Hello Travellers from Tamriel.
Everytime I take my Khajiit for a nice little walk around Auridon and go into a building, I find that the shop is completely see-through. What's strange is that the items seem to have loaded in properly BUT the walls, ceiling and floor are completely hollow.
Now, I have a VERY bad computer but I have never encountered something like this before outside of Auridon. It is quite amusing sometimes, as you can see some NPC's walking around normally in mid-air.
My Khajiit is able to walk around normally but is sometimes stopped by the 'Invisible' objects that haven't loaded in properly.
If I do walk around a bit, I can usually find the NPC's but they are also 'Invisible'. All the menu's are still acessible but it is hard to find them.
Could this be Sheogorath, messing with our minds?
Do YOU experience it?
And more importantly, Can it be fixed?
Please be kind as I am very new to the Forums...
Fos los pruz - wah kos kiin pruzah, uv wah lokiig hin vokul lund zeim lot grav?