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Should I buy ESO?

Soul Shriven
Hey, just got a new PC today, so I am now able to run stuff like ESO really good etc.

Question is, what do you guys, the community think about ESO?
Is it worth the purchase? If so, why.

If not, why.

Let me know!
I've been looking a bit up and seen so much hate against this game, because of bugs, exploits etc, so I just want to make sure I'm making the right choice about purchasing this game.

  • AssaultLemming
    Personally despite all the bugs I have had a heap of fun playing this game. My advice is find a friend, or your gf/wife to play with you as I find it much more fun playing through all the quests as a pair.

    End game overnight content is a bit limited but being added to, and the PvP is good fun.

    Overall it's fun to play.
  • Syntse
    First of all could you tell what are you expectations and what you are looking for in the game and we'll tell you if the game will provide that.

    Also do you expect everything be bug free or are you ok knowing there are bugs/exploits and developers slowly tries to tackle them?
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • sagitter
    how can you type in the forum if you don't own the game?.
    Anyway you can find it really cheap and it worth it, if you like an ES game mmo/mixxed give it a try , if you don't like it you can unsubb. I have 5 friends now playing it and having fun ,they was skeptical in the beginning like you and me, ^^ .
  • raglau
    The game is flawed in many ways, but I personally enjoy it a lot and play every day.

    The playerbase is very good. I have not met one single idiot in game, this is one aspect that really makes the game for me. I am on the EU server.

    I've played every TES game since Arena and I see this as an extension of that gaming experience, just with real people around me. I play about 50/50 solo/grouped.
  • Crumpy
    No. Spend your money on something else.
    I lyke not this quill.
  • isilverdustub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the replies guys.
    @ AssaultLemming True that, playing with someone would be more fun, but i'd be going into this solo.

    @ Syntse - I know it has bugs, and i'm fine with that. Unless it's gamebreaking and it's not taken care of at a decent speed, then I'd be a bit annoyed. But besides that, it's fine.

    @ sagitter I was a beta tester for ESO. (had a bad computer then, so I can say I easily didn't get the best experience with it)
  • isilverdustub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Glad to hear it has a great playerbase at least. That is def a +1 that some games don't have. >.> (looking at you Tera)
  • Curragraigue
    Did you enjoy beta? I assume you played beta to have access to the forums and not have the game.

    If you enjoyed beta then most of the changes that have been made have been positive and they have been trying to balance the builds although this is still a work in progress.

    Personally I'm enjoying the game. You can certainly sink a lot of time into it if you like the story and environments that would justify the game and sub costs. If you check out the road ahead articles and the ask us anything threads on Reddit (transcripts on dulfy are good) you can see where they are planning on going with the game long term to see if that is what you are looking for.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Uisi
    Despite the fact that ESO has generated some strong emotion since launch, i have fun playing solo or with friend and i dont regret buying the game and subscribing from beginning. I will advice you that this game is not for everyone and is more fun to play with someone then solo. Overall the game is worth (at least for me) and if you want to try'it subscribe one month and see what is all about.
    If something is not broke ... fix it!
  • isilverdustub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I did enjoy the beta, but as I said I had a pretty crappy computer at the time, so it was ran in low graphics with lag aswell. Had a few issues with a couple of things, but besides that, it was an enjoyable quest. I'll have to check out the Reddit sometime to see what they're looking to do long-term with the game.

    I'm usually the type of person to love story/lore, but also love getting to max level asap. I did read there isn't much end-game content, is that correct?
  • Sharee
    I believe TESO is currently the best MMO on the market, bugs and all. It is definitely worth the price of the box + one month sub. After that, you will be able to form own opinion.
  • Curragraigue
    I did enjoy the beta, but as I said I had a pretty crappy computer at the time, so it was ran in low graphics with lag aswell. Had a few issues with a couple of things, but besides that, it was an enjoyable quest. I'll have to check out the Reddit sometime to see what they're looking to do long-term with the game.

    I'm usually the type of person to love story/lore, but also love getting to max level asap. I did read there isn't much end-game content, is that correct?

    End game at the moment is playing through the other factions after finishing your own faction. You also have Veteran Group Dungeons and a new zone (Craglorn) with group content and trials. You also have the PvP Cyrodiil zone which is huge, I don't think anyone has hit max level in PvP alliance war yet (I think highest ranks are in 30s with max rank being 50).

    They plan on adding another solo zone and another Veteran group area. They are also adding an arena to do set small scale PvP.

    Personally I think there is a lot of end game but I'm not on every day like some people so I can understand why people who have more time to play may think it is limited.

    As others have said the game is more fun with friends but a lot of it can be played solo as well.
    Edited by Curragraigue on September 4, 2014 8:14AM
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Knootewoot
    Yes you should. The endgame are some raids/trials whatever you like. But also massive PvP battles (not really endgame because you can start at lvl 10) which i really enjoy. I play that every night. further there are veteran dungeons you can run with friends which is fun.

    I like to solo because i don't have much time yelling "LFG" all the time for people who are at same quest stage. So most content can be done that way. Group dungeons not, but there are always people willing to join.

    LFG in Cyyrodil gets you an invite pretty quick.

    We have Craglorn, which i dont like much. Every quest is for a group and you have to be on same quest stage. So i didn't do that much. Tried solo but it's not for my build.

    Not grind/rush, but if you enjoy the stories and exploration you are at the right game.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Rosveen
    After the immediate post-launch phase, I've yet to see any game-breaking bugs. PvP still has issues, as you can see in recently posted Open Letter from the Noore in the Alliance War section, but as a PvE player I have not been affected, so I can't speak about it. Oh, and werewolves still suck. :( Fishing works though, after months of being utterly broken, so that's something.

    Anyway, I've had a lot of fun in ESO and don't regret buying it. I can confirm Squicker's opinion about the community (I'm also EU), it really has been very friendly. The game has only improved since beta, so if you liked the general idea back then, you should enjoy it now too. But it's hard to say if it will be a good value for money for you, as we don't really know you or your gaming preferences.
    I did enjoy the beta, but as I said I had a pretty crappy computer at the time, so it was ran in low graphics with lag aswell. Had a few issues with a couple of things, but besides that, it was an enjoyable quest. I'll have to check out the Reddit sometime to see what they're looking to do long-term with the game.

    I'm usually the type of person to love story/lore, but also love getting to max level asap. I did read there isn't much end-game content, is that correct?
    They plan on adding another solo zone and another Veteran group area. They are also adding an arena to do set small scale PvP.
    An arena as in Dragonstar Arena or another one? Because Dragonstar is PvE.

    Which reminds me, all the endgame content (which I understand as done at high veteran ranks, not on the way from VR1 to VR12) is group-only. Everything in Craglorn is designed for groups and Cyrodiil, well, you can quest on your own (which I'm doing right now), but organized PvP is normally done in groups. So if you're a soloer, you may want to take your time getting to VR12 (soon-to-be VR14). But a new solo zone is in the works, so hang tight.
    Edited by Rosveen on September 4, 2014 8:50AM
  • Drakoleon
    You wouldn't be able to post here if didn't own the game therefor correct the title pls.......
    Now if you asked if it worth buing it i would say NO The game is still open BETA and with so many problems it shouldn't be released
    Races ,skills ,DMs ,armors ,etc most are unbalanced with many conflicts and bugs. Lag spikes rollbacks freezes etc Pve and pvp mainly many times are simply unplayable
    Nevertheless for my taste eso will be the best game ever.. when its fixed.... but it looks like its gonna take really long time
    Edited by Drakoleon on September 4, 2014 9:15AM
  • spoqster
    Absolutely! The game is fantastic! I could go raving on about it, but I don't even know where to start. Of course there are some things that aren't awesome, but the game kicks ass, they did a great job on the content, on the fighting and on many other things. It's just a really good game all in all. If you have specific questions, let me know. I'll be happy to answer them.
  • Sharee
    Drakoleon wrote: »
    You wouldn't be able to post here if didn't own the game therefor correct the title pls.......

    People who had a beta account can post here without having bought the game.

  • Caroloces
    Love the game. Been playing since Beta and I've never been bored. I've made a lot of friends through guilds and contacts, and I find the player base to be friendly and courteous.
    The trick, imho, is to broaden your playing experience so you're involved with questing, crafts, dungeon delving, exploring, and character building. The world is beautiful and the quests are well-written and involving. The major complaint that is most prominent concerns the lack of balance between magicka based characters and stamina based characters. I believe this correction is a work in progress for Zos, and hopefully will be remedied in the coming months.
  • ItsGlaive
    Personally I love where it's at and where it's going, but it isn't for everyone so the question really is, what're you looking for in an mmo?
    Allow cross-platform transfers and merges
  • Mzuleft
    Love the game! Well worth the money. Yes there are way too many sooks on here, I've noticed that most of the sooks are pvp players and I don't play PvP so I've had no issues with the game. People are starting to quit the game over the most insignificant stuff.
    Dunmer - Sorcerer VR7 - Destro / Destro
    Breton - Templar VR1 - Sword & Shield / Resto Staff
  • Requiemslove
    Hey, just got a new PC today, so I am now able to run stuff like ESO really good etc.

    Question is, what do you guys, the community think about ESO?
    Is it worth the purchase? If so, why.

    If not, why.

    Let me know!
    I've been looking a bit up and seen so much hate against this game, because of bugs, exploits etc, so I just want to make sure I'm making the right choice about purchasing this game.


    As it is right, I would not suggest you do so unless you really wish to. At this moment in time ESO is not the MMO it could have been. Its alright, and does some things different to other MMOs, and yes, the quests are more fun and involved than other MMOs quests I have done, the combat is kind of ropey. ESO has pretty good graphics, but even that is not as stunning as it could have been. If you get this game you will have fun, I am sure of that but it is not fun I feel will truly last, and if you play other games you may find yourself drawn away unless you have other's to play ESO with. So really, only play ESO if you have people to play it with. Personally I would consider waiting until they have carried out some of the things they are going to change and alter about ESO before you get it. Some of those, if the devs are successful and do it right, will make ESO a better game.

    I myself am content paying a sub for the game, I have it installed but I have not really played it now, since a couple of weeks ago. I check in every now and then but really, I am waiting for the justice system, and other changes to come to the game before I consider it again. As I want this game to be a success, I just think they rushed it too much, and the game as it is right now is not the game I hoped for when paying a total of $75 on it. This is something I hope they can rectify in time and I am prepared to give that time and revenue to see it [hopefully] happen.

  • Delvick
    Difficult to say without knowing you. I think the game has some nice features. The visuals and the story are nice, the crafting system is interesting and leveling up to 50 is a great experience. Dungeons and raids are alright.

    On the other hand, the quality of life of this game is somewhat lacking, bad commerce system, bad bank/inventory system and some other small things. Leveling veteran levels are boring as hell. And depending of your play style you might suffer from the armor imbalances.

    I would recommend to wait 4 or 6 months, that if ZOS delivers what they are promising. If so, the game may be ready for launch by then.
    The Revenant
    Aikana Airmid • V14 Templar
    Rev'ari • V14 Sorcerer
    Aikanah • V14 Dragonknight
  • Badh0rse
    Tricky question. I bought the 100 dollar version of the game and was pleased at first. The core of the game is amazing but there is just so much bad that it eventually out weighs the good. PvP runs about as well as a cold dog turd and in order to be the best at the role you choose you are forced into stupid builds. ie: As a tank you need light armor and a staff to be on top ... STUPID! There are no raids only trials and I couldn't even level up running dungeons .. you only got the reward once. I was forced to do hundreds of quests ... it was terrible.
    I finally got to vet rank and could start doing vet dungeons ... was so so happy. Then I did the handful that were there and realized I was sooo bored. I would be happy doing PvP all the time waiting for more content but it is so broken I can't .. I just gave up and eventually unsubbed.

    Here is the thing though ... I am not upset I bought the game. Maybe in a year this game will be amazing and I'll be all set to roll out in the new improved ESO. Based on there decisions so far I am guessing that it will fail though. So if you like to gamble def buy it! I am holding on to the tiniest hope that they pull their head out their butt and fix this game.
  • Stx
    Unless you are already a really big fan of the Elder Scrolls universe, I cannot recommend this game to anyone.

    While the art style and graphics are great, the combination of bugs, class/stat imbalances, phasing issues making grouping difficult, and poor server performance in pvp make them game pretty poor overall.

    The leveling experience was the best part of this game to me, and due to the CONSTANT phasing, you can't even really enjoy it with others, or at least it will be a chore most of the time. And if you just want to play it solo and enjoy the story, well, it is a good story, but the single player Elder Scrolls games are so much better...

    I am pretty harsh on this game because it had the potential to be so much more.
  • mutharex
    Game is great but if you are looking for a standard MMO, like a wow clone for example, nah stay away from it. We have already enough negativity in this forum
  • Requiemslove
    Badh0rse wrote: »
    Tricky question. I bought the 100 dollar version of the game and was pleased at first. The core of the game is amazing but there is just so much bad that it eventually out weighs the good. PvP runs about as well as a cold dog turd and in order to be the best at the role you choose you are forced into stupid builds. ie: As a tank you need light armor and a staff to be on top ... STUPID! There are no raids only trials and I couldn't even level up running dungeons .. you only got the reward once. I was forced to do hundreds of quests ... it was terrible.
    I finally got to vet rank and could start doing vet dungeons ... was so so happy. Then I did the handful that were there and realized I was sooo bored. I would be happy doing PvP all the time waiting for more content but it is so broken I can't .. I just gave up and eventually unsubbed.

    Here is the thing though ... I am not upset I bought the game. Maybe in a year this game will be amazing and I'll be all set to roll out in the new improved ESO. Based on there decisions so far I am guessing that it will fail though. So if you like to gamble def buy it! I am holding on to the tiniest hope that they pull their head out their butt and fix this game.

    Guessing by this questing is a thing you dislike? Please do not take this a bad way but why did you buy this MMO if you dislike questing? I actually found questing in ESO refreshing, compared to other titles I have played. What has gotten to me so far is many of the quality of life issues you mentioned. Including as example the thing you said about tank builds. Another issue, for me is this darn virus infected website ZOS uses. I have to go full security to not be plagued by add pop ups and having my virus app yelling at me every second, which detriments the site, makes it so I cant use the options at the top of a comment creation. [the stuff under "Leave a comment"] and is generally a nuisance. Why does ZOS or whoever is running this site, not sort that out?
  • Dekkameron
    No way! I wouldn't be caught dead playing that game!.............

    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • Stroggnonimus
    Well, I'm really satisfied with ESO, it's really the best MMO I've played. The quests, the story is must more better than in any other MMO, they just make actual sense, you see why you're doing that or that, not like some other games. It doesn't have better graphics than e.g. Skyrim for but compared to other MMOs it's much much much better, like this game is 10 years more advanced than others. The PVP is great, it requires tactics, quick, coordinated actions and it's very very thrilling, the whole idea is just awesome (with guildmates especially)... until it comes to 1v1... There simply are things missed by devs that can be used as legal cheats... So far you have two choices, learn those "cheats" yourself or wait till they're fixed. Crafting system is also very nicely made. The map is HUGE and the best is that you get to explore it all no matter which alliance you pick. I love PVE, its not the crappy power button mashing like in WoW, here combat is live, you have to dodge, chop, bash and roll your way to victory ! And I love the community, all the guilds are very nice and in 5+ months of gameplay, I've never [and hopefully never will] met an actually rude person (nor a 6 yo) and people always help each other in tough situations. And you get 150+ emotes :smiley: . The only real problem that I see now is bugs (though I've never experienced a game breaking one ). But i guess we all here played Skyrim, so now please go open your Skyrim and check the version. It's 1.9.32.
    that means it took NINE huge patched and much more small ones + a year to make Skyrim playable (playing since 1.0, believe me, it was terrible). I'm not saying that its ok to have these bugs but I mean that we shouldn't Idolize 1 game and condemn 2nd for same flaws.

    Yes ESO costs quite alot, I agree with that BUT there's a good side: advertising, i don't think you'd like a game where there's a huge Intel poster in the middle of town (yes I've actually saw that), so, there're no adverts in ESO.
    2.Constant big updates
    3.It's not P2W, here you dont have any super cool "diamonds" that allows you buy op armor for more real money. every singe piece of armor, weap etc is acquirable.
    4. No 6 yo kidos or random people who came here just to mess around and ruin it for other players, subscription prevents them from even coming here.

    Now you shouldn't buy the game if you are either WoW fan or expect Skyrim 2 Online (since the game feels much more like Morrowind), in that case, it's not the game you're looking for.

    And overall ESO is better if played with friends or a good guild.

    Hope to see you in Tamriel soon ! :smile:
    Edited by Stroggnonimus on September 4, 2014 2:58PM
    Whoever said that argonians aren't sexy, is obviously not a sexy argonian.

    OG Argonian tank


  • Mondo
    Yes. Its awesome. It has his bugs and its new and has much much to do but yes its a really nice game
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Stroggnonimus
    And forgot to mention that it has great soundtrack ! :)
    Whoever said that argonians aren't sexy, is obviously not a sexy argonian.

    OG Argonian tank


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