Should the Werewolf World Skill be closer to an Ultimate or a Class Skill?

Voice your opinion on the Werewolf's identity crisis. Would you prefer it to be more like an Ultimate (i.e. a "circumstantial", short but powerful ability) or more like a Class Skill (i.e. an integral part of your character build and play style).
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌
Edited by Oronell on November 9, 2014 2:12PM

Should the Werewolf World Skill be closer to an Ultimate or a Class Skill? 57 votes

Ultimate is best
OrchishMarennePazraelArtilecticus 4 votes
Class Skill is best
Xexponightwalkerrobin_ESORiseofangelsb14a_ESOSaetbbqwolf13b14_ESO1Hypertionb14_ESOShadowTelelZurkianXnemesiskelly.medleyb14_ESOmotorsport71b14_ESOKhivas_Carrickryu40010b14_ESOIduyennBrasseurfb16_ESOdraeganb16_ESOCyrdemaceb17_ESOgsas93mr.scottkenyonub17_ESO 48 votes
It is fine as is on PTS
Reif 1 vote
Don't Care
UdyrfrykteTheLawVandrilNox_Aeterna 4 votes
  • Neutronium_Dragon
    Class Skill is best
    A class skill is closer to the mark, but I'm of the feeling that it ought to be handled like a weapon skill, since that's essentially how it operates, and making it a virtual 'weapon' would also allow it to leverage the existing weapon toggle mechanic as a transformation toggle.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Don't Care
    The higher the rise, the harder the fall.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • CP5
    Class Skill is best
    It cost 21 skill points to fully unlock the skill tree (if devour was given for free then it would cost the same to max ww as it would any weapon tree). If i'm going to spend that many skill points on something I want to be able to use it like I would other weapons, not just have it be a short duration dps buff.
  • biodragon
    Class Skill is best
    "Class Skill" is closest answer in this poll, but Werewolf never should be reduced to just a skill line. It should affect much more than combat style.
    Edited by biodragon on November 3, 2014 10:30PM
  • Lykanus
    Class Skill is best
    Yea it should be more then just this "backfired" update for the werewolf we currently got, its sad they made playing the wolf even worse then before.
  • Rexlupis
    Class Skill is best
    Whatever it is, I think we can agree that the recent "buff" to werewolves is barely that (especially with the reduction in timer) and it is still a long way from being viable or worth its very high skill point cost.
    Edited by Rexlupis on November 4, 2014 7:31AM
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Class Skill is best
    It should be just like Vampire is. But unfortunately I feel that no matter how much the players ask, those who make the decisions will not change it. They have an idea of how THEY want it and I don't think there is any way we will ever change their minds. I hate to say this, but I feel we will be stuck with this idiotic idea of how a werewolf should exist. We can hope, but after seeing them increase then reduce the timer (instead of removing it as they should), I now see we are stuck with it.
  • motorsport71b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Class Skill is best
    I brought up in a previous forum the problem with the new werewolf timers' duration's. I am content with the new abilities. You can attack with Infectious Claw (which cleaves multiple targets), followed up by Piercing Howl (knock down one target at at time quickly while they are taking poison damage), and some melee on the targets that has been knocked down. Hircine's Bounty is awesome for returning health instead of blowing potions. I took down a basic Solo Dungeon boss in seconds with the new abilities and it didn't have a chance to hit me once.

    As i said, the werewolf abilities are good. BUT when they lowered the Ultimate Timer the lowered Devour cool-down it doesn't compliment the new abilities, it degrades their value by only being an essentially Burst Attack overall. Before the patch you could attack a mob, feed, and carry on for a long time. While leveling once i was able to stay in werewolf form for an hour and a half in a mob rich area. The new timers make that impossible. I've tried.

    As for the skill line: Since there are only two weapon bars i don't think they'd add a third for the werewolves. Instead the player would have to choose to equip Werewolf Abilities on the second bar. I also feel, that on that particular bar, the Ultimate Cost should be placed to Change into wolf form. That way the player can choose when to turn into a wolf and turn back. If we want to be werewolves as a separate skill line, that's the only fair way. Otherwise vampires would demand a third bar and then ZOS would really have a problem.

  • Alpin13
    Soul Shriven
    Class Skill is best
    Like motorsport said above it has gotten much harder to keep form long enough to make great use of the new abilities and I would personally be ok with using my 2nd bar to equip the ww ability's of my choice and have the ultimate be a toggle which in turn is much like the vampires feeding when it comes to the justice system.. A stage 4 vamp should get attacked just like if we should turn while in the city. This would both be fair and balanced as we would need to give up ability slots as well as the ult in order to use this "buff" like the vampires do in order to use theirs
  • Alpin13
    Soul Shriven
    Class Skill is best
    The other option for this and i know its been posted before is having it work like the sorc ultimate overload so that it will still cost ult but so long as you don't run out of ultimate you can stay in form which will make the rpers happy. Light and heavy attacks will cost ult and devour can restore some ult rather then the timer... This would also solve the problem of your ult resetting when exiting form.
    Edited by Alpin13 on November 4, 2014 7:48PM
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Class Skill is best
    As for the skill line: Since there are only two weapon bars i don't think they'd add a third for the werewolves. Instead the player would have to choose to equip Werewolf Abilities on the second bar. I also feel, that on that particular bar, the Ultimate Cost should be placed to Change into wolf form. That way the player can choose when to turn into a wolf and turn back. If we want to be werewolves as a separate skill line, that's the only fair way. Otherwise vampires would demand a third bar and then ZOS would really have a problem.

    Actually we have three bars. The two we can use in racial form, and the WW bar. So that is not an issue. Just give us an active skill to transform, I would be more than happy to sacrifice a skill slot to have a toggle skill. Besides, we already sacrifice the Ultimate slot for WW as it is. Vamps get all their abilities plus all the Ultimate skills they have learned. The ZOS person who made the decision for keeping it as an Ultimate just needs to get on the same page as the players.

    Unfortunately every MMO that has stated "Play the way you want to play" always made their game as "Play the way we want you to play."
  • Pazrael
    Soul Shriven
    Ultimate is best
    I believe they really didn't make the update just. I haven't tested the new dps, but overall I found bleed damage horrible especially in pvp as it just doesn't do enough damage over time. If this has changed great, but means nothing to me right now. Straight up, werewolf should be toggled, there is no reason to create a full skill tree to only be able to use it for a few seconds after you ult off, I also still believe that I like the fact that it uses ultimate as I believe what should happen is this: The basic skills should be superior to that of skills on your original character, I don't care what class or character you are, it should be superior. Yes I agree they should have a weakness in this form if it is to be toggleable. Which a weakness in itself is the fact melee and heavy stamina base is required strictly. The way they are creating it right now, makes me think it should be more less like an avatar style ultimate, short duration but when you do you should absolutely ***, similar to vamps swarm ultimate, it needs to be worth doing and only way I can see it being used the way it is is if you got huge bonuses to defence+damage and gained immunity to slow/stun/hold effects as well as a speed bonus to run. If I'm going to use an ultimate, I need it to do something properly and that thing would be at least to be able to destroy any mob of npc style things easily as well as be able to outright force a single player in pvp to panic trying to fight. Werewolves were always supposed to be superior in 1v1 combat and sometimes even 1v3/4 if the opponents aren't prepared. As vampire they have the capability to pillage with huge aoe and life regen, I'm glad they nurfed vamps ultimate for the life regen, but I have no idea how huge this effect actually is as the last time I played vamp I didn't even see my life go down after the ult was cast, so 30% less might still do the same?
    If this is their idea of a ww balance or buff, I'm not at all for it and better luck next time. If a vampire can be a vampire at all times with no consequence other than it's basic weakness to fire, werewolf should be the same. If they want werewolf to be a basic new skill tree only capable of rp, then make it toggle-able with skills to hold its own in dungeons etc at least comparable to that of their build outside of werewolf form.
  • motorsport71b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Class Skill is best
    As for the skill line: Since there are only two weapon bars i don't think they'd add a third for the werewolves. Instead the player would have to choose to equip Werewolf Abilities on the second bar. I also feel, that on that particular bar, the Ultimate Cost should be placed to Change into wolf form. That way the player can choose when to turn into a wolf and turn back. If we want to be werewolves as a separate skill line, that's the only fair way. Otherwise vampires would demand a third bar and then ZOS would really have a problem.

    Actually we have three bars. The two we can use in racial form, and the WW bar. So that is not an issue. Just give us an active skill to transform, I would be more than happy to sacrifice a skill slot to have a toggle skill. Besides, we already sacrifice the Ultimate slot for WW as it is. Vamps get all their abilities plus all the Ultimate skills they have learned. The ZOS person who made the decision for keeping it as an Ultimate just needs to get on the same page as the players.

    Unfortunately every MMO that has stated "Play the way you want to play" always made their game as "Play the way we want you to play."

    For the record, i have a Werewolf Pack Master and a Werewolf Berzerker. I would be much happier if the WW was treated as a weapon class skill line. But, it still has to be triggered as an ultimate ability... whether or not the actually ultimate cost is zero.

    I know there is a third bar for the WW form. A vampire, however, has to use their abilities like Mist, Feed, and their Ultimate on the standard weapon bar. So why should the Werewolf have it better? If werewolves want to be able to toggle form at will then it should be treated more like a weapon class. It would only be fair they have to use one of the weapon bars as well. Otherwise, you'd have to give vampires their own third bar designated for vampire abilities only.

  • KenjiJU
    Would like if they gave us a humanoid passive while the Ultimate was slotted, like +8% Stamina. That way it still has utility as an Ult when you really can't use it.

    (I know we have the regen bonus from Lycanthropy, but I still feel they should have something rolled into the slotted Ult.)
  • Oronell
    Class Skill is best
    Anyone ever use the Feeding Frenzy Synergy? I proposed something similar for the Werewolf's "true" Ultimate and didn't even realize this was available. Lol.
  • Chrlynsch
    Class Skill is best
    Get rid of that timer... let us transform whenever with the use of the ultimate. Dps is on par with others using class and weapon skills.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Oronell
    Class Skill is best
    Prothwata wrote: »
    Get rid of that timer... let us transform whenever with the use of the ultimate. Dps is on par with others using class and weapon skills.

    We definitely need more time in form. Its way too rushed. It doesn't give you much of a chance to enjoy the new abilities or even figure out a favorite/optimal sequence.
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Class Skill is best
    I just watched the ESO Live #4 where they talked about Update 5 WW changes. I found it interesting how the Dev stated that they had a lot of positive feedback about shortening the time and making it feel more like an Ultimate. Well from all that I have read on these forums, he was lying. I have seen no positive feedback for shortening the timer. And this is why I don't think it will change in our favor. They are bent on making it short, regardless. All the other stuff they have given us is wonderful, don't get me wrong I love the new abilities. But they went the wrong way with the timer.

    The timer needs to be gone.
  • Wavek
    I don't like the short duration and have long felt it should be a toggle.

    That being said; I DO like the new changes to WW overall. It is much stronger and more survivable now than before. With devour working on a 7 second timer I can stay in WW a long time if there are sufficient enemies around. (did some WW exp grinding for about 20 minutes and was in WW the entire time last night)

    I hope they do make us a toggle version at some point, given the high points cost (21?) it should be something we can use all the time if we want (though not in cities of course)
  • EsORising
    Class Skill is best
    I take pisses longer than ww form. At least if it was a class skill we would be able to use it and not have to give up the ultimate. It really isn't worth the ultimate it cost so it's just a novelty skill to say hey im a WW look at me! then 30 sec later your out of ultimate and not a ww anymore.
    Edited by EsORising on November 6, 2014 10:05PM
  • EsORising
    Class Skill is best
    ZoS should add a WW howl that increases others timers so all you hear on the battle field is WW's howling. For example 1 person howls and all the ww's in ww form gain 30 sec and 2 min if a alpha male howls. ZoS do i have to think of everything? PLEASE Implement this. It would add roleplay and the need to be around other ww's as well as longer timers as long as the ww's next to survive in pvp. It would also add that holy crap there is a bunch of WW's howling and are coming to pounce on me factor into the game. Hell WW's might even start leveling together to keep each other's timers running. It would just add a interesting factor and fun factor to coop with someone to keep the timer up as well as pvping. This would defnitely force players to follow the lore of running in a ww pack.
    Edited by EsORising on November 6, 2014 10:01PM
  • Oronell
    Class Skill is best

    Sounds like you want it to be more like a class skill?
  • EsORising
    Class Skill is best
    Oronell wrote: »

    Sounds like you want it to be more like a class skill?

    Defnitely class skill or make something that increases the timer.
  • MornaBaine
    Class Skill is best
    I know it would probably be too "difficult" for the devs ('cause gods know LOTS of things are!) but what would be awesome is a toggle ability for the werewolf form that was only available during the full moon and to one day either side of it. THAT is when it makes sense to see werewolves running amuck everywhere and people should be cowering in their homes! LOL Cyrodiil would be overrun with werewolves during that time and the monster hunters would be SUPER busy! It could be epic! :)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • risen1981
    Class Skill is best
    It should be treated as a skill line and nothing else (22 skillpoints)
    The timer needs to go and to tell us it's a technical issue is a lie. If they can reduce or increase the timer they sure as hell can remove it as well.. !
  • Chrlynsch
    Class Skill is best
    risen1981 wrote: »
    It should be treated as a skill line and nothing else (22 skillpoints)
    The timer needs to go and to tell us it's a technical issue is a lie. If they can reduce or increase the timer they sure as hell can remove it as well.. !

    Pretty sure I didn't have a timer in the hunting ground.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • mr.scottkenyonub17_ESO
    Class Skill is best
    Honestly, I can't call it.
    I actually did an entire Concept Expansion of the Werewolf back in the Spring. It can be found here.
    Note: How did I call the healing ability?
  • risen1981
    Class Skill is best
    Prothwata wrote: »
    risen1981 wrote: »
    It should be treated as a skill line and nothing else (22 skillpoints)
    The timer needs to go and to tell us it's a technical issue is a lie. If they can reduce or increase the timer they sure as hell can remove it as well.. !

    Pretty sure I didn't have a timer in the hunting ground.

    You're right forgot about that, also when near a shrine

  • Shadow
    Class Skill is best
    I feel that it should still occupy the ultimate slot but be a toggle. There is no unbalance in making it a toggle in any aspect of the game.
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