How to decide who to and not to listen to?

I was just thinking about when Silverbolt hit PvP with it's 2k plus damage and how many players jumped on using it because of the damage. It kind of made me sick to my stomach to use it on other players because it made me feel like I was cheating, so I chose not to play much during this fiasco.

There were some other instances where I noticed a lot of players jumping on the chance to use an "exploit" I guess I'll call them, to get an advantage on their game. I was surprised at how many wanted to do this. I knew there were a good amount out there that would use an opportunity to cheat exploit but never realized how many until I played PvP on here.

This brings me to the question on how does Zen know who to listen to and who not to when there is an outcry to nerf or buff something for example. There are many other things to listen to but this was one that could be used for a good example.

They have done fairly well imo on the game, only a few things got changes, like Doshia battle for example, being too easy, but for the most part they have done an exceptional job and I hope they listen to their brains above ours most of the time. :smile:
  • guybrushtb16_ESO
    Well, the optimist in me hopes that they have actual metrics that help them decide what is performing according to their expectations and what not, but the realist in me suspects they mostly go by a "whatever floats their boat" approach.
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