khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.
Actually, only two craglorn quests require multiple people:
1. The Corrupted Stone (first quest in the main questline), which requires 3 people to be on the same stage of the quest
2. The Missing Guardian (the last quest in the lower craglorn main questline), which requires 4 people to be on the same quest
The other quests can be done solo or in duo.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.
Actually, only two craglorn quests require multiple people:
1. The Corrupted Stone (first quest in the main questline), which requires 3 people to be on the same stage of the quest
2. The Missing Guardian (the last quest in the lower craglorn main questline), which requires 4 people to be on the same quest
The other quests can be done solo or in duo.
Nobody's forcing you to play in Craglorn. Other than skyshards than can be grabbed by a solo player, there is nothing in that zone that requires you to play the content. If you don't like it, go to Cyrodiil or play the other veteran zones. You can even do trials without ever setting foot in Belkarth.
Johnny_NO_skillz wrote: »If you're not at Craglorn yet, I'll fill you in...
- Craglorn is a Veteran Rank zone designed for players leveled VR10+
- AFTER VR10, there is no other reasonable way to progress in leveling experience besides doing this zone.
Pretty sure people will still farm nodes there for nirncrux unless they add some other way to get it.
Actually, only two craglorn quests require multiple people:
1. The Corrupted Stone (first quest in the main questline), which requires 3 people to be on the same stage of the quest
2. The Missing Guardian (the last quest in the lower craglorn main questline), which requires 4 people to be on the same quest
The other quests can be done solo or in duo.
Haha. Nice one. I hope ZOS reads this thread. EVERY single person I have talked to in-game and even out of game thinks forced grouping for quests is a bad idea. I have not heard one single person who has something good to say about it.khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.
The question is, why is it ok to force solo on everyone from level 1-VR10 but not ok to expect a group of 2+ at Craglorn?
Again people only see their own issues but not those of others. Someone interested in group play has one single zone right now, go figure how he must feel about threads like this one here.
Haha. Nice one. I hope ZOS reads this thread. EVERY single person I have talked to in-game and even out of game thinks forced grouping is a bad idea. I have not heard one single person who has something good to say about it.khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.
The question is, why is it ok to force solo on everyone from level 1-VR10 but not ok to expect a group of 2+ at Craglorn?
Again people only see their own issues but not those of others. Someone interested in group play has one single zone right now, go figure how he must feel about threads like this one here.
The question is, why is it ok to force solo on everyone from level 1-VR10 but not ok to expect a group of 2+ at Craglorn?
Again people only see their own issues but not those of others. Someone interested in group play has one single zone right now, go figure how he must feel about threads like this one here.
We aren't against group content. We are against a zone that is for groups but impossible to even get a group. Grinding is what Craglorn is for. The zone isn't for questing.
Craglorn needs to be a real end game zone.they need to make it so you can only go there after you finish cadwells gold quest line.this will help make all other zones a little more active and it will also give the people that earn't the right to be there a better experience without having every vet 1 and his mudcrab farming the content..what if i would like to try duo a boss with a friend? well good luck because it is getting farmed by 10+ people.
come on zos this makes sense!
That is not the point, for God's sake. They can optimize the zone for groups all they want, they can make it twice as hard for all I care. They just shouldn't REQUIRE you to be a number of N players to complete specific quests. Just give players hard content and let them figure out how many friends they need to beat it.JessieColt wrote: »What is it that the guy in Belkarth says "you wanna cry me a river, go ahead, then you can swim out of Craglorn."
Craglorn is 1 zone that has content that is designed more for grouped play. 1 freaking zone.
As a vet player, there are more than a dozen other zones where you can play and earn vet xp.
Long before Craglorn was release there were capped players who got that way in the Vet zones.
By the time you reach the last zone in Cadwell's Gold you should be at or near VR10. This means you have 2 levels left before cap.
You can get those other 2 levels by going back and working on Achievements on dolmen's or helping others with the zone/world bosses.
Craglorn is not your only option for leveling Vet ranks. Far from it.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.
The question is, why is it ok to force solo on everyone from level 1-VR10 but not ok to expect a group of 2+ at Craglorn?