JamieAubrey wrote: »Then can I have a paid instant VR1 character ?
MormondPayne_EP wrote: »Are you kidding me? Who do you think you are that you should be paid. It sounds like blackmail but at the very least it is just arrogance and a warped sense of entitlement.
You should not need to be paid to switch you should do so in order to help the game survive going forward and to combat the exodus of players leave because of sheer overwhelming numbers in opposition factions.
I really can't believe this, it MUST have been written by one of snooty high elves.
This has to be a joke otherwise, you'll need to remove your heads from each other's asses and come back to reality.
I don't think this should be made possible.
First and foremost, faction / alliance pride is already pretty thin on the ground and to me that is disappointing. This almost certainly comes from the VR system which has its benefits (no need to roll an alt, etc) but has what I consider to be a considerable drawback on the basis that it dilutes individual attachment to their chosen alliance.
Secondly, on EU I feel that the populations are more or less balanced and I don't want to see this compromised by a change driven by problems on the NA server.
Finally, I feel that allowing this would create more problems than it would solve. Right now on NA you (apparently) have a problem with one alliance being excessively populated in comparison to some others. I don't know if this is entirely true, as I don't play on NA, but let's assume it is the case. If you allow this to happen, your guild might move to help the underdogs, but where do you think a significant percentage of the underdogs will go? They will go to the overly populated alliance because they are frustrated with the population disparity, thus aggravating the issue.
It would make more sense to do an offer on steam or something to enable you to elect to play whichever race you want if you went for either DC or EP. Or an exclusive vanity pet for players choosing an underdog faction or something like that. Something to incentivise new players to the game and attract them to a faction that is struggling to represent itself.
lol at these idiots who misunderstood your post, and the guy above who even ignored your unnecessary clarification. definitely allow this zos, im sure a lot of ad would be moving over
I'm sorry, but the very real, game-killing problem we have on the NA servers trumps theoretical problems on the EU servers.
If you think any self-respecting EP player is going to switch to AD for pvp purposes, you are crazy. I'm pretty sure that feeling goes for DC, too. And besides, they could just lock the AD faction and allow outgoing transfers from AD only.
effinshiddy wrote: »It doesn't matter how much you think the paid transfers will help, they simply won't. this instantly makes the game pay to win, and it needs to be rewards for competing. there needs to be an entire incentivized progam for changing, recruiting, or even conversely, stopping new players from joining an already larger faction.
we are about to have the fake PvP instance of the middle of cyrodiil added to draw 1000s upon 1000s of PvE and Achievement hunters to our maps. What is one thing casuals don't want to do? Work endlessly for something. They simply don't have 8 hours a day to push and repush the enemy at or off keeps just so they can get inside the Imperial City.
So what happens if you allow paid transfers? The bulk of the population who are supporting this game with their monthly fee pay for their transfer to overload 1 single population to garauntee they can log on any time and get into the city. Instant PvP killer, though not a game killer.
And I can assure you that the same and more non-hardcore PvPers out there who show up in cyrodiil a day a week, who enjoy it but not immensely, will have one thing in mind was well... being sick of losing... however they perceive losing (in this game it seems to have various, different meanings). They who do not take the faction/loyalty/game as seriously as some will have no problem doling out cash to transfer for a "win" each month/week/2 week period from an overloaded faction, even though the idea of winning is far below its actual rewards.
I can see why you would want this. I honestly can. But doesn't it kind of cheapen your choice at the very beginning?
DC all the way for me! Faction pride is all too thin on the ground in this game.
lol at these idiots who misunderstood your post, and the guy above who even ignored your unnecessary clarification. definitely allow this zos, im sure a lot of ad would be moving over
effinshiddy wrote: »It doesn't matter how much you think the paid transfers will help, they simply won't. this instantly makes the game pay to win, and it needs to be rewards for competing. there needs to be an entire incentivized progam for changing, recruiting, or even conversely, stopping new players from joining an already larger faction.
we are about to have the fake PvP instance of the middle of cyrodiil added to draw 1000s upon 1000s of PvE and Achievement hunters to our maps. What is one thing casuals don't want to do? Work endlessly for something. They simply don't have 8 hours a day to push and repush the enemy at or off keeps just so they can get inside the Imperial City.
So what happens if you allow paid transfers? The bulk of the population who are supporting this game with their monthly fee pay for their transfer to overload 1 single population to garauntee they can log on any time and get into the city. Instant PvP killer, though not a game killer.
And I can assure you that the same and more non-hardcore PvPers out there who show up in cyrodiil a day a week, who enjoy it but not immensely, will have one thing in mind was well... being sick of losing... however they perceive losing (in this game it seems to have various, different meanings). They who do not take the faction/loyalty/game as seriously as some will have no problem doling out cash to transfer for a "win" each month/week/2 week period from an overloaded faction, even though the idea of winning is far below its actual rewards.