I am just wondering what others think of the new face / lip sync in Update 5? I am most interested in the Argonian and Khajiit, since those are my favorite races. lip sync seems to me that it shows to much teeth and makes look kind of odd -- It is very close being right, but I think it needs a little more polish.
Argonians seem to be clipping somewhat with their mouths, besides show a little to much teeth. Also, for Argonians, since they have such wide mouths (the mouth does take up most of their head), but only the front of their mouth is moving. Should they have move open jaw when they talk, instead of their front lips move / sync only?
Also, I notice they are more NPC that talk, but do not have their lip sync at all. They talk with a closed mouth. Has anyone else notice that as well?
ZOS does good work, but the lip sync seems to need a little more polish to be up to ZOS's standard. What are your views on this?
Edited by k9mouse on October 14, 2014 8:06PM