As one of the guilds being invited to the exclusive Q/A DEV Panel for completing VET DSA I want to make sure the PvP Community is represented. The other two guilds Hodor and Dafunkt I do not believe even PvP. So that means it is up to us to represent EP/DC and AD. We have already compiled a list within our guild of the major points we would like to address regarding PvP however...
I want to pitch it to the community to gain your top 3 points you would ask if you had this chance. As a fellow dedicated PvPer I want it to get better and I want it to be successful.
Let's put aside our differences for a thread and try to get some answers DIRECT from the DEVS.
Top 3 Questions/Topics I would ask the DEVS
Do you guys read? Some of these questions have already been addressed by ZOS in the active threads here.
ZOS_BrianWheelerZOS_BrianWheeler mod
9:18AM edited 11:12AM Staff Post
Just a quick update and while we can't comment on every note in here, we are currently discussing options with the Forward Camps as that is a primary issue noted in many posts.
Do you guys read? Some of these questions have already been addressed by ZOS in the active threads here.
@Zintair refer to this thread:
The OP points out the main concerns surrounding PvP today. I think everyone in this community would agree we'd like our 3 questions shaped around those concerns.
1) Kicked From Game (reported since June/July 2014) - server stability, latency issues
2) Campaign Balancing
3) Auction Houses... Just Kidding. AP/Emperor Farming
I think the other issues in that thread fall behind these top 3, and some of those issues have already been acknowledged by ZOS right here in the Alliance War forum. We already know Postern Doors are in the works, and Suicide travel via FCs are being revisited.
ZOS_BrianWheelerZOS_BrianWheeler mod
9:18AM edited 11:12AM Staff Post
Just a quick update and while we can't comment on every note in here, we are currently discussing options with the Forward Camps as that is a primary issue noted in many posts.
Campaign adjustments are always going to be on going and monitoring the population dictates how many campaigns we open or close. We will see how the changes from Update 4 go with the removal of the Veteran Campaign, introduction of a new 30 day and the adjustments to Haderus.
Also note the Postern doors have been going through several test runs internally and on live with some internal clients and things look promising to get those finally working reliably. I know this has been a rough issue and hopefully after a few more tests we can get this up to live for everyone!"
Do you guys read? Some of these questions have already been addressed by ZOS in the active threads here.
@Zintair refer to this thread:
The OP points out the main concerns surrounding PvP today. I think everyone in this community would agree we'd like our 3 questions shaped around those concerns.
1) Kicked From Game (reported since June/July 2014) - server stability, latency issues
2) Campaign Balancing
3) Auction Houses... Just Kidding. AP/Emperor Farming
I think the other issues in that thread fall behind these top 3, and some of those issues have already been acknowledged by ZOS right here in the Alliance War forum. We already know Postern Doors are in the works, and Suicide travel via FCs are being revisited.
ZOS_BrianWheelerZOS_BrianWheeler mod
9:18AM edited 11:12AM Staff Post
Just a quick update and while we can't comment on every note in here, we are currently discussing options with the Forward Camps as that is a primary issue noted in many posts.
Campaign adjustments are always going to be on going and monitoring the population dictates how many campaigns we open or close. We will see how the changes from Update 4 go with the removal of the Veteran Campaign, introduction of a new 30 day and the adjustments to Haderus.
Also note the Postern doors have been going through several test runs internally and on live with some internal clients and things look promising to get those finally working reliably. I know this has been a rough issue and hopefully after a few more tests we can get this up to live for everyone!"
GReat Post! I have spoken with D. in PMs and I have read his thread extensively with A LOT of great points.
Performance/lag is obviously on the top.
Forward Camps are as well
Guesting and PvE bonuses from PvP.
Many others.
Great posts so far I am compiling these and will do my best to sift through what we already have answers too and how we can consolidate these to get the most bang for our buck!
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »The doors are usually in line with the inability to weapon swap.
Usually if I sheath weapon (or hold down heavy attack with resto, then sheath) it lets me use the door.
Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO wrote: »1. Are you aware of the issues caused by Harness Magicka and Shield Stacking as a whole and do you plan on addressing them in the near future?
2. What plans do you have for making other Armor's more appealing? When I say appealing I mean using Heavy over Light/Medium, since there's no reason to be running anything but Light Armor at this point in the game and Medium Armor if you're running Dual Wield or Bow set ups and like sneaking around.
3. Do you plan to adjust forward camps so there is an actual penalty for dying rather than allowing mass groups of players traveling instantly from one side of the map to the other?
why don't you deal with blatant cheating? Is it because your employees use these exploits?
why don't you deal with blatant cheating? Is it because your employees use these exploits?
I know there have been some members out in Cyrodiil who do this but if you were to list specifics I would definitely elevate that to one of the more important questions.
It's solutions like taking away the DK Pull off keeps because people abuse it that I don't agree with their methodology of fixing. Don't remove the option correct the problem. Pulling off or on keeps was fine but fix the actual issue with the scrolls and gates.
Not to derail too much here. Still some really good suggestions! Looking forward to hearing when the actual Q/A will be.
We were under the impression it was going to be before 1.4 dropped but that is not the case obviously lol.
why don't you deal with blatant cheating? Is it because your employees use these exploits?
I know there have been some members out in Cyrodiil who do this but if you were to list specifics I would definitely elevate that to one of the more important questions.
It's solutions like taking away the DK Pull off keeps because people abuse it that I don't agree with their methodology of fixing. Don't remove the option correct the problem. Pulling off or on keeps was fine but fix the actual issue with the scrolls and gates.
Not to derail too much here. Still some really good suggestions! Looking forward to hearing when the actual Q/A will be.
We were under the impression it was going to be before 1.4 dropped but that is not the case obviously lol.
Certainly. The exploit is associated with mistform. It allows perma invulnerability while allowing the exploiter to attack others. Game breaking. Thanks for asking.
Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO wrote: »1. Are you aware of the issues caused by Harness Magicka and Shield Stacking as a whole and do you plan on addressing them in the near future?
2. What plans do you have for making other Armor's more appealing? When I say appealing I mean using Heavy over Light/Medium, since there's no reason to be running anything but Light Armor at this point in the game and Medium Armor if you're running Dual Wield or Bow set ups and like sneaking around.
3. Do you plan to adjust forward camps so there is an actual penalty for dying rather than allowing mass groups of players traveling instantly from one side of the map to the other?