After some Brainstorming, here is what I come up with:
Night Shifts
Forget Lunar Transformations! Make it every night! Give a random chance every night to involuntarily shifting into Werewolf form, with the highest chances during the Full Moon. This makes the Werewolf Skill more of a double-edged sword, giving great power at the cost of learning great responsibility.
Maximum Level Skill Perk
Give a perk that rewards you for your progress through the Werewolf tree, and create a perk that increases the power of your bestial form, reducing the ultimate cost, and a bunch of other things, at the cost of also passively making you weaker to certain forms of damage, like poison. It'll also make you weaker in human form (by about 2-3%. That's a lot in the late game, but it isn't demoralizing). Again, going with the theme of a double edged sword.
New Abilities
Really? Only two abilities? Okay, that needs to change!
- Sweep: Give the enemy a piece of their own medicine and swipe them all at once! It does a fixed, leveled amount of damage to all targets in front of the Werewolf, and it'll hurt. Possible morphs could include a tanking ability (taunting all enemies hit), and an offensive ability (increasing damage and shredding armor)
- Rejuvenation: Who said a Werewolf can't heal himself? Rejuvenation is an ability that applies a HoT to the Werewolf only. This will increase his survivability in combat without having to rely on potions or a friendly healer. Morphs could be similar to the morphs of Regeneration, only that it it applied to the Werewolf only. This should be the only Magicka-based ability.
- Focus Senses: More of a buff than anything else, Focus Senses is similar to Surge from the Sorcerer class, doing a fixed, leveled stat boost to Power, attack speed, and defense. It won't increase resource pool sizes, so the costs remain the same. Morphs could include either boosting the power bonus or the armor bonus.
I think there needs to be more passives having to do with the human form, and maybe a passive-based path depending on how you want to control your bestial form. Do you want to rely on your bestial strength more often? Or do you want to grow in harmony with your bestial side? The choice should be yours.
One thing that needs to be changed is
Devour, which, despite being useful for leveling your Werewolf form, needs a serious upgrade. I can't heal with Devour? What the actual f***! You're eating somebody's heart! Plus, the time bonus isn't even that great. Do I really need to explain what needs to be done here? Just frickin' do it!
Other Fixes
Just so it doesn't get repetitive, I'll just list the fixes.
- Werewolf animations aren't beast enough. Enough said.
- Let me customize my Werewolf! Thinner body? More fur colors? Ripped clothing? Do it, do it, do it!
- More blood! MORE CARNAGE!!!
Oh, the good old days... Well, there you have it...