Hey there @danno816_ESO,
Do you happen to have any add-ons installed? If so, please disable them, reload the UI, and let us know if this error persists. Thanks for your patience!
"Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online, The problem you are experiencing may be due to your connection or the download speed you have set for your ESO launcher. To try and resolve this issue, you can try changing the speed of your download by following the steps below:
Start the ESO launcher
Clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the launcher
This will bring you to the Launcher Settings menu
Scroll down to the bottom of the window and change the Maximum Download setting to 5mbps or 10mbps.
We would also advise you to try the following:
Disable your antivirus and firewall software or make an exception/whitelist inside of your antivirus and firewall software to either allow the folder of Elder Scrolls Online or the specific files of ESO.exe and the Bethesda.net_Launcher.exe
Disable any add-ons/mods you may have added to your ESO game
Flush your DNS:
Click on the Start button
Type cmd in the Start Menu
Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
Type "ipconfig /flushdns" and hit enter
If it was successful, you will see the message "Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache"
Power cycle the router
Add Port Forwarding. These are the ports that the game utilizes on the router. If any of them are closed, it can cause various connection issues, including lag.
TCP / UDP Ports 24100 through 24131
TCP / UDP Ports 24300 through 24331
TCP / UDP Ports 24500 through 24507
The process for opening the ports will vary depending on your router make and model, there are plenty of guides online, but I would recommend contacting your Internet Service Provider for help with this.
Download speeds are also related to internet connection speed, the speeds you get can vary quite a bit depending on what time of the day you use the internet, generally, networks experience heavy loads during the evening when usage is high. I would recommend testing this out using a speedtest regularly over the course of the day to make sure you aren't experiencing any dips in your connection speed.
Another thing you can try is deleting the launcher files and then redownloading the launcher from your account page. Don't worry! This doesn't mean that you need to download the game again; we're just getting rid of the launcher and starting over so that we have a clean slate to work with.
By default, your launcher files are found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher
Please delete this Launcher folder. Then, log in to your account on our website and click on the "Download Game" button on the page.
Please allow the launcher to download completely. It should recognize that your computer has game files, so when you click on the client it may say "play" or "repair."
To be on the safe side, the last steps you should complete should be checking for updates and running a repair, just to make sure that the game is up to date and ready to go. To do this, please follow these steps:
Click on the Game Options cog under the News section of the main screen on the launcher.
From the drop-down list, please choose Check for Updates.
Allow the launcher to run through its checks and updates. This may take a few minutes, and you may see it run from 0 to 100% and back down to 0% again. This is normal! Just let the launcher finish checking for updates.
Once it's done checking for updates, please repeat this process to do the repair. From the drop-down menu, please choose Repair and then give the launcher a few minutes to make sure that all of the files are in good working order."