Along with fixing bugs, combatting black market gold farmers, and balance tweaks, we have a long list of features and updates we’re working on that will be coming throughout 2014 and beyond. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up. For most of these, we don’t know yet which update they’ll be in, but they’re under active development right now:
A system that allows grouped players to see each other even when they’re in different phases
A justice system—steal from and kill NPCs and deal with the consequences if you are caught
Migration of European Megaserver to our European datacenter.
Field of View (FOV) adjustment
Armor dyeing and tinting
Two new Veteran Dungeons: Crypt of Hearts and City of Ash
New region of Craglorn with a new Trial (the Serpent)
Increased ability to pick up items in the world
Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests.
Horse Racing
Dragonstar Arena—similar to Trials, but built for a group of four
Improvements to fishing
Crafting system improvements
Improved Looking for Group system
Better NPC facial animations
Guild functionality updates: guild store interface updates, customizable guild insignias, tabards, and guild ranks, and Guild Kiosks—guild stores open to everyone that are available to the highest-bidding guild.
Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader
Awards when you repeat dungeons
Imperial City PvP dungeon
As we end this first month of our journey together, we want to express sincere appreciation to our loyal fans. Be assured that we are working diligently to keep ESO balanced, stable, and fresh for veteran players. We’ve gotten through our launch month well and are heading towards our first update soon. After that, expect many more good things in ESO. Thank you so much for your support and continued enthusiasm about the game—now I’m off to level my Nightblade.
rophez_ESO wrote: »There's no excuse for it. This is a lame "Road Ahead." Compare it to some of the language in the first Road Ahead back in May:
I mean, consider the fact that there was no September road ahead. Look at the list of features mentioned in the may article - you can see stuff that's getting added in update 5 and beyond. Surely Matt could have given us a few more details by now on the stuff that is coming after update 5? It's been 5 months.
In the end, not having news or time is fine but you really see in every sentence that there wasn't much enthusiasm in writing this Road Ahead article.
Maybe I am too harsh I don't know.
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »Sad thing is looks like 1.5 will be the last update of the year unless they surprise us
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »Sad thing is looks like 1.5 will be the last update of the year unless they surprise us
After the guild summit there's almost NOTHING we don't know that the devs have finalized, so what do you mouth breathers expect?
The devs don't know what will go into the next patch for sure until the previous patch hits the PTS which only happened this week.
In fact, the only reason they even are continuing to release Road ahead articles is because some mouthbreathers still asked for them on this forum, even though they have most of their ESO live show dedicated to it.
There's 10 weeks left in the year and 1.5 will be live at the end of this month, so why would you think there would be no 1.6 in the first half of December on schedule?
Guess I'm the odd sheep out. While the "Road Ahead" was indeed more of a summary of the next major update (VS a more long-term summary of things ahead), I'm pretty impressed with the change log on the PTS.
My god, do the devs even sleep over there at ZoS? Seriously, I gave up on reading everything cause it was just too much... I looked over the highlights though.... Like implementing the next stage of the Champion System (that's huge); the facial animation system (minus non-human npcs, still that's a LOT of code to go through); a reason to re-do group dungeons (huge for people like me who prefer co-op play vs PvP).
Plus we now have chat bubbles which really is minor and unimpressive as an "update" but I really like having that option. Together with the guild tabards, its a couple steps in the right direction for RP'ers.
Honestly, when this game was launched they probably had a list of things-to-do lined up which made that first Road Ahead epic. Now that they are into the thick of things I don't think we'll see "Road Ahead"s like that again.
Seriously, those guys/gals over there at ZoS must be getting some fat over-time checks :-)
There's 10 weeks left in the year and 1.5 will be live at the end of this month, so why would you think there would be no 1.6 in the first half of December on schedule?