ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »ArcheAge has a nice character custimzation. The rest of it I couldn't get into. But remember AA is F2P so there's no reason people can't play both. But advertising for another game is against the forum rules. Also don't be one of those people who bash a game just because you don't like it. The devs over there worked hard on it and deserve respect too.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »ArcheAge has a nice character custimzation. .
Moonglum83 wrote: »I know that this is purely my opinion, and I'm happy for others to give theirs; I think ArcheAge is poo.
The graphics, even on ultra, doesn't compare to ESO. I loaded ESO up after a stint on ArcheAge, and not only does it feel fluid, but also more responsive.
Granted, there are loads of things in both that are good and bad. ESO just feels more mature, more serious.
I could list so much more, and will if asked.
But what do you think? Do you think the ArcheAge hype is warranted?
Dekkameron wrote: »ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »ArcheAge has a nice character custimzation. .
Umm... No not really.. Better than wow sure.. but i find it amusing that was the first thing you complimented it on when comparing to ESO. Sure it kinda has a few more hair styles (for females, the hair choices for men are ALL awful) and some other little touches.. BUT.. there is no control over the body other than skin colour, and don't get me started on the bizarre humongous breasts.
Moonglum83 wrote: »Granted, there are loads of things in both that are good and bad. ESO just feels more mature, more serious.
HEY is ArcheAge makers of rift ????
HEY is ArcheAge makers of rift ????
Nah, they just got the rights to run it for the Western world.
I was excited by Archeage when I first read about it, I even got into beta testing....I lasted about half hour.
Couldn't put up with the super-imposed char animation on rendered backgrounds, it's like cartoon effect.
The game is very deep and well thought out and the crafting side is just can't get past the graphics which are designed for the Eastern market.
If only a Western game would take that much effort into the mechanics of a game and not just concentrate on extra fluff to sell....
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »But remember AA is F2P so there's no reason people can't play both.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »But remember AA is F2P so there's no reason people can't play both.
It's only free to play to a point. Housing/gardens etc are pay players only. Even in Beta you could not access that content without paying.
I lasted a whole two days before I uninstalled it, ESO is a much better game even with its flaws.
GoatKnuckle wrote: »Moonglum83 wrote: »Granted, there are loads of things in both that are good and bad. ESO just feels more mature, more serious.
ESO has never struck me a serious or mature endeavor in terms of its artistic tone or storytelling. Does Archage have you save a band of Teletubbies from from the dastardly depths of pop-culture references or something?