Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Sorta takes the fun out of it...

  • Rylana
    Braidas wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Fact - I became emp on one toon without being grouped, without using alts (uhh you actually cant even do this btw), without help from friends, and without any of the accusations thrown in this thread.

    How did I do it? I outplayed and out APed every player in my faction for three days, off and on playtimes, making sure I was comfortably ahead. PROTIP-grouping actually reduces your AP gain. PROTIP 2-Solo defending a keep/resource/outpost and not calling for help in zone actually yields tremendous returns if youre good enough to hold it. All it took at that point was a ring run (thanks to a guild that was doing a guild event by sheer coincidence, yay)

    The other day, I almost got it a second time on another toon (came in 4th place at the time emp was crowned, beaten fair and square with less than 20k AP separating us), again running solo, no guild support, etc.
    easier now with so few people left in ava and only one major camp, but a small group seriously farming an outpost/resource will outpace any solo player.

    Totally depends on how big your offensive force coming at you is.

    On Blackwater (notvet) I single handedly held off about 20ish players with just a stack of fire ballistas and the NPC guards for 84000 AP in one hour (including defense tick) at bleakers.

    Of course this isnt likely against vets, but the general rule is the same. Hell we in vice do this all the time (though I usually home on haderus because I have no real ambition of competing on the current boards for yellow side, too many people, too few enemies) at various resources.

    You can pin down 50k ap in a very short amount of time by capping one resource and holding until youre finally overwhelmed. Saw you do it at Ash mine the other night when I showed up and the zerg finally broke your oil party, bet you nailed down somewhere in that area.

    Most people just assume the 24 man group AP generation of 10k/hour or so to be the best, when ive seen AP generations in the 40-50k/hour range solo on slower/moderate campaigns during prime.

    Edited by Rylana on October 1, 2014 2:25AM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Columba
    Dudis wrote: »
    Columba wrote: »
    Knowing that only farmers and exploiters and cross-faction server-hopping guild cronies get Emperor.

    After watching my own guys rack up 200k AP within the first hours of the campaign while even the most active legit players are at 30k, watching them cap keeps with the walls all at 100%, watching a bunch of reds they brought over as alts sit there and let themselves be farmed, you realize, there really is nothing to shoot for.

    The community is its own worst enemy. They have reduced the reward of skilled devoted play to whomever has the most guildies to farm.


    Being #1 in AP is easy. Just play solo, and do everything you can to maximize your AP. And spend a good 12-16 hours a day in the campaign for the length of the campaign.

    You don't need to exploit and 200K AP in the few few hours of a campaign is nothing. I haven't seen someone get emp who didn't legitimately earn their AP since the First campaign (Where a guy actually *repaired* his way to emp by spending over a million gold on repair kits).
    12-16 hours a day? LOL, really? Even I had that much time to play, I wouldn't squander it on this game. It's just not healthy.

    And that's why you're not Emperor.

    I managed to stay in the top 20 on EU Thornblade for the first 3 days or so by playing 4-5 hours a night with some good action. After just a week there were 3-4 guys that were already millions ahead.

    Since then I play probably an hour per night on average and I'm at least still in the top 100 on my faction.

    Lol, I will live without being emporer then. 12-16 hours a day definitely not worth it. Have fun with that, though.
  • Columba
    Rylana wrote: »
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Lfehova wrote: »
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Dudis wrote: »
    Former emperor buffs really don't make a difference tbh.
    That's another good reason to remove them.

    Or, since it gives no significant advantage, leave it in.

    Why leave it? Cause it gives pvpers a carrot to chase, and a reason to keep playing this game.
    This carrot is only obtainable by people who either game the system or have the backing of a guild. As we have all seen, the title has no real value nor does it really add anything to the game besides a rotten carrot.

    Make it work the same as the regular PvP buffs. If you are Emperor in a campaign, you deserve buffs. If you are dethroned, you should lose buffs. You are already rewarded with a piece of special clothing and an achievement. Why be rewarded with a permanent buff to your character?

    Because it makes the have-nots cry delicious tears that sustain me.

    Also, there are five things said in this thread thus far that are completely false.

    1. Emperor does not take 12-16 hours a day every day to achieve (it can be done in one, at the start of the campaign cycle, you just gotta beat everyone else and be ahead the next time the ring caps)
    2. Emperor farming has not existed since Celarus, and all of us that became emp since those days earned it fair and square, you dont like it, bite me.
    3. Not everyone in the game is entitled to be emperor
    4. The buffs are significant, and deservedly earned via dedicated playing and determination.
    5. Former emperors are not as "easy" to kill as you love to cuddle yourself with saying. Those that make such claims are usually in zergballs of 50 people all ragetargeting one guy they heard of and patting themselves on the back for ERMAGERD I BEAT THE FORMER EMPZORZ... Yeah you and 50 other guys...

    Have a spiffy fricken day.

    Live and let live. Personally, I don't really care. I play to kill other players, not rack up titles and more buffs. I would think that the really skilled players don't want extra buffs because they appreciate a challenge, but to each his/her own.

  • Xsorus
    .....I honestly don't play enough to ever become emperor...and I'm not going to kill trade to do it..

    But the amount of butthurt some of you have over former emperors is a little much..

    Seriously get over it.
  • Phinix1
    I find it laughable that no one wants to touch the Emperor farming through cross-faction guildmates issue.

    There were actually guys in Haderus yesterday spamming zone with "We should let red take our Emp circle. [Name omitted] has been Emp for FAR too long!"

    Once their exploit farming buddies were a quarter million AP up on the charts of course.
  • Columba
    I witnessed tons of easy mode emps being handed emporer titles on dc. some of the worst players got the titles handed to them by large guilds. i refused to participate
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    And spend a good 12-16 hours a day in the campaign for the length of the campaign.

    Which confirms to me it has nothing to do with skill. You must be an unemployed layabout that will probably die of a pulmonary embolism from all the sitting to get Emperor.

    12-16 hours A DAY? That isn't skill or dedication, it is INSANITY.

    Funny most people with the "Former Emperor" title seem to be among the easiest to kill. It is just a grind fest. I wouldn't be surprised of people are having their guildies play their accounts while they sleep.

    And yes, there IS massive AP farming and noob exploiting going on.

    Yesterday in NA Haderus, there was a guy with an auto invite macro spamming chat all day to get people to join a farm at Kings. He basically sat there stealthed by the breech at the outer wall doing nothing for at least 6 hours (I went back and checked several times), getting free AP while countless noobs scurried about directionless.

    He never spoke to them, never attempted to organize an actual takedown of the keep.

    Meanwhile his buddy on the red team who currently tops the boards in points sat their all day picking off these lemmings for massive defense ticks.

    Pathetic. Sound like the kind of people that you would want to play with, or that we should encourage by making Emperor about nothing but total hours invested?

    I think I know exactly the afk leecher you're referring to...and I put him on ignore the other day and refuse to group with him ever again, because he is a dingus. He is a dingus because after we get curb stomped by the angry hornets we stirr up by touching the inner ring, and all of the strong raiders go to bed from exhaustion or frustration, he's there spamming angrily that he has a "plan" and expects the bare handful remaining in the group to go all the way to freaking timbuktu to somehow 5 man a keep WHILE there are 20-30 bananas online.

    As for the other guy who is the best overall player...he's genuinely freaking good. I've had the pleasure of grouping with him at times and seen how he plays. He's a truly skilled player and has the capacity to be even stronger. He knows his abilities and makes the most of them, and he and I are one of the few regulars who will solo resources or even keeps from time to time and defend them from bananas until about 30 of them show up against a paltry 12 or so EP.

    Also just resign yourself to the fact that you will not get emperor in the current pvp environment. Haderus' emp will not surrender emperorship nor should he unless legitimately deposed, but AD is under no circumstances going to 'hand over' emperorship...that's because a handful of very skilled AD regulars consistently show up to stymie any concentrated efforts, and should that fail, the Emp shows up, and if THAT isn't enough AD goes into panic mode and calls in 100 people. I kid you not thats how many I saw in response to a blitz EP attempted the other night. Unless BOTH EP and DC can get 3-4 guilds able to field full groups of 24 skilled players consistently, there is no ousting the current emp.

    And of course that will never happen because most EP or DC either can't commit to such an effort, quit the game, are whining about quitting the game, or squander their time in zergtown.
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
    AD is good.
    AD is best.
    AD is the king of king !!!
  • Mumyo
    At the beginning i just made it with a group of kickass players... nowadays i hide my title! Every noob i see went emperor somehow with their farming groups toedragging each other. Just like *** that did professional handholding and stopped their own faction from defending keeps by blocking the siegenumbers.

    I don't see a solution due to the fact that people want to join such garbageguilds willing to become emperor...

    It's indeed the players and not Zenimax here...humanity is bad!
  • FluffiestOne
    Senior Fluffykins, Daggerfall Liberator of Haderus, Dragonknight.
    Fliffers, Daggerfall Liberator of Hopesfire, Templar.
    Prophet Fluffy of Death, Casual of the Dominion, Sorceror.
    Nozdorumu The Timeless, Daggerfall. Dragon. Nightblade.
    All my toon names are subject to change.
    " Ignorance must be bliss because I can't imagine why anyone would live in it. " -Fluffy
  • Braidas
    Rylana wrote: »
    Braidas wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Fact - I became emp on one toon without being grouped, without using alts (uhh you actually cant even do this btw), without help from friends, and without any of the accusations thrown in this thread.

    How did I do it? I outplayed and out APed every player in my faction for three days, off and on playtimes, making sure I was comfortably ahead. PROTIP-grouping actually reduces your AP gain. PROTIP 2-Solo defending a keep/resource/outpost and not calling for help in zone actually yields tremendous returns if youre good enough to hold it. All it took at that point was a ring run (thanks to a guild that was doing a guild event by sheer coincidence, yay)

    The other day, I almost got it a second time on another toon (came in 4th place at the time emp was crowned, beaten fair and square with less than 20k AP separating us), again running solo, no guild support, etc.
    easier now with so few people left in ava and only one major camp, but a small group seriously farming an outpost/resource will outpace any solo player.

    Totally depends on how big your offensive force coming at you is.

    On Blackwater (notvet) I single handedly held off about 20ish players with just a stack of fire ballistas and the NPC guards for 84000 AP in one hour (including defense tick) at bleakers.

    Of course this isnt likely against vets, but the general rule is the same. Hell we in vice do this all the time (though I usually home on haderus because I have no real ambition of competing on the current boards for yellow side, too many people, too few enemies) at various resources.

    You can pin down 50k ap in a very short amount of time by capping one resource and holding until youre finally overwhelmed. Saw you do it at Ash mine the other night when I showed up and the zerg finally broke your oil party, bet you nailed down somewhere in that area.

    Most people just assume the 24 man group AP generation of 10k/hour or so to be the best, when ive seen AP generations in the 40-50k/hour range solo on slower/moderate campaigns during prime.
    yes maybe in the non-vet solo is best haha but i meant small group like you said you do with your guild, 4 -10 maybe can take on exponentially greater numbers in a faster amount of time than solo - if you're playing on a highly populated campaign where waves of enemies nonstop are coming at you at least.
    Edited by Braidas on October 1, 2014 12:38PM
  • Lava_Croft
    Rylana wrote: »
    Because it makes the have-nots cry delicious tears that sustain me.
    You should save such remarks for last, so you disqualify yourself after you have made your point.

  • Aoife32001
    Being #1 in AP is easy.
    And spend a good 12-16 hours a day in the campaign for the length of the campaign.

    This is not my definition of "easy", unless one has no life.
  • Talcyndl
    Columba wrote: »
    I witnessed tons of easy mode emps being handed emporer titles on dc. some of the worst players got the titles handed to them by large guilds. i refused to participate

    This happened on all factions. The funny/sad/obvious result is that most of those people no longer even play. Easy mode isn't really that fun - at least not long term.
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • Garion
    I'll copy here what I posted in another thread about you saying people just kill guild mates over and over to get the points they earn:

    I agree absolutely that people who exploit the game, notably by killing friends on alt accounts over and over, should be punished accordingly. Having said that, I would like to point out a couple of things.

    1. It is very easy to get 200k within a few hours, particularly on a new campaign where a lot of players log in with an effort to establish themselves on the leaderboard. If you play as solo, as a duo, or small scale group (you get diminishing returns as you increase in size, but as long as you don't zerg it you can still make a lot of AP) and do so effectively, 200k can be made in to time at all. The assumption that these points are earned via exploiting the game is not correct at all. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but I am saying it most likely does not happen quite as often as you might suspect. I made approx 300k on Sunday evening for instance, across 2 - 3 hours. I wasn't exploiting.
    2. You get diminishing returns when killing players over and over. This is easily tested. If a player has died repeatedly without killing many others / dishing out much damage, their AP value will drop to negligible amounts. I've seen the value of a kill go down as low as 7 AP. This is a measure that is already in place that prevents the farming you refer to. Of course there may be ways to reset this (such as relog) but that does slow down progress. With that said, I don't think it's exploiting in this way that earns the AP.

    In reference to the point you made earlier about people saying that they should let reds take the inner circle keeps - I say fair enough. If someone has been emperor of a campaign that lasts seven days for nearly three weeks, perhaps the people that have legitimately made their way up the leaderboard want a chance and it's frustrating for them to not have that chance because all the competition has buggered off.

    To me it seems like you are a little annoyed that you haven't figured out ways of making a lot of AP, fast.
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Red is dead simple, I don't look at your name your level but when I do catch that former emperor title, they are first on my list, and one day I think every other enemy had the former emperor title, I was a busy..LOL but it does make the whole emperor thing seem kinda cheap.
  • Columba
    Talcyndl wrote: »
    Columba wrote: »
    I witnessed tons of easy mode emps being handed emporer titles on dc. some of the worst players got the titles handed to them by large guilds. i refused to participate

    This happened on all factions. The funny/sad/obvious result is that most of those people no longer even play. Easy mode isn't really that fun - at least not long term.
    Agreed. I cite DC because I play DC, and I have firsthand experience with people who are gifted with emperor titles. I was offered and refused. I view it as unethical.
  • Kafolarbear
    How do you kill that which has no life?
    Veteran Rank 5 Khajiit Nightblade.

    For the Queen; for Elswyr!
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