Yes, lets have ZOS sort through thousands of questionnaires that say the same thing over and over just so I can feel validated about submitting my opinion.
I don't understand why people feel so entitled to have their specific opinion heard when they can very well get majority of feedback from 20 people who I guarantee you have the same complaints and suggestions as you.
They are a company, they need to do things efficiently. They felt this was the best way to approach the problem and quite frankly I agree. No, I am not affiliated with any of the groups represented at the summit, but I'm not going to complain about my voice not being heard when those 20 are probably more qualified to give their opinions than most.
You might have valid points, you might have better ideas, but not everyone is a winner. I get it, you paid your money and you want to get something for that. But quite frankly I'm just glad they are still as concerned about the game as they are. They are still working hard on making this a great experience. They could have just left it and been done with it. They could have just kept going on with their own visions, but they called 20 civilians to their HQ for an open discussion and presentations. They could have imposed and NDA but they didn't so everyone can see what the plans for the future are.
They called these 20 because they knew they had a way to get the info out. Not because they are the best players, not because they have the best ideas, but because they are familiar with all the concerns of many players.
I'm sorry to pick on you specifically in this post, but I'm just tired of seeing people who feel so entitled to directly submit their opinion to ZOS. They are working hard to make a great product. Let them do that.
Not saying just submit to all the bugs and problems; keep voicing those! But understand they are people too, with lives outside of ESO.
when they can very well get majority of feedback from 20 people who I guarantee you have the same complaints and suggestions as you.........when those 20 are probably more qualified to give their opinions than most.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Please know that holding this summit does not mean that we value some individuals’ opinions over others, or that some players hold more sway with us than others. Both the Community and Social teams continue to diligently monitor the forums and fan communities for your feedback and report it to our developers. In fact, we have a number of reports we put together every week to highlight the feedback that is posted here, specifically.
I agree with this. Then maybe people would shut up about things in the game.
ZOS_TristanK wrote: »Hi, folks. We are genuinely interested in your feedback about the Guild Summit, however we require that players stay calm and civil when posting on these forums. This thread is becoming hostile, but we would like to leave it open to continue hearing your input on what you would like to see from us now and in the future.
We'd also like to assure you that we have and will continue to work on collecting and delivering player feedback to the dev team. As Jessica mentioned yesterday:ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Please know that holding this summit does not mean that we value some individuals’ opinions over others, or that some players hold more sway with us than others. Both the Community and Social teams continue to diligently monitor the forums and fan communities for your feedback and report it to our developers. In fact, we have a number of reports we put together every week to highlight the feedback that is posted here, specifically.
One last thing we would like to call out is that in addition to reaching out here and on various social channels is that we do gather and read player feedback submitted in-game using the /feedback command.
As said before, we would like to keep this thread open to hear your additional suggestions. Like what questions would you like to see if we were to put together a questionnaire?
People (ITT: players) are largely incapable of thinking of the game beyond their extremely biased and selfish interactions. There are very few occasions where developers can take an opinion from a user and know that itsa positive fix. Users can't be trusted to not attempt to exploit (Cyrodiil as a whole is a blatant example of abuse far and wide), why would they be trusted to give an honest account on balance or what the game needs?
[Moderator Note: Removed moderated quote]
R1ckyDaMan wrote: »ZOS_TristanK wrote: »Hi, folks. We are genuinely interested in your feedback about the Guild Summit, however we require that players stay calm and civil when posting on these forums. This thread is becoming hostile, but we would like to leave it open to continue hearing your input on what you would like to see from us now and in the future.
We'd also like to assure you that we have and will continue to work on collecting and delivering player feedback to the dev team. As Jessica mentioned yesterday:ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Please know that holding this summit does not mean that we value some individuals’ opinions over others, or that some players hold more sway with us than others. Both the Community and Social teams continue to diligently monitor the forums and fan communities for your feedback and report it to our developers. In fact, we have a number of reports we put together every week to highlight the feedback that is posted here, specifically.
One last thing we would like to call out is that in addition to reaching out here and on various social channels is that we do gather and read player feedback submitted in-game using the /feedback command.
As said before, we would like to keep this thread open to hear your additional suggestions. Like what questions would you like to see if we were to put together a questionnaire?
If you are constantly collecting feedback from here and in game then surely you do not need the summit.
The biggest issue with any questionnaire is that someone has to choose the questions to ask.
Those questions will always be limited and slanted to suit the party organising it.
There is a mechanism in place, in game, to make comments and suggestion if you feel strongly about it (/feedback)
ZOS_TristanK wrote: »
As said before, we would like to keep this thread open to hear your additional suggestions. Like what questions would you like to see if we were to put together a questionnaire?