Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Huge amount of bugs not resolved and it's really start pissing me off

Soul Shriven

I sadly open a Thread here because making Bug Report in game dont do anything.

Since the 5th september, a Thread was made by a player regarding the trait "sharpned" ignoring 100% of spell resistance on the PTS. You (Zenimax) said you were looking at it.
Now we are the 19th of October, and the Traits still ignore 100% spell resistance. 1.4 was release at step 3, now we are at step 6 (1.4.6) and still no correction.
How could you dare do Magicka vs Stamina Balance WITHOUT CORRECTING ACTUAL NONSENS/Bug ?

Combat log :
469 - Nirn trait (18% ignore)
501 - Sharpned (14% ignore)


Weapon used :


The log speaks itself. Nearly 40dmg more on a traits that get lower spell penetration....

Now other bugs without resolution still 1.4.3

Stealth bug on Clouding swarm : When you use vampire ultimate and switch bar while the duration, your character disappear on the screen when you switch back to the vampire ultimate bar (90% of the time). You do NOT disappear for others, just for yourself, and this stay until you die (and some times you have to die not just once to get ride of this bug). And its pretty annoying to see what is happening (stun/roots/buffs etc) just because WE CANT !!!!

Graphical issue :
- Character skin gets messed up avec a long time of Pvping with black stains all over it.
- No matter PFX configuration, when there is too many people around the zone (not the screen, the zone), light/heavy fire attacks display are messed up (Normal from the start, then the its like just a blurr). Same for the crystal shard. How should you block/dodge if you dont see anything coming?

This is just a short list of bugs/issues that we can found since 1.4.3 and still going on. I wont take time to centralised all of them, in game bugs report or thread on forums are full of it.

I will probably record this to show this to the whole community and player that are not in elderscrolls, maybe it will make you hurrry up to do what we paied you 14€/month

Please, stop try to add more stuff on the game and fix it first. I'm not the only one who is pissed of your lags, bugs, glitches that the game is full of.
Edited by Llithyia on October 31, 2014 6:42PM
Millenium Guild- PvP
DOOM Guild - PvE
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there @Llithyia,

    We are continuing to investigate the Sharpened trait for the issue that you've described. We appreciate the additional data that you have provided, and we'll be sure to send it over to the right folks for review.

    From your short list, we can confirm that a solution for the Clouding Swarm issue has been found, and will be pushed to the live server in a future patch.

    We are continuing to work on particle optimization in large group situations. If you encounter issues, we ask that you submit a /bug report. Our developers read every submitted bug report that is submitted. As these reports go straight to the devs, our CS department does not respond to them. If you require more immediate assistance, we ask that you submit a /help request so a member of our CS team can assist you.

    We appreciate all of the feedback you have provided, and if there's anything else you can think of we'd be happy to hear it, either here on the forums, in a /feedback report, a /bug report, or a /help ticket.

    We also invite you to read the patch notes for Update 5, which is currently available on PTS. The notes aren't finalized and are subject to change based on player feedback, but it will give a look into what we have planned. If there's any other way we can help on here, please let us know!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Llithyia
    Soul Shriven
    First of all, thx for your answer.

    I have already done several /bug report even on the PTS for the crushing sock bug (the cold effect which is bug in PvP because you cant proc it on players) since the release of the game in April. (It work correclty on PvE)

    And this is an other bug that is still not corrected.

    To be honest, making /bug report and see no change since 1.0 to 1.4.6 does not confort us making /bug report (even on PTS when we reported the sharpned traits bug before 1.4 was announced released).

    I really hope this will change in the futur.
    Edited by Llithyia on October 19, 2014 4:44PM
    Millenium Guild- PvP
    DOOM Guild - PvE
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there @Llithyia,

    We recently dropped into this topic on the PTS board in order to shed a bit of light on how feedback is assessed and reviewed in PTS:

    While this was for PTS, the same procedure applies to the game on the live server, and we absolutely read every /feedback, /bug, and forum report. We'll be sure to send your feedback from this topic along to the correct place.

    We honestly thank you for all of the feedback you have provided, both in this topic and in your /bug reports. Please keep them coming so we can continue to improve!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | ESO Knowledge Base
    Staff Post
  • Llithyia
    Soul Shriven
    Thx again.

    As soon as EU character are on PTS i will try to figure out all the nasty bugs/glitchs that we have on live. (with /bug report and forum to be sure you saw them ;) )
    Millenium Guild- PvP
    DOOM Guild - PvE
  • Llithyia
    Soul Shriven
    Hello Gary,

    I bump this thread up. We argue about PTS but the Europe will finaly wont have the 2 weeks test with our live characters (with migration).

    Are we wrong to conclude that European test on PTS have no interest for devs ?

    This is a pretty bad decision to announce "EU will have their character too for 2 weeks" and lock the feature only for US. (and dont give the argument of "but 1.5 will be out faster" We dont give a *** about 1 more week delay for 1.5 if you get out 1.5 with the same poor quality of 1.4 release)

    Why would we play on a game that devs dont give a *** of our world loc ?
    Why would we play it in Europe If the game is developped for US only?
    Why would we play a game that let imbalanced bug present with the promiss on "go test on pts" if its not fully possible ?

    Thoose are serious question Gary, the 7th is a big renew of monthly payment for a largenumber of people. You (zenimax) cry because people dont test enough the PTS, but when we want too, when we do feedbacks/bugs report, you just ignore us with these kind of double-cross.

    Remember that we are CUSTOMER. You (zenimax) did a pretty great job on communication (which was a HUGE + Vs other Mmo Developpers) and now you throw away a large part of your community.

    If the bugs announced above are not corrected, if new bugs are present on 1.5, i will conclued that all my test, logs etc done on older pts sessions, on PTS pre-release, on stress test session, all the feedbacks done and bug reports, are just an illusion of zenimax acknolegment of his European community and i will straightly cancel my payment as will probably do people on my guilds/friend list.
    Edited by Llithyia on October 31, 2014 6:02PM
    Millenium Guild- PvP
    DOOM Guild - PvE
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    "Graphical issue :
    - Character skin gets messed up avec a long time of Pvping with black stains all over it."

    thats the repeantance status effect graphic..

    its caused any time a Templar near your dead body uses the ability "repentance" which uses dead bodys to restore Health and Stamina to nearby allies. each body can only be used once in this fashion.

    The status effects only effects is the visual effect, and to mark corpses as "used up". it can be cleared by Purge or the Purge Synergy from templars. i have tested this before when i noticed it was on my Sorc, just to check that it could be removed like that.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • KBKB
    Lol ZOS, So out of their weight class with a MMO and the big bad players.
  • Llithyia
    Soul Shriven

    As when you die the effect dont stay too, but its a shame on a game released for 8 month to still have bugs like that.
    If it was only some bugs here and there, i can understand it, even more when its due to a new patch freshly pushed live. But we are talking about big balance bug which are active since 1.4 pts (like sharpned traits) , or graphical issue (black stains) / bugs (crushing shock) that are active since 1.0 and 1.2. And all of these bugs were feedback, published on serious forums/reddit and still nothing.

    Edit : We have someone on our PvP guild with mage Guild bug. He got all books (and i mean litterally ALL) and he is stuck on level 9, and this since May 2014. 6 Month with technical support and still no solution for his bug (and they dont want to set his manualy to level 10, even with all books achievment)

    The game is starting to implode of bugs, and some are directly impacting balance (like sharpned traits).
    Remember the vampire ulti exploit : 3 weeks for a patch to fix it.

    Balance bug should be their priority, but it isnt.
    Lag should be a concern, but when you contact the support, the response is "we cant do anything right now" (And Game lag in cyrodill is a daily issue since Day 1)
    We got contenent thats great, but each time new problems arrives and older arent yet resolved.

    And that the major issue of this game, and that why people leave to Wildstars, then to Archeage, and will leave for WoW draenor and will be waiting for DaoC Unchained if they stick to this process of developpement.

    Edited by Llithyia on October 31, 2014 7:12PM
    Millenium Guild- PvP
    DOOM Guild - PvE
  • KBKB
    Let me add to your list.

    - Every single time you patch something goes wrong; FPS bug, broken skills, broken launcher etc etc whats the point of PTS if you aren't even going close to using for the very reason it was created!
    -Exploiters in PVP be it troll camps, getting past closed gate broken ability abuse or general exploit abuse
    -PvP has fast become repetitive and very boring add some other options with close world PvP in ASAP
    -Faction Labels not appearing at all until its too late in PvP
    -Population imbalance in PvP
    -Rollbacks in PvP
    -Lag in PvP
    -Mass queues in PvP
    -Lack of balance in PvP
    -Buggy Siege and abilities in PvP and PvE
    - We have been waiting on A LOT of content that should have been around in release; Imperial city, Poisons to make mushroom herbs viable, Jewel crafting anyone? Thieves guild/ Dark brotherhood etc etc
    - You don't listen to the community we asked for a PvP arena we get a PvE arena for one minor example
    - Game was arguably more stable in beta than on a patch day
    -Upper Craglorn was a joke of an update
    -Adding a new trait with a 30 day research timer was an awfully cheap way to try and "extend" current content
    -Graphical bugs that cause you to need to reload your character
    -The fact that for 2 days people have had to run the game via the ESO.exe other than launcher, really sucks if you hadn't been able to update.
    -Random D/Cs when things get too much in a small area in both PvP and PvE
    - 1 new bunch of set gear and 2 Level cap raises in less than 6 months
    - A complete lack of transparency from the Devs/CS reps as to when problems occur and your general game mechanics slaps theory crafters serious and casual in the face
    - Bugs in the Guild Store and Guild UIs
    - Bugs in various Quests
    - Bugs with mount noises sometimes they are there sometimes not
    - Infinite loading screens
    - Various errors and bugs iirc error 201 or 301 the CS rep told me to spam logging in to fix my problem which after 90 minutes I gave up (3rd time i was hit by this error locking me out for more than 24 hours and i was not offered free time costs you nothing and keeps you subs)
    - The fact that when ESO is running smoothly you actually feel lucky and like there is impending sense of something bad about to happen

    I run a trade guild on DC side the lowest population of the three factions and I kick about 10 in-actives DAILY that is a lot of people leaving your game

    Should the nine divines decide for a dev to actually comment on this thread asking me to elaborate on said issues. How about you check your bug reports we all make them and I'm almost positive you would have mountains of unread reports sitting there.
    Edited by KBKB on October 31, 2014 7:14PM
  • Llithyia
    Soul Shriven

    Thank you black-bird for all your feeback here :)

    If anyone can participate to the thread like this without trolling/trashing it would maybe get us a chance to Really establish a discussion thread on thoose problems.

    As Black-Bird says, fell free to fill up your reccurent bugs (with video or screenshots, because YES proof wont let anyone tell you that "it does not exist", proof are your Power when you complain about something)
    Millenium Guild- PvP
    DOOM Guild - PvE
  • KBKB
    Lol @Llithyia I have made that post into 3 threads now 2 of which were moved to General discussion(I have no idea why!) and one was locked. I gave up on CS along time ago =P
  • sagitter
    is the trait sharpned been fixed now? just like to know.
  • C3N50R3D
  • lord_dal
    so many bugs in the game, for a long long time, and still havent been fixed, and content update after content update, another one coming soon..
    and with it, more issues, since there are bugs in all patches, big or small, but Im starting to fear, that ZOS is focusing too much on new content, instead of fixing the content we have first, but might just be me..
    Edited by lord_dal on December 18, 2014 5:16PM
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