping that they have "conntected the dots by now".
  • Wolfess
    @svarteryttaren There's been 2 posts now from 2 seperate GMs on 2 seperate threads on this issue that they're looking into it and investigating the problem, so let's hope it gets fixed soon! /fingerscrossed
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there everyone,

    Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for their reports, as well as your collective patience with the suggested troubleshooting in other threads. We're currently looking into this issue and we'll get back with you the moment we have more information.
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    Staff Post
  • Wolfess
    @ZOS_GaryA Thanks so much for taking the time to inform us, it's really -greatly- appreciated! :)
  • Chadwing
    Good to hear a response. Hoping it gets resolved soon.
This discussion has been closed.