Hello everyone.
It's the first time i write in this forum so the lenght of my text means that it contains all my thoughts that i've never expressed before.
During my playing experience i noticed few things that made me think about the game.
I'll write down here some suggestions and thoughts that may improve the game experience:
-1 Repairs
Why do not improve the repairing system and make possible to self-repair items if your character is able to craft that item type.
I think that would be more interesting if an heavy armor crafter could repair his own armor with the expense of crafting material if he has the skills to craft it. The fact that you must go to someone else (that could also be a brewer or an alchemist) to repair your armor sounds not so good.
-2 Improve fire damage
Dragonknight, from what i've seen, suffers a lot for this because fire damage is not resolutive at all. It does the same damage of few normal weapon attacks...
This make feel players like me that their class actually is good for nothing and the only spells to use are green dragon blood and the defense boosters.
-3 Cost of items and gold earning
From what i've seen the drop of mobs is not worth the killing.
The only way to do gold is questing and putting things in the action house.
I found that thing a little disturbing, obviously because of the hyper-expensive costs of items and services from vendors.
I think that giving the possibility or earn gold more easily should be fine for most people.
-4 Pvp respawns
When i got in pvp first time i just got bored. Not because of the overwhelming powers of casters and ranged characters, but because of the re-spawning.
It gets too much time to reach again the fighting zone. I know that you can use the stones but they are really expensive and referring to point 3, it was really difficult for me the amount needed.
The cyrodiil area is too vaste, too much big even for a 50% speed horse and to get back to the fighting zone for me was literally painful. I never considered pvp because of that so i wished to explain how so you can avoid other people to follow my same path and dislike interesting parts of the game.
-5 Zones and Landscapes
This point is not so important for the "new elder scrolls gamers" but for the old ones i think that you will find many people thinking alike.
Why have you re-made all the zones without making them like the old elder scrolls series? Even the cities are totally different. When i came to skyrim (and also in cyrodiil) i thought that they were not just cyrodiil and skyrim. There is nothing that links this game's landscapes to the other Elder scrolls series ones.
It's all so different that i thought to be in an other world.
The ambience is admirable and well done but i really felt bad about that.
At least you could have done the cities similar to the other games...
I've felt that i was playing into another world, not the same from the other games. And this was REALLY disturbing.
-6 Balance
At least but not at last, please balance the classes a bit more, because i see that sorcerer is over-used because of it's overpower. I've tested both DK and Sorcerer and from what i've seen the difference is... overwhelming.
The unbalance between classes can be an important motivation to stop people playing this game, expecially if your character's class gets nerfed 2 times and passes from a really good one to a literally "unuseful idiot".
The fact that after having laboriously raised up a character in the end it gets nerfed made me feel a waste of time the entire leveling process.
If it was not for the questline and the curiosity about the history i would have left this game at all.
I hope you, from bethesda and zenimax read this as suggestion and consider the problems i've exposed. I would like to play to a real badass TESO and one day i wish to say that proudly.
Edited by TheDuke89 on August 27, 2014 10:30AM