Hunting Blades is a steadily growing Oceanic Guild with a majority of Australian based members. Although our main active times are Oceanic, we do also have members from all across the world in different time zones including Canada, America and Alaska. We have over 140 members and have a close knit community of people with a great sense of humor who love to help each other out. If you are looking for a friendly guild with mature and respectful members who have an appreciation for real life obligations, this may be the guild for you. You can read all about us on
I have played ESO since the early BETA days and have come to fall in love with the game. To the extend where I decided to build my own guild (first time ever!) and create an ESO community of friends, family and even colleagues. Many people who have joined the guild and I haven't met before, I can now call friends.
Although this guild is an Aldmeri Dominion Guild, I value that everyone has their own play style and that this game is full of new and exciting things to explore and do every day. We would like to establish a guild where people's main characters are AD for grouping purposes, PVP and trials, but do not mandate this. Hunting Blades is a guild where you can be what you want to be and do what you want to do. We run weekly PVP and PVE events including:
- Friday night PVP night (anything from Dolmens, Quests and Dungeons to actual PVP)
- Tuesday Craglorn quest night
- Weekend dungeons events
- Achievement runs (including public dungeons, fishing, Dolmens, World bosses)
- And much more!
With a lot of MMO experience playing WoW, Aion, LOTRO, GW2, SWTOR and more, we have experienced Raid leaders in our guild who are looking to establish a group of more serious/hardcore raiders to do Trials once we have enough high levels. They are currently in charge of leading Veteran Dungeons. We have many high level crafters with maxed out crafting traits in different armor and weapon types.
We want to build a great, positive ESO community with people who have fun, treat each other with respect. We cater for Crafters, Social Members, PVEers and PVPers. This is a one size fits all guild! Contact
@shuttleworth51 or
@Bergarth for an invite!
Edited by marieke_v on November 7, 2014 10:13AM