Whoa, wait. Is this true? I just figure this emp wasn't that good, (third regicide achievement btw). They're usually lower on the leader boards, and the only reason they haven't been dethroned is it's hard to get good organized teams on AD and EP to retake keeps.Decado just take a large group and dethrone that emp. If he comes to defend it, he will level himself out anyway.
No matter what he does he cant keep it forever, he either defends and gains XP, or he gets dethroned.
It is actually disgusting that that guy has intentionally held on to it like that, up until him every other emperor of blackwater blade had leveled out or been dethroned legitimately. There is a reason all other emps lasted 5 days or less, we actually played our toons.
And because the entourage defending emp is actually a group of EP that guested over to DC alts, youre going to have to do it alone as AD. Shame on them, honestly.
decado0024_ESO wrote: »So first off I would like to say that I would really appreciate if we didn't turn this into a qq l2p response fest. I would like to take a few mins to talk about the state of affairs in PVP. I am going to try and not get into the class imbalances but rather stay on topic of game mechanics that are forcing ppl to unsubscribe. The population has decreased drastically and I for one feel that it is due to the complete disregard PVP gets when it comes to updates and fixes.
The first thing I would like to talk about is mechanics put in place to keep ppl from cheating or exploiting that don't work at all. ZoS has stated that they are going to stop the buffs from traveling with the player to a different campaign. I think that these buffs are PVP buffs and should not apply to all the PVE players because frankly they don't earn it. PVDooring a campaign is completely different from playing on a evenly populated server where u actually have to put in the time to earn them. However the "proposed" fix is not in effect. The buffs still travel and ppl still use buff servers, completely destroying pvp population balances. We are left with one real server that is half populated by guest players with full buffs, and that same server is extremely laggy because there is no where else ppl want to PVP. I know a few guilds have tried to fix this on their own and all respect to those guilds they deserve it.
Another mechanic placed in the game to stop ppl from placing camps behind the gates so a raid cant hide behind the gate after it closes and steal the scrolls UNFAIRLY is the new barrier mechanic. I tested this out and was behind the gate of gartok when it closed. when I tried to run out I was hit with a 7506 point damage titled barrier of gartok. At first I thought this was going to be great I have lost count of the number of times DC has used this particular trick. They make a weak attempt at the scroll which is just a diversion for getting one guy with a few camps behind the gate. They wait and hide and once the other faction starts pushing out and taking keeps back they steal the scroll. This happened tonight on thorn as a matter of fact. I wont name anyone but everyone in zone was like ' ehh don't worry they obviously don't read patch notes cause there is a barrier now and they cant get back out" But wait yes they can they just place him in a big cluster and he sneaks thru. This is an exploit. You can call it what you want but its an exploit. You sir cheated and you know who you are and hopefully Zos will ban you for it.
Emperor trading is still a massive issue in the game. There is an EMP on blackwater blade that has been emp for 9 days. He actively plays on blackwater blade as a EP alt. And only gets on his DC emp when he is in danger of getting dethroned. The is a guesting mechanic in place and you are not supposed to be able to play two different factions on the same campaign. However all you have to do is look in your guild find someone on the campaign you want and travel. As this isn't a huge deal it is another example of how simple mechanic changes could restore faith in the game. Used to be population was capped out on wabba and dawnbreaker. and there was action all the time one the other less populated servers. its clear ZoS is losing players faster than they can count. I don't think its the PVE content release because honestly they do a great job on PVE. It has to be the lack of attention that PVP gets. Please for the love of god fix this game. Fix the PVP.
Its true. All of the "Dark' named people are part of an alliance of EP that flipped DC for an emp run, and they play their EP toons instead of DC unless emp is threatened.
They were talking about it the day [snip] got emp. I didnt think it would be like this two weeks later, but from what I understand they play red toons until theres 1-2 keeps left blue, then they switch back and recap the ring
Must be their way of AP farming so neither blue nor red players could ever threaten their top guys on the boards.
As long as the sitting emp never has to defend his keeps and level up, he will always be emp unless AD or EP that arent part of that group dethrone him.
Its true. All of the "Dark' named people are part of an alliance of EP that flipped DC for an emp run, and they play their EP toons instead of DC unless emp is threatened.
They were talking about it the day [snip] got emp. I didnt think it would be like this two weeks later, but from what I understand they play red toons until theres 1-2 keeps left blue, then they switch back and recap the ring
Must be their way of AP farming so neither blue nor red players could ever threaten their top guys on the boards.
As long as the sitting emp never has to defend his keeps and level up, he will always be emp unless AD or EP that arent part of that group dethrone him.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
booksmcread wrote: »Might be nice to implement a small lockout timer on entering Cyrodiil on different alliances. Example, once you leave Cyrodiil on an AD character, you can't re-enter Cyrodill on an EP or DC character until an hour has passed (and vice versa). You could do any PVE you wanted, just not enter a Cyrodiil campaign until the timer has elapsed. Would help to prevent the BB emp situation as described above, people who always want to switch to the "winning" side, and prevent the people the who switch to alts on their own accounts from dropping troll camps to prevent enemies from placing campus during keep taking/defense.
Unfortunately, what you've mentioned is only part of the problem.
1. Class Imbalance (I know you said you were not going to mention that, but it's still an issue)
2. Crashes, lag, FPS and overall poor performance.
3. Population Imbalance
4. Updates that are PvE centric with zero focus on PvP
5. Disregard for PvP in total, no blue VR14 Boxes, only VR12 etc
6. Exploiters
7. PvP is stale
I could go on, the thing is there are many reasons why people are in fact leaving, it would be okay if it were just a few things, but as it stands right now the game needs a major update or freshen up with attention to so many different areas.
It's a crying shame for me ot see so many people leaving, as I'm a TES fan going way back and I can leave just yet, I'm not done with this game. The actual reason for me not leaving is wanting to get better at it PvP
There are people I have unfinished business with, those that I've fought and been torn apart by, it's those people I want to be able to beat moving forward. I'm an NB and if I don't say so myself, pretty devastating with my bow bar, but I've gone as far with that as I can and I'm pretty good, not being arrogant, I know I'm pretty good. It's my battlefield game, that I want improve on, and I'm getting better.
It's the only reason, that and the friends that I've made along the way. It's why I still stump up my $15 per month.
Its true. All of the "Dark' named people are part of an alliance of EP that flipped DC for an emp run, and they play their EP toons instead of DC unless emp is threatened.
They were talking about it the day [snip] got emp. I didnt think it would be like this two weeks later, but from what I understand they play red toons until theres 1-2 keeps left blue, then they switch back and recap the ring
Must be their way of AP farming so neither blue nor red players could ever threaten their top guys on the boards.
As long as the sitting emp never has to defend his keeps and level up, he will always be emp unless AD or EP that arent part of that group dethrone him.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
Its true. All of the "Dark' named people are part of an alliance of EP that flipped DC for an emp run, and they play their EP toons instead of DC unless emp is threatened.
They were talking about it the day [snip] got emp. I didnt think it would be like this two weeks later, but from what I understand they play red toons until theres 1-2 keeps left blue, then they switch back and recap the ring
Must be their way of AP farming so neither blue nor red players could ever threaten their top guys on the boards.
As long as the sitting emp never has to defend his keeps and level up, he will always be emp unless AD or EP that arent part of that group dethrone him.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
I played on Blackwater Blade for the DC since it was released. Everything on that server was even and fun until an EP guild came in on a Friday night and turned the map red and took all 6 scrolls.
This event made the AD not even try for nearly 2 weeks. So it was our outnumbered underbuffed DC vs EP until we took our home keeps. It wasn't until then did the AD start trying to fight back giving us some relief.
My guild recruited in zones and grew pretty large over time. I believe we were going to get emperor on DC before the Darks even made the move. They only had 10 max dark players on the night we took the remaining inners. We had become an organized group that could take keeps. Proof of my statement... When the former ep emp who had rule while holding 6 scrolls tried to defend Warden. We took it with her/him and all the ep trying to defend.
After the Dark campaign had run and the emperor was crowned. Myself and a handful of others left the guild I had built up and went to play on the EP side to dethrown the Emp. with plans to return to DC. The only person switching back and forth was the emperor. No one else was doing some weird flipping ap farming horsecrap that you're trying to get people to believe. He eventually stopped playing on his DC toon and he actually helped dethrown himself. The only reason he held it for so long was because of his low level when achieving it.
Its true. All of the "Dark' named people are part of an alliance of EP that flipped DC for an emp run, and they play their EP toons instead of DC unless emp is threatened.
They were talking about it the day [snip] got emp. I didnt think it would be like this two weeks later, but from what I understand they play red toons until theres 1-2 keeps left blue, then they switch back and recap the ring
Must be their way of AP farming so neither blue nor red players could ever threaten their top guys on the boards.
As long as the sitting emp never has to defend his keeps and level up, he will always be emp unless AD or EP that arent part of that group dethrone him.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
I played on Blackwater Blade for the DC since it was released. Everything on that server was even and fun until an EP guild came in on a Friday night and turned the map red and took all 6 scrolls.
This event made the AD not even try for nearly 2 weeks. So it was our outnumbered underbuffed DC vs EP until we took our home keeps. It wasn't until then did the AD start trying to fight back giving us some relief.
My guild recruited in zones and grew pretty large over time. I believe we were going to get emperor on DC before the Darks even made the move. They only had 10 max dark players on the night we took the remaining inners. We had become an organized group that could take keeps. Proof of my statement... When the former ep emp who had rule while holding 6 scrolls tried to defend Warden. We took it with her/him and all the ep trying to defend.
After the Dark campaign had run and the emperor was crowned. Myself and a handful of others left the guild I had built up and went to play on the EP side to dethrown the Emp. with plans to return to DC. The only person switching back and forth was the emperor. No one else was doing some weird flipping ap farming horsecrap that you're trying to get people to believe. He eventually stopped playing on his DC toon and he actually helped dethrown himself. The only reason he held it for so long was because of his low level when achieving it.
Nah see I know thats a lie actually. Ive been emperor and actively defended on blackwater. If youre actively defending and gaining AP you are also gaining XP towards your level out.
See the problem was, for a whole cycle he never gained AP, he literally never played. For five full days he sat at about 12k AP and it never budged while he played the other faction.
Why did he not play his emp? because he couldnt afford to gain any more AP, because he would gain XP and level out.
Up until him (and i dont just mean me here) every emp was active full time on their toon, they didnt bring alts into the campaign, they played their emp and either ended up deposed or abdicated via level out.
Whether directly related to you or not, the last three emperors of BB have all left under shady circumstance. I also watched the most recent emp delay his level out by not playing.
One left via abdication trying to let you speed cap a single keep to get emp for yourself (and ill be honest, i laughed my ass off when i saw that youd tried, because i knew that exploit was plugged months ago)
One held it for almost 2 weeks by not playing his toon and relying on other DC members to hold it for him
One held it for about a week while being crowned in the 40s, which i can tell you flat out goes by way faster than a week if youre actually playing. I was going up a level every two-three hours actively defending my keeps.
No one else out of the eight or so emps before your little cliq started pulling your garbage did these things. Why you? Are you special?
In fact your little emp farming cliq has pretty much wrecked BB, most of the people I knew that loved the campaign and kept coming back quit because of it.
Once you crossed the line of starting to have a whole guild flopping around the factions to control the whole direction of the campaign you lost all credibility that anything you do is legit. When I changed factions I did so because Lyzara was the only EP toon I had, I had no choice. You guys went to active lengths to switch factions intentionally.