Nirncrux mines waste of time?

Today I completed all 3 Nirncrux mines, end of every fight one chest appeared. In that chest I got some random stuff except Nirnhoned stuff. Question is why these mine existed when I cant find anything useful.
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  • seanolan
    The nirnhoned items have been announced, numerous times, to ONLY drop from completing the Craglorn main questline OR from completing the Arena. Nirncrux stones ONLY spawn in normal raw material drops, such as ore nodes or shadowhide scrap dropping monsters. This is even explained, in lore terms, when you talk to many of the people ABOUT the nirncrux mines!
  • LonePirate
    Silly you! Why would you ever go to a Nirncrux mine and expect to find Nirncrux or Nirnhoned items? Where is the logic in that? It's like going to a grocery store and not finding any groceries there whatsoever.

    The Nirncrux mines are the epitome of everything that is wrong with the loot, rewards and Nirnhoned/Nirncrux items in Upper Craglorn. The itemization and/or design teams really dropped the ball and failed the common sense test here.
  • xaraan
    I agree that the whole way to find Nirncrux (picking flowers or chopping wood) is pretty dumb considering they have clearly labeled mines, but really, the mines are just events like anchors, that's their only purpose.
    -- @xaraan --
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  • Elsterchen
    I got a nirnhoded bow in cyrodil ... it was a reward for the worthy. So its not limited to craglorn or the arena.
  • Observant
    Elsterchen wrote: »
    I got a nirnhoded bow in cyrodil ... it was a reward for the worthy. So its not limited to craglorn or the arena.

    You're 100% sure of this?
  • Elsterchen
    Sry, just checked it again - it was the other new trait (defending) - I look for a corner just now and stay there in shame.
    Edited by Elsterchen on September 24, 2014 5:11PM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Elsterchen wrote: »
    Sry, just checked it again - it was the other new trait (defending) - I look for a corner just now and stay there in shame.

    defending is not a new trait...

    (You know what, just remain in the corner for now, we will get you when it is time to come out.)
    Edited by smeeprocketnub19_ESO on September 24, 2014 5:48PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Earthwardzilvox_ESO
    seanolan wrote: »
    The nirnhoned items have been announced, numerous times, to ONLY drop from completing the Craglorn main questline OR from completing the Arena. Nirncrux stones ONLY spawn in normal raw material drops, such as ore nodes or shadowhide scrap dropping monsters. This is even explained, in lore terms, when you talk to many of the people ABOUT the nirncrux mines!

    It's "explained" about as well as midichlorians in star wars. In other words, three year olds read the explanation and wonder if the author was beaten over the head with a baseball bat as a baby.
    Bright light casts a long shadow
  • Robbmrp
    Today I completed all 3 Nirncrux mines, end of every fight one chest appeared. In that chest I got some random stuff except Nirnhoned stuff. Question is why these mine existed when I cant find anything useful.

    The same could be said for Normal and Vet dungeons.....
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Nestor

    defending is not a new trait...

    If he had never used it before, it would be new to him.... I mean, really, who is going to increase your defense on a weapon using a trait?

    I am glad I poked my nose into this thread, as I have started, late as always, the Nirncrux Chase and was wondering if the Mines dropped any. I know I have not found any in the farming I do up there.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • BuggeX
    Still think they should lower the droprate from the crux and expant the drop area to the whole crag.
    Upper is just overfarmed and ppl allready fight for on flower...
    Edited by BuggeX on May 4, 2015 10:24PM
  • Valymer
    BuggeX wrote: »
    Still think they should lower the droprate from the crux and expant the drop area to the whole crag.
    Upper is just overfarmed and ppl allready fight for on flower...

    If the drop rate was any lower it would be a negative number.

    I do think they should expand it to the whole zone though, it would give people more of a reason to explore the rest of Craglorn. Just keep the drop rate the same
  • Nestor
    BuggeX wrote: »
    Still think they should lower the droprate from the crux and expant the drop area to the whole crag.
    Upper is just overfarmed and ppl allready fight for on flower...

    That is the other issue, I have run Upper Craglorn to only find like two resource nodes.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • lonewolf26
    I would like opening up nirncrux farming across Craglorn. There is so much open area and it would provide more opportunity.

    I've come to accept that there is little ettiquet with respect to farming as it stands. There's nothing more frustrating than pulling a group of mobs near a node and, killing them only to have the node snipped out from under you by someone else.

  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Go to a nirncrux mine. Look at all those pretty red rocks you can't have. Nirncrux is so rare NO IT FREAKING ISN"T ITS RIGHT BLOODY THERE IN THAT BLOODY RED ROCK!!!!

    Nirnrocks everywere but instead I have to pick flowers and hope there is a tiny nirn nugget stuck to the roots?

    ZOS = Debeers. End the artificial nirn shortage.

    In all seriousness, how bout nirn as a rare pvp reward?
  • LadyDestiny
    Something needs to be done about this whole nirncrux and nirnhoned mess. Spending time trying to farm in upper crag is a nightmare and it is like trying to compete against gold farmers when the bots were out in full force. No spawns due to over farming and when you do find a node, pray you don't have to fight your way in while some jerk ninja loots the node before you can get to it. It's depressing and exhausting. Seriously Zos needs to increase the drops or open up lower crag so we have a little more room to work with. There is just too many people for such a small area of land. Crafting writs, what a joke. All the farming I have done, have yet to get one stone. Not actually trying to say anything bad as I really love this game, just downright frustrated. Start dropping armor and weapon pieces or let us get them in the chests we receive from writs. Make it a rare drop, but at leastgive us something worthwhile to work for.
  • Epona222
    I would like to see nirncrux (in either form) as a potential drop from doing the nirncrux mine battles - not every time, keep it rare - but a chance of one of the stones at the end of one of those fights would make it feel worthwhile.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Junipus
    Farming isn't too bad even if you don't get a stone. Have been able to make more from selling refined tempers and other materials that I've harvested in the space of an hour that I would from a single stone.

    It helps of course if you farm at non-prime time hours where possible. Otherwise you can farm lower craglorn for the materials, sell them in guild stores and buy stones with the money.
    The Legendary Nothing
  • Rylana
    Im just going to play devils advocate in this thread

    You want the drop rate to either increase, or there to be more opportunity for a drop.

    I ask, what is your motive?

    PvP useage for the broken scaling? - Its scheduled to be nerfed, not worth the time investment at this point.

    To sell in a guild store because its a big ticket item right now? - If the drop rate increases, so does supply, thus prices plummet to worthless very quickly. Remember how fast martial knowledge pieces dropped in value the moment everyone started farming dolmens? Even with crazy high demand, the market is flooded and pieces that used to cost 30k now sell for under five (yes ive seen v14 pieces out of kiosks go for 5k, the averages dipping well under 10k now)

    To research? - Most crafters have nearly the whole 9 trait system already researched as it is, and ill tell you right now, its really not even worth it. Twice born star is such a joke, no one ever buys or wants it. There is almost no reason besides "completion" to even research nine traits at this point.
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  • I_killed_Vivec
    BuggeX wrote: »
    Still think they should lower the droprate from the crux and expant the drop area to the whole crag.
    Upper is just overfarmed and ppl allready fight for on flower...

    Go to Upper Crag at peak times and all you can see is sorcs bolt "escaping" between nodes - much faster than riding a horse.

    Get there at the wrong time and the place will have been stripped - nothing left, absolutely nothing. Not a single node, not even a weed.

    Though it is fun watching the newbie VR1 farmers getting entangled with some wasps :)
  • Valymer
    As I've said before in other threads, just farm quests or grind mobs and get gold to buy the nirncrux or pre-made nirnhorn armor. It's much more advantageous if your goal is character advancement (researching traits and gaining exp, rather than just making money).
  • Sacadon
    I'm guessing that we won't see an increase in drop rates until ZOS fixes the Nirhoned bug/imbalance to avoid exasperating the issue. But once they do, the drop rate should be increased for sure. Even 1.5 drop rates seemed acceptable, still crux was rare and had a very healthy market. Maybe the math showed a different picture though.

    ZOS shouldn't try to make master crafters do writs. We should be able to farm our mats in a competitive and non-controversial way. Currently the farming area, number of nodes and drop rates are more akin to an experiment on human aggression than a fun game. Instead, it leaves all but the rarest of personalities with an unhappy feeling and they stop trying altogether. I'd think you want positive incentives and we just don't have that with crux now. @ZOS_GinaBruno, please share at ZOS if not already.

    Also, everytime I farmed a piece of crux for about 6 months, I put a flag on my map and thought I'd share. I'm trying the @QuadroTony way ;P.

  • BuggeX
    I used Crux a Long time to make mony to buy my pvp gear. after i spend 700k Gold and much time, i realised, i bought gear for the wrong rolle i want to Play :( so i recrafted everything to Play wath i want and have now uselles bound morag Tongs and revenger gear in my bank :(
    now im selling ap and v14 sets from cyro :)

    btw @Sacadon every welva and krabbs are dropping Crux to.
    there are also some Storys that alchemy mats dropping crux
  • Jbugz97
    lonewolf26 wrote: »
    I would like opening up nirncrux farming across Craglorn. There is so much open area and it would provide more opportunity.

    I've come to accept that there is little ettiquet with respect to farming as it stands. There's nothing more frustrating than pulling a group of mobs near a node and, killing them only to have the node snipped out from under you by someone else.

    i felt like killing that person that did this to me. i was like really bro
    NB v14 / DC / Shades of Jbugz
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  • Sacadon
    Jbugz97 wrote: »

    i felt like killing that person that did this to me. i was like really bro

    How about crux nodes in Cyrodiil...
  • Nestor
    Rylana wrote: »
    Im just going to play devils advocate in this thread

    You want the drop rate to either increase, or there to be more opportunity for a drop.

    I ask, what is your motive?

    Mostly to know the trait as there will probably be a 10th Trait at some point, and a 10 Trait set to make based on that. Now, why would I want the drop rates to be increased some, or at the very least, have drops all over Craglorn and not just the small Upper Area? Because I have found one, yes, one Nirncrux in all of my farming. I have spent over 150,000 gold to learn or be able learn the trait on on 8 items. 5 pieces of Armor (3 of which I won't know until next week) and 3 weapons (still finishing two of them). This does not count the 25 days it takes to research this, assuming all 4 research passives are unlocked.

    Farming Upper Craglorn is worse than trying to farm Zone 1 back during the bot times, as in, there are rarely any nodes to farm in the first place. Someone mentioned once in a thread that Nirn drops from Alchemy nodes, now there are no Alchemy nodes to farm in the UC anymore.

    There is rare, and then there is it ain't going to happen unless you do nothing but focus on this one thing, and even then success rates are dismal. Just give me rare and I can deal with that.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Davadin
    I've been with this game since day 1 and subscribed all the way until January, but still plays the game today. Played PvP, PvE, raids, dungeons, everything. (TRIED everything, not necessarily completed them), outside of playing a different class/toon.

    BUT i've never tried farming Nirncrux.....


    Guess I got a plan for tonight!
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Short answer, 'Yes.'

    Did one once (after unsuccessfully soloing multiple times - tethers and resets) and the short term buff is a joke.

    It's even less useful than defending the healers at the burials sites (even though they're twice as hard).

    They had a decent idea with this, but the follow through, as usual, is uninspired.

    Regarding the fact that everyone has figured out how to harness this red dust but you (and by you, I mean every PC out there), is more than a little absurd. Even if you found it in shards (unrefined) or decon the occasional 'broken' weapon, it could make some kind of sense.

    Finding it randomly from nodes, when it's literally just laying around everywhere is short sited.

    On that note, I'm going to go craft a weapon using crayfish - those come from nodes too. :|
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Davadin
    Short answer, 'Yes.'

    Did one once (after unsuccessfully soloing multiple times - tethers and resets) and the short term buff is a joke.

    It's even less useful than defending the healers at the burials sites (even though they're twice as hard).

    They had a decent idea with this, but the follow through, as usual, is uninspired.

    Regarding the fact that everyone has figured out how to harness this red dust but you (and by you, I mean every PC out there), is more than a little absurd. Even if you found it in shards (unrefined) or decon the occasional 'broken' weapon, it could make some kind of sense.

    Finding it randomly from nodes, when it's literally just laying around everywhere is short sited.

    On that note, I'm going to go craft a weapon using crayfish - those come from nodes too. :|

    weaponized crayfish?

    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Emma_Overload
    Valymer wrote: »
    As I've said before in other threads, just farm quests or grind mobs and get gold to buy the nirncrux or pre-made nirnhorn armor. It's much more advantageous if your goal is character advancement (researching traits and gaining exp, rather than just making money).

    I second this. I can make gold fast enough now just by grinding mobs (ESO+ helps) so that I can buy a piece of Nirncrux every hour. If they ever increase the drop rates, I might go back to trying to farm it, but for now I like to avoid the RNG.

    Edited by Emma_Overload on May 21, 2015 7:57PM
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