ERMERGERD! I spent months killing pigs in "bosmer-ville" and STILL no bacon sandwich trophy, WTFZOSRAGE! LOL!
(not ^^)
OK, I spent 5 minutes in hope there would be a virtual, "bacon trophy" firing arrows into lvl 1 pigs in a v5 zone.

On a good note.. I have got 3 additions to the achieves for trophies in the last week cf. NONE prior. My partner also got a few - one while afk and I killed the trolls - she got the trophy on looting but I didn't (She deserves it really, mostly for putting up with me!).
So, no real point to this story except a ramble about at least things are dropping collectables, I like bacon, and I still want to shoot cats, seagulls, and they should drop guts again.
" Brave Clarice. You will let me know when those Nirnroot stop screaming, won't you?"