ezareth_ESO wrote: »Luvsfuzzybunnies wrote: »If they run through me they have to do a 180* to hit me, which gives me an equal opportunity to also turn around and block or attack them, this IS the dynamic gameplay I am looking for.
DaoC had this, WoW had this, its why melee combat is fun, its engaging. Its not just about block being "realistic", thats not my point here, its about movement being important in pvp, instead of stagnent and one dimensional.
Collision detection is not necessary for this dynamic element to exist in ESO.
youll just have to fix root than as it would make DKs insanly more stronger than they are allready.
If the cc immunity worked as intended this would be a non issue roots I mean.
As far as blocking being 360 I will restate the main idea behind it. Laziness. the second largest concern might be tied with the first actually. The lag that would be created with positional checking. If the server had to check and determine position in addition to everything else it would be more of a lag nightmare than it is already(player collisions would add to.this as well). They need to invest some money in server upgrades so that this lag can go away. Seems like.they really missed the mark on what they were trying to achieve. Why have positional damage if block is non positional? Lots of questions and the naysayers to this thread seem to overlook that particular fact. If you want blocking to mitigate 360 I want my attacks to act like they are always hitting you from behind seems reasonable.
Lag wouldn't be increased. Positional checking already exists in the game in combat.
Asking "Why" on a series of arbitrary questions isn't proving a point.
Blocking is *balanced* right now. It isn't overpowered or unfair or broken. People who want to change it have personal reasoning behind doing so. It wouldn't make PvP more fun for the majority of people.
Blocking does nothing through shields. It doesn't mitigate AOE and the damage from many abilities and unless properly specced it takes a ton of stamina to block an ability. Knowing *when* to block and when not to is something that is fun and is one of the few combat player skills one learns in this game.
Adding 180 degree protection adds a giant weakness to block and thus people who are specced into it will most likely unspec it and the game combat loses a lot of the complexity it has today.
I'm tired of all of these whiners crying for everything that is strong to get nerfed so they can homogenize this game and turn it into a giant WoW-clone.
L2P please.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »Changing block from 360 probably will never happen. Changing the blocking effectiveness of lighter armors would be much easier.
Well that. It's Sword and Board, combined with enchants and class passives, that allows longer blocking sessions, not so much armour types. Which is awfully strange to me.
I can actually block just as well in light on my DK. Basically because light allows me to spam skills and ultimates, which gives me loads of stamina back.
Heavy passive x5 pieces does give you a 20% cost reduction on block. But heavy also suffers from lousy recourse management, both stamina, ulti and magicka regain is shut down, so the reduction isn't all that fancy.
Luvsfuzzybunnies wrote: »I really don't understand all these posts pretending to be Internet Latency PHDs claiming 180* block is impossible because of lag.
I use a reticle to face my target with latency, no issues there.
I backstab targets within 180* with latency, no issues there.
I spin 180* to catch sorcs who BE through me, no issues there.
I see sorcs BE 180* turn and BE again, hitting a dozen targets, no issues there.
I don't believe 180* block would be broken by this imaginary lag monster people are claiming. I think people are scapegoating lag in place of rational argument because they want their undynamic 360* block crutch to stay alive without thinking about what they are doing,
It would in fact create more lag I don't know if you know any computers that do more calculations and run faster but I do not.
How does people crutching on 360* block make combat more complex compared to a dynamic 180* block that requires actual reflex.ezareth_ESO wrote: »Luvsfuzzybunnies wrote: »If they run through me they have to do a 180* to hit me, which gives me an equal opportunity to also turn around and block or attack them, this IS the dynamic gameplay I am looking for.
DaoC had this, WoW had this, its why melee combat is fun, its engaging. Its not just about block being "realistic", thats not my point here, its about movement being important in pvp, instead of stagnent and one dimensional.
Collision detection is not necessary for this dynamic element to exist in ESO.
youll just have to fix root than as it would make DKs insanly more stronger than they are allready.
If the cc immunity worked as intended this would be a non issue roots I mean.
As far as blocking being 360 I will restate the main idea behind it. Laziness. the second largest concern might be tied with the first actually. The lag that would be created with positional checking. If the server had to check and determine position in addition to everything else it would be more of a lag nightmare than it is already(player collisions would add to.this as well). They need to invest some money in server upgrades so that this lag can go away. Seems like.they really missed the mark on what they were trying to achieve. Why have positional damage if block is non positional? Lots of questions and the naysayers to this thread seem to overlook that particular fact. If you want blocking to mitigate 360 I want my attacks to act like they are always hitting you from behind seems reasonable.
Adding 180 degree protection adds a giant weakness to block and thus people who are specced into it will most likely unspec it and the game combat loses a lot of the complexity it has today.
I'm tired of all of these whiners crying for everything that is strong to get nerfed so they can homogenize this game and turn it into a giant WoW-clone.
L2P please.
ezareth_ESO wrote: »Luvsfuzzybunnies wrote: »I really don't understand all these posts pretending to be Internet Latency PHDs claiming 180* block is impossible because of lag.
I use a reticle to face my target with latency, no issues there.
I backstab targets within 180* with latency, no issues there.
I spin 180* to catch sorcs who BE through me, no issues there.
I see sorcs BE 180* turn and BE again, hitting a dozen targets, no issues there.
I don't believe 180* block would be broken by this imaginary lag monster people are claiming. I think people are scapegoating lag in place of rational argument because they want their undynamic 360* block crutch to stay alive without thinking about what they are doing,
It would in fact create more lag I don't know if you know any computers that do more calculations and run faster but I do not.
Except a properly designed combat system would calculate common characteristics on *all* attacks so it wouldn't need to run a check on some characteristics for certain attacks which would be far less efficient.
The latency issues we experience are most likely the result of AoE caps and the need to run comparisons in real time on a host of factors for given spells like Healing Springs to determine who is affected by them. This is further reinforced by the observed determination that much larger groups of players "balling" together and casting AOE causes far greater latency.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »Changing block from 360 probably will never happen. Changing the blocking effectiveness of lighter armors would be much easier.
Well that. It's Sword and Board, combined with enchants and class passives, that allows longer blocking sessions, not so much armour types. Which is awfully strange to me.
I can actually block just as well in light on my DK. Basically because light allows me to spam skills and ultimates, which gives me loads of stamina back.
Heavy passive x5 pieces does give you a 20% cost reduction on block. But heavy also suffers from lousy recourse management, both stamina, ulti and magicka regain is shut down, so the reduction isn't all that fancy.
Thats why the blocking effectiveness of lighter amors would need to be changed.
This is my suggestion to lower the effectiveness of lighter armors while leaving heavy roughly the same when it comes to blocking.
How about Bash interrupting someone holding Block.
ezareth_ESO wrote: »demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »Changing block from 360 probably will never happen. Changing the blocking effectiveness of lighter armors would be much easier.
Well that. It's Sword and Board, combined with enchants and class passives, that allows longer blocking sessions, not so much armour types. Which is awfully strange to me.
I can actually block just as well in light on my DK. Basically because light allows me to spam skills and ultimates, which gives me loads of stamina back.
Heavy passive x5 pieces does give you a 20% cost reduction on block. But heavy also suffers from lousy recourse management, both stamina, ulti and magicka regain is shut down, so the reduction isn't all that fancy.
Thats why the blocking effectiveness of lighter amors would need to be changed.
This is my suggestion to lower the effectiveness of lighter armors while leaving heavy roughly the same when it comes to blocking.
This is not a well thought out suggestion.
The primary reason good players block is to counter CC and/or guaranteed crit attacks. Increasing the cost of block to a larger portion of the playerbase would make CCs which already verge on being too strong vastly overpowered.
My crystal fragments costs me something like 50 mana. Do you really think something that costs 50 mana should drain something like 400 stamina and still do 75% damage?
Blocking is fine as it is. There are counters that everyone has if you have a problem with blocking.
ezareth_ESO wrote: »
How does people crutching on 360* block make combat more complex compared to a dynamic 180* block that requires actual reflex.ezareth_ESO wrote: »Luvsfuzzybunnies wrote: »If they run through me they have to do a 180* to hit me, which gives me an equal opportunity to also turn around and block or attack them, this IS the dynamic gameplay I am looking for.
DaoC had this, WoW had this, its why melee combat is fun, its engaging. Its not just about block being "realistic", thats not my point here, its about movement being important in pvp, instead of stagnent and one dimensional.
Collision detection is not necessary for this dynamic element to exist in ESO.
youll just have to fix root than as it would make DKs insanly more stronger than they are allready.
If the cc immunity worked as intended this would be a non issue roots I mean.
As far as blocking being 360 I will restate the main idea behind it. Laziness. the second largest concern might be tied with the first actually. The lag that would be created with positional checking. If the server had to check and determine position in addition to everything else it would be more of a lag nightmare than it is already(player collisions would add to.this as well). They need to invest some money in server upgrades so that this lag can go away. Seems like.they really missed the mark on what they were trying to achieve. Why have positional damage if block is non positional? Lots of questions and the naysayers to this thread seem to overlook that particular fact. If you want blocking to mitigate 360 I want my attacks to act like they are always hitting you from behind seems reasonable.
Adding 180 degree protection adds a giant weakness to block and thus people who are specced into it will most likely unspec it and the game combat loses a lot of the complexity it has today.
I'm tired of all of these whiners crying for everything that is strong to get nerfed so they can homogenize this game and turn it into a giant WoW-clone.
L2P please.
If Wow didn't have active blocking, please explain how dynamic 180* blocking would make ESO a Wow clone.
Please explain how making the game more dynamic and more challenging correlates to my needing to "learn to play" a game I find undynamic and not skill based.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »The problem with weakening blocking is the absurdly low TTK (time to kill) already in this game. It shouldn't take moments to kill someone, even if you get the drop on them.
There should be enough time for each players reactions and reflexes to come into it. This is why people have been shouting so much about snipers killing them in a split second. There's no skill involved (in either side), just a macro, and insta-death.
Blocking is one of the few ways past this.
Instead of nerfing blocking, perhaps it's time to consider changing the things that make blocking constantly necessary and increasing the amount of time it takes to kill an opposing player. If the fight lasted longer, keeping block up the whole time should completely drain away a stamina pool, leaving them vulnerable to later CC.
WoW, for instance, has been fighting for years to try to get away from the insta-gib and stun lock to death mechanics, precisely because it's no fun to play against.
If they run through me they have to do a 180* to hit me, which gives me an equal opportunity to also turn around and block or attack them, this IS the dynamic gameplay I am looking for.
Collision detection is not necessary for this dynamic element to exist in ESO.
Luvsfuzzybunnies wrote: »There is a 1vX dk video that is a perfect example of this mechanic in action let's cut thru all doodoo and call it what it is. A certain sorc who likes to post videos does a lot of it as well. Holding block while spamming bolt escape or sheild stacking and holding block on top of it. Wake up blocking is not reaction or skill based in this game it is a crutch that allows players to not worry about position or giving their back away as they run cause there is no penalty for poor play or lack of awareness. Anyone who has played pvp in any other game knows the actual skill reaction based blocking requires and the block spammers of this game do not represent that level of skill. That's the bottom line and end of story.
ghengis_dhan wrote: »If they run through me they have to do a 180* to hit me, which gives me an equal opportunity to also turn around and block or attack them, this IS the dynamic gameplay I am looking for.
Collision detection is not necessary for this dynamic element to exist in ESO.
(BTW...PvP has a very steep learning curve that most do not realize. I think this is part of the reason these kinds of posts come up.)
That said his thread was closed because petitions are not allowed.Artemiisia wrote: »your last thread
got closed, and then you are s...... enough to make one, get over it dude
DaoC had this, WoW had this, its why melee combat is fun, its engaging. Its not just about block being "realistic", thats not my point here, its about movement being important in pvp, instead of stagnent and one dimensional.
Collision detection is not necessary for this dynamic element to exist in ESO.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
360 blocking is used as effectively by Staff casters as those who use shield.
And that is another side of the problem. They shouldn't be able to block much.
The PvP on this game needs a serious overhaul and all changes need to apply at the same time. Trying to change blocking, leaves other issues there or even magnifies them because blocking isn't effective.
The trickle of changes that are related to PvP are the serious issue that none at ZoS could understand it seems. They cannot change one thing and leave the rest as they are.
ezareth_ESO wrote: »I think the concept is shortsighted and flawed and not only because it would be a huge nerf to sorcs.
Realism has zero value in a fantasy video game and realism being implemented has never added to the fun factor of any game I've played.
I've never understood why people complain about block. It is easily mitigated by a host of other abilities just like every other ability. Why do people continually complain about strong abilities they can't defeat when there are already ways to counter them?
It all comes down to a simple L2P.
yes it is. I have seen it. shields let you do it a few seconds longer, but that is it. Both weapons and shields in this game, block the exact same amount of damage.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
360 blocking is used as effectively by Staff casters as those who use shield.
And that is another side of the problem. They shouldn't be able to block much.
The PvP on this game needs a serious overhaul and all changes need to apply at the same time. Trying to change blocking, leaves other issues there or even magnifies them because blocking isn't effective.
The trickle of changes that are related to PvP are the serious issue that none at ZoS could understand it seems. They cannot change one thing and leave the rest as they are.
umm....no its not
Not even bloody close
yes it is. I have seen it. shields let you do it a few seconds longer, but that is it. Both weapons and shields in this game, block the exact same amount of damage.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
360 blocking is used as effectively by Staff casters as those who use shield.
And that is another side of the problem. They shouldn't be able to block much.
The PvP on this game needs a serious overhaul and all changes need to apply at the same time. Trying to change blocking, leaves other issues there or even magnifies them because blocking isn't effective.
The trickle of changes that are related to PvP are the serious issue that none at ZoS could understand it seems. They cannot change one thing and leave the rest as they are.
umm....no its not
Not even bloody close
There is really something wrong with a staff blocking the exact same amount of damage a shield does. You can defend it however you want, but that is flawed.
yes it is. I have seen it. shields let you do it a few seconds longer, but that is it. Both weapons and shields in this game, block the exact same amount of damage.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
360 blocking is used as effectively by Staff casters as those who use shield.
And that is another side of the problem. They shouldn't be able to block much.
The PvP on this game needs a serious overhaul and all changes need to apply at the same time. Trying to change blocking, leaves other issues there or even magnifies them because blocking isn't effective.
The trickle of changes that are related to PvP are the serious issue that none at ZoS could understand it seems. They cannot change one thing and leave the rest as they are.
umm....no its not
Not even bloody close
There is really something wrong with a staff blocking the exact same amount of damage a shield does. You can defend it however you want, but that is flawed.
Shield blocks 20% more damage than other weapons.
A total of 35% more damage from ranged attacks.
An additional 8% with Defensive Posture slotted.
Blocking with a Sword and Shield setup gives me noticeably more damage reduction over other weapons.
yes it is. I have seen it. shields let you do it a few seconds longer, but that is it. Both weapons and shields in this game, block the exact same amount of damage.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
360 blocking is used as effectively by Staff casters as those who use shield.
And that is another side of the problem. They shouldn't be able to block much.
The PvP on this game needs a serious overhaul and all changes need to apply at the same time. Trying to change blocking, leaves other issues there or even magnifies them because blocking isn't effective.
The trickle of changes that are related to PvP are the serious issue that none at ZoS could understand it seems. They cannot change one thing and leave the rest as they are.
umm....no its not
Not even bloody close
There is really something wrong with a staff blocking the exact same amount of damage a shield does. You can defend it however you want, but that is flawed.
Shield blocks 20% more damage than other weapons.
A total of 35% more damage from ranged attacks.
An additional 8% with Defensive Posture slotted.
Blocking with a Sword and Shield setup gives me noticeably more damage reduction over other weapons.
well then its barley even noticeable.
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »yes it is. I have seen it. shields let you do it a few seconds longer, but that is it. Both weapons and shields in this game, block the exact same amount of damage.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »Do not want.
Mage shields are 360 and SHOULD be 360, because it makes no sense to have an aura bubble that only covers one side of your body.
If they nerfed blocking to 180, stamina users would cry, and rightly so.
360 blocking is used as effectively by Staff casters as those who use shield.
And that is another side of the problem. They shouldn't be able to block much.
The PvP on this game needs a serious overhaul and all changes need to apply at the same time. Trying to change blocking, leaves other issues there or even magnifies them because blocking isn't effective.
The trickle of changes that are related to PvP are the serious issue that none at ZoS could understand it seems. They cannot change one thing and leave the rest as they are.
umm....no its not
Not even bloody close
There is really something wrong with a staff blocking the exact same amount of damage a shield does. You can defend it however you want, but that is flawed.
Shield blocks 20% more damage than other weapons.
A total of 35% more damage from ranged attacks.
An additional 8% with Defensive Posture slotted.
Blocking with a Sword and Shield setup gives me noticeably more damage reduction over other weapons.
well then its barley even noticeable.
Its not barely noticeable.
and that's only the half of it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRZriApif9Q&list=UUXpX7JMwRXtczc5GTrIYRIw