kazeweaver wrote: »There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players
Impossible to escape. I don't get it. I keep on getting dmged and dropped from stealth no matter what I do. vanish, stealth pot.. no matter what as a VR14 NB I CANNOT escape once a sorc gets on my trail. Why on EARTH is this a mechanic?
Seriously. A sorc with literally a 90 IQ can chase and capture me. Im not even talking about bolt escape stun/reveal. Im talking about any number of abilities that CONSISTENTLY land and do dmg popping me from stealth LONG after ive stealthed. What gives? Anyone have any advice short of rolling a sorc?
This is game breaking for me. Its so incredibly stupid and annoying. YES I am able to kill sorcs, but if one catches me out of stealth there is literally NOTHING I can do short of turning and fighting often at a huge resource disadvantage..
enough is enough. this is STUPID!
Why also does my crit strike from stealth not do ANY dmg? Is this some type of shield that some characters have? I mean if Im in position and land a crit strike from stealth about 1/10 times is literally does NOTHING.. Someone explain please..
Honestly Ive just had it.
kazeweaver wrote: »I remember an in game friend reported someone who was obviously cheating and said that zos told him they won't do anything about it. Is this the only mmo like that? And the only mmo that doesn't have in game moderators/admins?
Ok so just now I face a sorc 1v1. Hes blovk casting duuuh.. so I vanish and from vanish pop a stealth/speed pot.. I think im home free. Literally 3 or 4 seconds after I stealth out and flee he CASTS A SPELL AND IT HITS ME AND I POP~!~!!!
SO WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? 4 seconds in stealth and I get popped by a DD he JUST casts? So this must be lag ehh??
So incredibly lame. He proceeded to burst me down while cast blocking.. nothing I can do.. $$$# YOU ZENI!!!
I don't know, I'll admit I don't PvP, but I find it sort of amusing that you expect to be able to flee from a battle whenever you want to begin with. I'd hope it would be difficult/impossible for any class to do that. Otherwise nobody would ever kill anybody else, somebody would always just flee.
Ok so just now I face a sorc 1v1. Hes blovk casting duuuh.. so I vanish and from vanish pop a stealth/speed pot.. I think im home free. Literally 3 or 4 seconds after I stealth out and flee he CASTS A SPELL AND IT HITS ME AND I POP~!~!!!
SO WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? 4 seconds in stealth and I get popped by a DD he JUST casts? So this must be lag ehh??
So incredibly lame. He proceeded to burst me down while cast blocking.. nothing I can do.. $$$# YOU ZENI!!!
Velocious Curse, most likely
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »As I sorc, I find this hilarious. Just a little while ago people were crying about bolt escape and saying that it should be removed from the game completely because sorcs shouldn't be allowed to escape.
False information regarding Magelight. Magelight is a Mages Guild skill and any class can learn it. Also, it reduces damage from stealthed attacks, not completely negate.
Once again....
J, journal > Leaderboards > Overall > 5 of top 10 players = NB's
5/10 = 50% = half
....that is my stealthed L2P statement.
Impossible to escape. I don't get it. I keep on getting dmged and dropped from stealth no matter what I do. vanish, stealth pot.. no matter what as a VR14 NB I CANNOT escape once a sorc gets on my trail. Why on EARTH is this a mechanic?
Seriously. A sorc with literally a 90 IQ can chase and capture me. Im not even talking about bolt escape stun/reveal. Im talking about any number of abilities that CONSISTENTLY land and do dmg popping me from stealth LONG after ive stealthed. What gives? Anyone have any advice short of rolling a sorc?
This is game breaking for me. Its so incredibly stupid and annoying. YES I am able to kill sorcs, but if one catches me out of stealth there is literally NOTHING I can do short of turning and fighting often at a huge resource disadvantage..
enough is enough. this is STUPID!
kazeweaver wrote: »There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players
kazeweaver wrote: »I remember an in game friend reported someone who was obviously cheating and said that zos told him they won't do anything about it. Is this the only mmo like that? And the only mmo that doesn't have in game moderators/admins?
ezareth_ESO wrote: »I'm a sorc and I don't use cheats to detect nightblades although I've been accused of this lately which is laughable.
What I do use on my main bar at all times is Inner Light which detects nightblades within several meters and if a NB is running I just stay on top of them with Bolt escape and let the Inner Light do the trick.
Velocious curse Is the first thing I keep cast on them as when it explodes it reveals where they are if you haven't already revealed them.
kazeweaver wrote: »There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players
kazeweaver wrote: »There are add on cheats that allow others to see stealthed players