In my ideal fantasy world every day would be a christmas celebration or something yes?
Do people celebrate Christmas 3 weeks early in your fantasy world?
I don't think the patch will come this month, I see it more around mid / end of November. Keep in mind they said 6-8 weeks between updates and not 4
And since we do have Christmas in December (you know when you celebrate with your family), New years eve (when you party with your friends) a patch is very unlikely around that time.
I also think that an announcement was made in regards of 1.6 coming in January.
We will see what happens but I wouldn't get my hopes too high.
As early as they put out decorations in the stores, you would think they do.
Do people celebrate Christmas 3 weeks early in your fantasy world?
There's 10 weeks left in the year and 1.5 will be live at the end of this month, so why would you think there would be no 1.6 in the first half of December on schedule?
I don't see what they could have done more in this road ahead update.
rophez_ESO wrote: »
Really? How about:
- Info on timeline for Champion System
- Info on timeline for Justice System
- Info on timeline for Spellcrafting
- Info on timeline for Imperial City
- Info on specific improvements to PVP
- Info on horse races
- Info on console release plans or progress
- Any details or screenshots on the Champion System/Justice System/Spellcrafting system
I mean I can go on - but it's obvious what the fans want info on. They could have given us a bone or two, instead of rehashing the PTS notes.
Hmm. The way I see it we have had a big load of information over the past few weeks with the live episodes and the summit summary. This info covered a large portion of what is to come. Going beyond update 1.5 too. I don't see what they could have done more in this road ahead update. I feel we have been given some good insights to whats ahead. People still wanted a road ahead article, even after all this info they already had gotten. I don't think its fair how people react to it now.
You're given a crapton of information regarding future updates, yet it is still not enough. They give in and dump a road ahead article on here which yeah, is underwhelming, but given the wealth of info we just had, what did you expect? I think you can only go so far in giving out info on whats to come. After that its just overkill with the risk of disappointing/angering players when things change.
I feel that whatever this company does, its never enough. Thats not to say there arent any problems or that their communication doesnt need work(tho in my opinion its okayish mostly).
I don't know, something irks me about people clamoring for this after all the info we've had, then complain when its there and its just a recap of things we already know. It reminds me of a spoiled child screaming; More more more! Even though its already oversaturated.
Just my two cents, no offense intended.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
Well none of that stuff is in 1.5 so no they couldn't do updates about it. Especially if there is nothing new to report.
None of the stuff was in any of the previous patches when they released the previous road ahead, but it was nice reading what they were doing, how close they were to completing it, and just having the info. People dont want to recap what we were told a week before. That is the issue here
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
The previous Road Aheads where about stuff that was going to be in the next patch. None of the stuff he mentioned was going to be in 1.5 so it makes it pointless to be in the road ahead. Unless they decide to start doing it differently and using the Road Aheads to be the Road Super Far Ahead.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »In the June one the only thing not in the following update was the dyes which was in the updates after that one. With July pretty much all that stuff was coming up. But since you really wanna argue it.
"we’ll be talking about our six-month reward soon." Not gonna be in 1.5
"On a related note, we’ll be moving collectibles like pets out of your inventory soon and into their own collections UI, keeping your pack just a little lighter." Not in 1.5
"and soon we’ll be introducing new player options to cull visual effects to increase your client’s framerate" Noty in 1.5
So yeah they did talk about stuff that they are working on not on the PTS.
MornaBaine wrote: »Zero discussion of doing ANYTHING to improve player experience for vampires and werewolves. Color me disappointed.
Not true, I am going to have a great experience now with the nerf to batswarm :P
Except some of us, me included, prefer reading to audiostreams.
Things coming in 1.5 are outlined in the patch notes. The Road Ahead has a different purpose - or at least I thought it did. Previously it was a general outline of their future plans, showing more than just the next patch.ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
Well none of that stuff is in 1.5 so no they couldn't do updates about it. Especially if there is nothing new to report.