Fixed an issue where Nerien'eth was becoming permanently invisible after teleporting.
^that's in your patch notes, guys. You know, maybe you should refrain from posting you fixed something, that rarely seems to be true. COH was yesterday's yesterday pledge and it went really well for us up til last boss - we got him to about 40%, had 4 ads up...then he became invisible. Okay. S*** happens, especially in ESO, we learnt that the hard way. We try again, ~40%, 4 ads up...and he becomes invisible just for me - I could see my friends' attacks going in thin air but nothing. We had to wipe again. TWICE IN A ROW. After you said you fixed the issue. I'd probably be less pissed if it wasn't mentioned in patch notes, but it specifically was.
If you can't fix your damn game, please at least refrain from giving us false hopes. Be honest. Just say "Nerien'eth STILL becomes invisible after teleporting; Darkshade caverns' last boss' doors STILL bug out all the time and cut you from the rest of the players" etc.
By the way, you guys know there's no death achievement for that dungeon, right? And the only way to unbug Nerien'eth there is to WIPE? And the bug is still there after all those months? If that had happened to me on my no death run, I think I'd finally unsub. I really like the game, and I really want to keep liking it, but you're just doing all you can to drive me away.
I really don't like seeing negative posts like the one I'm making right now, but if I don't say it, I just might explode. This is ridiculous.