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Magnum Shot glitch

Every so often, if I try to use magnum shot to push an enemy back (I'm also traited so that I jump back as well) I'll get stuck in a doorway unable to attack or move. The NPC can attack me, however. Here's an example that just happened to me

Edited by je25ffb14_ESO on September 29, 2014 3:10PM
  • je25ffb14_ESO
    Just happened again in the arena. This time, I went through the bars of a cage that isn't accessible at all. Had to port out. Good thing my arrows could hit the NPC this time..
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there @je25ffb14_ESO,

    We're currently looking into the collision errors that occur during the use of Magnum Shot. If you become stuck in a wall or a door, please use the /bug system to make a note of this. This will send your bug information as well as your character's location to our development team so the bug can be investigated in-depth.

    Thanks for the report!
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  • seanolan
    I had that ALL through levelling that skill...I would end up in cages, in CRATES, in items that you should never be inside...finally had to give up using it in dungeons, period. It happened almost ANY time there was something in range behind me with visual gaps in it...bars of a cage, open crates or barrels, even a small window.
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