Welkynd of Eboheart Pact is recruiting! We are a guild geared towards making social connections.
- We are mostly Veteran Rank, sitting at 70 members currently, with 5-15 members online at a time.
- We are more a family than a business, and so our Guild Store is extremely generous if even used. We usually store everything in the Guild Bank (for example, we have up to 10 stacks of every high-level crafting material in the bank, and only motifs and other rare items in the store).
- We hold guild runs every other Saturday, with at least 10 members attending, and we usually go through Public Dungeons, Craglorn, and Cyrodiil. We also hold guild runs for all levels, like races and fishing trips.
- Membership is obtained purely by getting involved.
- We use RaidCall.
We are looking for social individuals to join us in the fight for Cyrodiil in Chillrend. Veteran Rank is preferred, though all levels are welcome. We are not necessarily a "serious" PVP guild, as we started with PVE, so if you're looking for a guild that gives orders like an army, we're not the guild for you. We are more interested in recruits who enjoy group activities, both in PVE and PVP settings.
If interested, please reply here or mail me in-game (@mirawind).
Happy hunting,
Guildmaster Mira