When a Nightblade casts certain DoT skills on a target, then uses Shadow Cloak from the Class Shadow line, the ticks from the DoTs will break invisibility status.
This impacts certain DoT skills but not others. I have taken the liberty of documenting the current issues on Live server as follows:
DoT effects that do not currently break invisibility and are working as intended:
The AoE Bleeding effect caused by Lotus Fan (Nightblade Assassination line)
The Poison effect caused by Poison Arrow and morphs (Bow weapon line)
The Poison effect caused by Lethal Arrow (morph of Snipe) (Bow weapon line)
The AoE Bleeding effect caused by Cleave and morphs (Two Handed weapon line)
The Bleeding effect caused by Two Handed passive Heavy Weapons when an Axe is equipped
The Bleeding effect caused by Twin Slashes and morphs (Dual Wield line)
The Bleeding effect caused by Twin Blade and Blunt (Dual Wield line) with axe equipped
The Burning effect caused by Fiery Impulse (Destruction Staff line)
Soul Trap (Soul Magic line)
Veil of Blades (Nightblade Shadow ultimate)
I am glad that some progress seems to have been made in terms of bleeding effects working with invisibility, even if it has not been put into patch notes.
DoT effects that break invisibility when they tick and are not working as intended:
Agony (Nightblade Siphoning line) and morph Prolonged Suffering
Cripple (Nighblade Siphoning line) and morphs Crippling Grasp and Debilitate
Path of Darkness (Nightblade Shadow line) and morphs Twisting Path and Refreshing Path
Caltrops (Alliance War Line)
Wall of Elements (Destruction Staff line) I didn't test the morphs
I find it unfortunate that the Nightblade Siphoning skills are still broken, as they were the skills that I first wrote my original /bug report over back in April.
I'm also not clear on why the listed AoE DoT effects do not work with Invisibility, even though the AoE DoT Veil of Blades does work.
The inconsistencies are troubling.
Special cases with notes:
Vampire Ultimate Bat Swarm
This breaks Nightblade invisibility.
I find this ironic, because the morph Clouding Swarm provides an invisibility effect that does not break for the entire duration and freely allows the casting of other skills without breaking invisibility (unlike Nightblade invisibility, which removes the Nightblade from invisibility with every skill cast).
Soul Tether (Nightblade Siphoning Ultimate)
The DoT lifesteal ticks break invisibility; I think this may be intended due to it applying as direct damage and tethering to the Nightblade
Entropy (Mages Guild line)
This one is interesting because the DoT appears to work fine with invisibility, however when the 6 second HoT timer ticks it seems to break invisibility.
I probably missed a few effects, so if anyone would like to chime in please feel free.
I'm actually really pleased that this test revealed some behind-the-scenes progress being made in terms of the Bleeding effects at very least.