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Sorc vs. Stealth Pot/Vanish/Dodge roll - No escape.

Impossible to escape. I don't get it. I keep on getting dmged and dropped from stealth no matter what I do. vanish, stealth pot.. no matter what as a VR14 NB I CANNOT escape once a sorc gets on my trail. Why on EARTH is this a mechanic?

Seriously. A sorc with literally a 90 IQ can chase and capture me. Im not even talking about bolt escape stun/reveal. Im talking about any number of abilities that CONSISTENTLY land and do dmg popping me from stealth LONG after ive stealthed. What gives? Anyone have any advice short of rolling a sorc?

This is game breaking for me. Its so incredibly stupid and annoying. YES I am able to kill sorcs, but if one catches me out of stealth there is literally NOTHING I can do short of turning and fighting often at a huge resource disadvantage..

enough is enough. this is STUPID!

  • kazeweaver
    There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players
  • Gilvoth
    kazeweaver wrote: »
    There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players

    yes this is truth sadly.

  • kazeweaver
    I remember an in game friend reported someone who was obviously cheating and said that zos told him they won't do anything about it. Is this the only mmo like that? And the only mmo that doesn't have in game moderators/admins?
  • Gilvoth
    Duukar wrote: »
    Impossible to escape. I don't get it. I keep on getting dmged and dropped from stealth no matter what I do. vanish, stealth pot.. no matter what as a VR14 NB I CANNOT escape once a sorc gets on my trail. Why on EARTH is this a mechanic?

    Seriously. A sorc with literally a 90 IQ can chase and capture me. Im not even talking about bolt escape stun/reveal. Im talking about any number of abilities that CONSISTENTLY land and do dmg popping me from stealth LONG after ive stealthed. What gives? Anyone have any advice short of rolling a sorc?

    This is game breaking for me. Its so incredibly stupid and annoying. YES I am able to kill sorcs, but if one catches me out of stealth there is literally NOTHING I can do short of turning and fighting often at a huge resource disadvantage..

    enough is enough. this is STUPID!


    i feel your pain my dark friend, trust me i know all too well about your struggles as i have been struggling with this now for a very long time.
    right now i can only suggest 2 things that have helped me in my travels.

    1) usually sorcerers are not in stealth (there are some stealthed sorcerers) since you can clearly see them, just try to avoid them and stay away from close contact.

    2) allways have that "flying dagger" ready with your very handy "mark target"
    i have found that sorcerers HATE those 2 things on them.

    maybe the champion system will hold some good changes for us nightblades
    just maybe ...

    good luck

    Edited by Gilvoth on October 28, 2014 12:59AM
  • ontheleftcoast
    It's not just the other players. Some monsters also seem to posses advanced radar and possibly infra vision and maybe sonar. I've had trash mobs that I've stumbled on turn into life and death struggles because I burned 80% of my magic and downed a potion trying to disengage from them only to be thwarted 5 or 6 times and had to fight like a mad man -- er, lizard -- just to get out of the encounter with my skin intact.

    We NB's need to face reality -- stealth in ESO is completely, utterly, and totally broken. When it works it's over powered and when it fails it kills you. There's no middle ground, only extremes.
  • Duukar
    Why on earth am I endlessly DETECTED.. I get spotted by guards SURE they can detect me for 1 minute or more no matter how far away I run..


    What exactly is causing my toon to be detected? I have no idea. It seem entirely random. Sometimes I can land a Snipe and restealth immediately. Sometimes I am just perpetually detected no matter what I do after fighting a player.. Its random and I HATE IT!!!!

  • Duukar
    Why also does my crit strike from stealth not do ANY dmg? Is this some type of shield that some characters have? I mean if Im in position and land a crit strike from stealth about 1/10 times is literally does NOTHING.. Someone explain please..

    Honestly Ive just had it.

  • Gilvoth
    Duukar wrote: »
    Why also does my crit strike from stealth not do ANY dmg? Is this some type of shield that some characters have? I mean if Im in position and land a crit strike from stealth about 1/10 times is literally does NOTHING.. Someone explain please..

    Honestly Ive just had it.


    that is from a cheat the sorcerers and dragonights and templars are using called "shield stacking"
    i dont know how it is done but according to zenimax's complete lack of responce verbaly or with any fix to it they apparently do not see it as a cheat, or they dont know how to fix it or something i dont know...

    the part about critical hits not doing much at all is basicly from a failed design mechanism ingame armor trait called "impenatrable"
    that trait basicly removes all ability for any and all critical hits to never, well, critical hit lol.

    hope that answers your questions.

    Edited by Gilvoth on October 28, 2014 1:34AM
  • hutchinsonhatch
    kazeweaver wrote: »
    I remember an in game friend reported someone who was obviously cheating and said that zos told him they won't do anything about it. Is this the only mmo like that? And the only mmo that doesn't have in game moderators/admins?

    I haven't encountered any cheats yet, but I can ensure you, one week of Neverwinter will make ESO paradise on earth.

    I learned the hard way, that in PVP there is no honor and self-respect. If the creators don't deal with those things, don't count on players to neglect them.
  • Duukar
    Ok so just now I face a sorc 1v1. Hes blovk casting duuuh.. so I vanish and from vanish pop a stealth/speed pot.. I think im home free. Literally 3 or 4 seconds after I stealth out and flee he CASTS A SPELL AND IT HITS ME AND I POP~!~!!!

    SO WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? 4 seconds in stealth and I get popped by a DD he JUST casts? So this must be lag ehh??

    So incredibly lame. He proceeded to burst me down while cast blocking.. nothing I can do.. $$$# YOU ZENI!!!

  • Valymer
    Duukar wrote: »
    Ok so just now I face a sorc 1v1. Hes blovk casting duuuh.. so I vanish and from vanish pop a stealth/speed pot.. I think im home free. Literally 3 or 4 seconds after I stealth out and flee he CASTS A SPELL AND IT HITS ME AND I POP~!~!!!

    SO WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? 4 seconds in stealth and I get popped by a DD he JUST casts? So this must be lag ehh??

    So incredibly lame. He proceeded to burst me down while cast blocking.. nothing I can do.. $$$# YOU ZENI!!!


    Velocious Curse, most likely
  • GnatB
    I don't know, I'll admit I don't PvP, but I find it sort of amusing that you expect to be able to flee from a battle whenever you want to begin with. I'd hope it would be difficult/impossible for any class to do that. Otherwise nobody would ever kill anybody else, somebody would always just flee.
    Achievements Suck
  • wraithguknub18_ESO
    It amazes me that people use these cheats and feel good about "accomplishing" something.

    They are all losers. How in the heck can you feel proud about anything if you have to cheat to get it.

    I guess im too old and set in my ways to understand it.

    That was why I took a 1 month break from this game. I seriously hate cheaters.

    I think ZOS needs to hire a couple full time GM's to sit in cyradill and respond to possible cheaters instantly. Might discourage people from cheating...a little bit.
  • Gilvoth
    GnatB wrote: »
    I don't know, I'll admit I don't PvP, but I find it sort of amusing that you expect to be able to flee from a battle whenever you want to begin with. I'd hope it would be difficult/impossible for any class to do that. Otherwise nobody would ever kill anybody else, somebody would always just flee.

    you know, that would seem ligitimate and fitting and would be all for fighting some one starting from stealth and then leading into full out 1 verses 1 and not trying to sneak away and escape. making it a perfect and fair fight.

    the problem with this however, in elderscrolls online pvp the classes are not balanced. nightblades (stamina medium armor wearing duel wielding nightblades) do not possess the same healing skills, survivability, and damage output as the other classes. so, in-order to compensate for our lack of strengths we instead try to use stealth when we see that its a fact we are going to die Which is Not allways, because we do sometimes win. but when we see we need to break away to regain our health or a 2 second break or even a need to escape completely we try to then use stealth.

  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    As I sorc, I find this hilarious. Just a little while ago people were crying about bolt escape and saying that it should be removed from the game completely because sorcs shouldn't be allowed to escape.

    Many of the complaints against sorc come from NB because Sorcs are their toughest class. In turn, many complaints about Dragonknights come from Sorcs because DK's are our toughest class.

    On my templar, I can handle DKs, but die the most to NBs, where they were't much of a problem on my Sorc.

    Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors.
  • JaJaLuka
    Valymer wrote: »
    Duukar wrote: »
    Ok so just now I face a sorc 1v1. Hes blovk casting duuuh.. so I vanish and from vanish pop a stealth/speed pot.. I think im home free. Literally 3 or 4 seconds after I stealth out and flee he CASTS A SPELL AND IT HITS ME AND I POP~!~!!!

    SO WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? 4 seconds in stealth and I get popped by a DD he JUST casts? So this must be lag ehh??

    So incredibly lame. He proceeded to burst me down while cast blocking.. nothing I can do.. $$$# YOU ZENI!!!


    Velocious Curse, most likely

    ^^ this ability has a timer. it was probably cast before you went into stealth, it then sticks to you and explodes after a period of time.
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • Gilvoth
    As I sorc, I find this hilarious. Just a little while ago people were crying about bolt escape and saying that it should be removed from the game completely because sorcs shouldn't be allowed to escape.

    the reason we were complaining about bolt escape is because bolt escape knocks down, stunns, and damages people. and you repeatedly spam it till people are dead.
    Not because of escape, it was because of the damage and stunn, and knocking us down making us incapable of surviving. which is still true unless we perminantly spam heavy armor skill called "immovable" or just hold block against you. iether way we loose all of our stamina so basicly we just try to avoid you unless there are alot of us around to 6 verses one you.

  • MiyaTheUnbroken
    The things you are complaining about are caused by several different factors. There are detection potions that break stealth and cloak. There are about a million things breaking cloak (ZOS says they're working on this). There is a stuck in combat bug that is causing you to remain detected despite the fact you have broken line of sight and no damage has been dealt by either participant for some time. The bonus to that one is that it doesn't affect both of you, so you can be stuck in combat with a person, while they are able to hide. Also, sometimes it's a corpse you're stuck in combat with, and you'll remain stuck until that player respawns.

    There are a lot of threads about this if you'd like to search and find more info, and ZOS keeps saying they are working on it. Some of us have hope, many of us have reached the breaking point and left.

    It has gotten better, if that's any consolation.

    P.S. I slay sorcerers. It's the DKs I fear. And sometimes Templars.
  • Gillysan
  • Ezareth
    I'm a sorc and I don't use cheats to detect nightblades although I've been accused of this lately which is laughable.

    What I do use on my main bar at all times is Inner Light which detects nightblades within several meters and if a NB is running I just stay on top of them with Bolt escape and let the Inner Light do the trick.

    Velocious curse Is the first thing I keep cast on them as when it explodes it reveals where they are if you haven't already revealed them.

    Gank nightblades are by far the easiest kill for me with my playstyle mainly because they frontload all their damage and have little HP, Impen, or true survivability which they sacrifice to do that much damage.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • jackyd
    Eh just a quick question, you sure do know that stealth only works while out of sight radius of players and mobs?

    You CANNOT stealth when someone is staring straight at you and you are not a certain distance away, the only thing that works in that instance are inviz pots and shadow cloak >.<

    What makes things worse is Sorcs are stealth buster with Magelight, and one of the morphs totally negates the stealth damage bonus
    Edited by jackyd on October 28, 2014 9:11AM
  • Gillysan
    False information regarding Magelight. Magelight is a Mages Guild skill and any class can learn it. Also, it reduces damage from stealthed attacks, not completely negate.

    Once again....
    J, journal > Leaderboards > Overall > 5 of top 10 players = NB's
    5/10 = 50% = half
    ....that is my stealthed L2P statement. :D
  • jackyd
    Gillysan wrote: »
    False information regarding Magelight. Magelight is a Mages Guild skill and any class can learn it. Also, it reduces damage from stealthed attacks, not completely negate.

    Once again....
    J, journal > Leaderboards > Overall > 5 of top 10 players = NB's
    5/10 = 50% = half
    ....that is my stealthed L2P statement. :D

    Hahaha good call on Magelight lol I've had that skill for so long and haven't taken it off my bar I thought it came with my class template

    Well at least I've finally had a derp moment myself. I guess it's all those crazy threads that popped up over the night that made my brain go numb :wtf:
    Edited by jackyd on October 28, 2014 9:55AM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Duukar wrote: »
    Impossible to escape. I don't get it. I keep on getting dmged and dropped from stealth no matter what I do. vanish, stealth pot.. no matter what as a VR14 NB I CANNOT escape once a sorc gets on my trail. Why on EARTH is this a mechanic?

    Seriously. A sorc with literally a 90 IQ can chase and capture me. Im not even talking about bolt escape stun/reveal. Im talking about any number of abilities that CONSISTENTLY land and do dmg popping me from stealth LONG after ive stealthed. What gives? Anyone have any advice short of rolling a sorc?

    This is game breaking for me. Its so incredibly stupid and annoying. YES I am able to kill sorcs, but if one catches me out of stealth there is literally NOTHING I can do short of turning and fighting often at a huge resource disadvantage..

    enough is enough. this is STUPID!


    @Dukar, what does your Death Recap say? That would helpful here.

    Things like Curse don't fire right away - more of a time bomb. Drop AoE (Lightning Splash, for instance) in the best-guess direction of travel and that's another possibility.

    Detect Potions make stealthed's visible (to caster only). Magelight does the same. Both of these are available to any character, not just Sorc's.

    Any damage received breaks stealth, which is reasonable. It's a disruption, same as an interrupt breaks a cast.

    There is also the option to stay & fight... (What % of the time did you initiate the encounter?)
    kazeweaver wrote: »
    There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players

    Have you reported said add-on?
    kazeweaver wrote: »
    I remember an in game friend reported someone who was obviously cheating and said that zos told him they won't do anything about it. Is this the only mmo like that? And the only mmo that doesn't have in game moderators/admins?

    Oh, they do, however, priority is more than a little bass-ackwards in regard to this. Exploits are left in, "being looked into," or "unintended consequences" of the design, or flat out "working as intended."

    Post a legitimate solution to a legitimate bug, and they pull your thread.

    Lends a lot of faith when you're trying to play the game the right way.
    I'm a sorc and I don't use cheats to detect nightblades although I've been accused of this lately which is laughable.

    What I do use on my main bar at all times is Inner Light which detects nightblades within several meters and if a NB is running I just stay on top of them with Bolt escape and let the Inner Light do the trick.

    Velocious curse Is the first thing I keep cast on them as when it explodes it reveals where they are if you haven't already revealed them.

    Again, this.

    Takes only one player with magelight to see the stealthed player.

    Takes one hit of damage to reveal to everyone else.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • bunnytrix
    It is game breaking for a lot of people, many of whom have left the game because of it. There's no advice I can give as it is a totally broken mechanic, and it's not just sorcs..... There's also the stuck in combat bugs and the broken stealth.

    And for the people posting in this thread still wearing blinkers, or still somehow totally unaware of the problems with Shadow Cloak and stealth, or posting leaderboard rubbish about how great Nightblades are doing...

    Shadow Cloak...the Nightblade's vanish ability, and a core Nightblade class mechanic, is totally broken. It has been broken since the game's release (7 months), and in fact long before that, as it was broken in beta. The developers are literally unable to code this ability to make it work. Anything can break it, sometimes it will break for no reason at all. It works maybe about 1 in every 10 times you use it, and that's in PVE. In Cyrodiil it never works.

    Also, and this affects all classes, (but hits harder on those people who like to play a stealthy rogue type Nightblade)..... Normal crouching stealth has been totally broken since update 1.4 landed. 1.4 broke and changed the way normal stealth works, and since then..detection radius became far greater, you are spotted at much farther away, making any kind of stealthy gameplay much more difficult than it used to be, but particularly hitting hard on Nightblades who like to sneak up close and use abilities like Concealed Weapon.

    ZoS have admitted that Shadow Cloak is still broken, and are apparently still working to fix it, though the fact it has taken them so long proves they are unable to , or just set it at very low priority.
    As for broken normal stealth, after many many threads, and thousands of posts about it, they still refuse to admit that it is a problem and that they broke it with 1.4.

  • Gillysan
    Leaderboard rubbish is real information. It clearly shows that NB's are far more capable than some people claim. This isn't the only class that has had or still has partially working abilities. This game is filled with little problems and I still occasionally do a bug report in-game. Perhaps you should turn the blinkers off and adapt & conquer. I have given two links above where you can further research the NB class as well as other classes. My suggestion to the OP is go and read up on your class.

    The problem with this thread is it's just another rage thread. There are other threads where people are trying to do the maths of 2+2 = 4 and figure out what is wrong. Instead of starting just another rage thread, post on an already existing one.
    Edited by Gillysan on October 28, 2014 11:54AM
  • TheBull
    Streak should not be the only thing in game that breaks dodge/roll immunity.
  • Mountain_Dewed
    kazeweaver wrote: »
    There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players

    Yes, I'm going to start reporting the obvious ones. I had 2 in one day: One got off his/her horse to come after me and another fired a bolt directly at me while stealthed in a corner.

    Some seem to think that if UI allows it to be written that it's ok to use, wait until the hammer starts swinging at them. Some of them will read this and laugh, but watch and learn...
    Edited by Mountain_Dewed on October 28, 2014 12:10PM
  • onlinegamer1
    kazeweaver wrote: »
    There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players

    No, there isn't. The AddOn API doesn't give add ons any way to "detect stealthed players". This is just a lie.

    As a Rank 50 Alchemist, I can tell you that I have over 150 Detect Invisibility potions on me at all times. These detect you even while Invisible with Dark Cloak.

    And as others have mentioned, Mage Light (Mage Guild skill, available to all classes) also reveals you, again, even under Dark Cloak.
  • reften
    Stealth detection potions...I have 80+ of them in my hot bar right now.
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
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