Which Race Would You Add?

There are a few posts that have popped up recently about adding new races and classes to ESO. While I thoroughly enjoy our Race and Class options as they are at the moment (perhaps the race setup a bit more than the class setup), I thought it might be interesting to have an open poll rather than a specific question of "Would you guys like to play X class?" Especially with such rich lore in the Elder Scrolls-verse and having the advantage of being in the Second Era.

I tried keeping the options unbiased (rare for a poll on here!) as well as imaginative, but within reason.

I did intentionally leave out a "none/undecided" option, as I'm not asking "Would you add a race?", but rather, which one you would add if a race were to be added. If you think the races are fine the way they are and wouldn't choose any, that's awesome and totally - there are plenty of other posts on the forum for you, friend!
Edited by Enjinir on August 26, 2014 7:54PM

Which Race Would You Add? 241 votes

Dwemer ("The Deep Elves")
SirAndyAntirobDilarnWodwoAlienSlofdijksmanmickeyb16_ESOReiterpallaschValen_ByteLizelleSlovenian_GamerKaaldeindavid.haypreub18_ESOAaronLawrenceBoon007drallarSuntzu1414MAOofDCVisMiramonOurorboros 28 votes
Falmer ("The Snow Elves") - Uncorrupted
HalkeArmitasjacktors11c0rpTurin_TurambarYakirosTehMagnussilca.luneb16_ESOFoxhuntMaximilianLockheartePseudonymMjolloRavishedPsychebluesodafizzArdeniEisenhovverAsuryan11Meuhnyxnox 23 votes
Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
lePoissonRougeindytims_ESOKikazarubosmern_ESOGreybarrenAzzuriaHippieTheGreatSeliquePhilhypeFreedomDudeSoupDragonseneferab16_ESOVegarothThe_SpAwNHypergurluasb16_ESOMunkuDhariusDaniAngionegdorsettub17_ESO 42 votes
Ayleid ("The Wild Elves")
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOLonePirateCinnamon_SpiderKilaramartinhpb16_ESONebthet78PoseidonEvilcontingencyVaelenWeideEnemy-of-ColdharbourRoseVexMormoSchno 14 votes
OrangeTheCatRunAwaydaganshouLirovinaepilickBenjaytrini10 6 votes
Neizirsmeeprocketnub19_ESOtengriRapid1898CracklepopQuebraRegra 6 votes
Imga ("The Ape Beastfolk")
ReymasMinerJoeNazon_KattsKirito144kherzaheb17_ESOEnkilBuckheinrich00dnnyrssll7BBSoonerStranglehandsAoe_Barbecue 12 votes
Lilmothiit ("The Fox Beastfolk")
ckjonesy78b14_ESOxMovingTargetAnath_QDaraughThatHappyCatphaneub17_ESOmatroniconSidneyNox_AeternaNintendorMakkirScyrinalombyoureaninjaemeraldbayVanHalenBakaChanRenuoMondo 18 votes
Kothringi ("The Metal Men")
dennis.schmelzleb16_ESOAnubischhb16_ESOTargolakdragonhawkRidiculardedjdubeDimitrieAyadori 9 votes
Other (Please Specify!)
ElloaDecimus_RexItsMeToododgehopper_ESOk9mouseaipex8_ESOShedsHisTaileventide03b14a_ESONorthernFuryStxPsychobunniDaethzderuddb14_ESODoc_Baconb14_ESOers101284b14_ESOMercyKillingLadyNerevarResuehtzdkazzndFocus 83 votes
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Lilmothiit ("The Fox Beastfolk")
    Even if im voting in this , i would never bother myself lvling another char in this game, so unless they add a race change or something like that , my char will remain a breton.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • BBSooner
    Imga ("The Ape Beastfolk")
    As unplayable NPCs. Otherwise I feel like most races are already accounted for in the capacity they should include.
  • UrQuan
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    There are really only 2 options in the poll that I think could be both a viable player race, and lore-friendly. Sea elves and Imga. The others are either too primitive (Rieklings for example), or don't really exist in the time period of ESO (Dwemer for example).
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Rodario
    Other (Please Specify!)
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Other (Please Specify!)
    Uh..you should have included a none option. We are already playing all the races that the predecessors had. Do we really need more than 10 anyway?
  • spinedoc
    Whatever race doesn't have to slog through the VR content yet again as an alt, I'd pick that race.
  • CoolsHisHands
    Other (Please Specify!)
    Cools-His-Hands - Argonian Extraordinaire - Legend Gaming Webmaster
  • UrQuan
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    Uh..you should have included a none option. We are already playing all the races that the predecessors had. Do we really need more than 10 anyway?
    Did you not read the thread? OP specifies why he intentionally didn't include a "none" option. This poll isn't about whether you want any new races or not. It's about if they add one, which would you prefer.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Resueht
    Other (Please Specify!)
    Akaviri or any other races from Akavir. Imagine, the expansion in a year would be after all the alliances come together to fight the forces of Akavir to the east.
    If she doesn't know the pain of cliffracers, she's too young for you.
  • Doc_Baconb14_ESO
    Other (Please Specify!)
    Honestly, the only racial addition that would make sense to me would be different versions of the Khajiit.

    Most of the posted races are from a totally different continent, or are extinct.
  • Enjinir
    Dwemer ("The Deep Elves")
    Which ones are extinct? I'm not a lore expert by any means but I included these on the list for the following reasons:

    Dwemer - Could be not extinct. They simply have not been seen. They mysteriously disappeared. This would allow them to be included in the game if a proper explanation was given.
    Snow Elves - Definitely not extinct, and it is unknown how many of them there still are or where they have been holed up if there are many. Good storytelling opportunity.
    Ayleid - Presumed to have fully assimilated into Altmer by the end of the Second Era, of which ESO is plum in the middle of.
    Maomer - In ESO.
    Spriggan - In ESO.
    Kothringi - In ESO. (Extinct in Third Era)
    Imga - Not extinct, from the Valenwood area, of which Valenwood itself is in ESO.
    Lilmothiit - Presumed extinct due to the Knahaten Flu which started in 2E 560. We are not past the point where they would have been totally gone even if they were forced extinct due to the flu.
    Riekling - Definitely not extinct in Second Era. From Solstheim. Evidence of the capacity for intelligence at the level of men and mer.
    Or if not Riekling, even Goblin - In ESO (Extinct in Third Era)

    I also am not sure why people are set in stone with what we know of the lore so far. This is not an internet age. Tales and stories get passed down through oral and physically written songs and tomes. This muddies truths in many ways, and lots of information can be lost this way. I'd love to see ESO take the reigns and introduce some new things to the lore, rather than plunking us in the middle of a history book. Definitely respect the lore, but add some new spokes to the wheel.
  • R1ckyDaMan
    Other (Please Specify!)
    None at all.
  • Stranglehands
    Imga ("The Ape Beastfolk")
    Cliff racers imo
    .kcoR gnillaF si noitadnuoF esohw ETIYREP oT
  • SoupDragon
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    I'd only be comfortable with Maomer as a playable race since we have already seen them in large numbers.
    NPC... I'd love to see some Akaviri. Or as a playable race if you buy a Akaviri edition upgrade or something.
  • Venereous44
    Other (Please Specify!)
    +1 Naga
  • UrQuan
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Which ones are extinct? I'm not a lore expert by any means but I included these on the list for the following reasons:

    Dwemer - Could be not extinct. They simply have not been seen. They mysteriously disappeared. This would allow them to be included in the game if a proper explanation was given.
    So how could they be out and about in the game in enough numbers for them to be a playable race centuries after they disappeared, and yet somehow in every other TES game there's no mention of a period of time in which they were everywhere, before they disappeared once more? You'd think all the people researching the Dwemer in the other games (especially the ones specifically talking about their disappearance) might have mentioned something like "oh yeah, they all came back for a while too, but they're gone again."
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Snow Elves - Definitely not extinct, and it is unknown how many of them there still are or where they have been holed up if there are many. Good storytelling opportunity.
    Virtually extinct. Or rather, virtually all transformed into what we recognize as Falmer from Skyrim. We know from the lore that the transformed Falmer are already performing surface raids in Skyrim by the time of ESO. We also know that almost none of the Falmer managed to both avoid being transformed, and avoid being slaughtered by their transformed kin.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Ayleid - Presumed to have fully assimilated into Altmer by the end of the Second Era, of which ESO is plum in the middle of.
    Yup, so they're effectively gone as a race. You might find a "pure" Ayleid community here or there, but they'd be rare. Not entirely impossible to have them as a playable race, but it'd sure be a stretch.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Maomer - In ESO.
    Agreed. They're a viable candidate for a playable race.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Spriggan - In ESO.
    Sure, they're around, but you might as well have imps as a playable race. They don't really show any signs of having any sort of society or anything.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Kothringi - In ESO. (Extinct in Third Era)
    By the time of ESO they've been almost completely wiped out by the Knahaten flu. They're not quite extinct, but they might as well be. With 1 exception the only "survivors" we know of were
    actually undead.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Imga - Not extinct, from the Valenwood area, of which Valenwood itself is in ESO.
    Agreed. Another viable candidate for a playable race. They're intelligent, have a sophisticated society (which largely mimics Altmer society), and they're very definitely present in significant numbers.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Lilmothiit - Presumed extinct due to the Knahaten Flu which started in 2E 560. We are not past the point where they would have been totally gone even if they were forced extinct due to the flu.
    Hmm, I could be remembering wrong, but I thought they were already extinct before the end of the first era.
    Enjinir wrote: »
    Riekling - Definitely not extinct in Second Era. From Solstheim. Evidence of the capacity for intelligence at the level of men and mer.
    Or if not Riekling, even Goblin - In ESO (Extinct in Third Era)
    Goblins would be a better candidate than Rieklings, as they are clearly more intelligent with a more developed society. They're also far more widespread.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Lilmothiit ("The Fox Beastfolk")
    +1 Naga

    Yeah ok , this one would be awesome.

    I would still not remake my char , but it would be cool to see others with this race.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • MAOofDC
    Dwemer ("The Deep Elves")
    I voted for Dwemer but not as a player race. But because I want to know what the dwarves look like. And to gain vengeance for all the people they put to the sword or enslaved
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • seanolan
    Other (Please Specify!)
    None, because there is absolutely no need whatsoever, and it violates lore severely. What next, demanding hobbits in Star Wars?
  • MAOofDC
    Dwemer ("The Deep Elves")
    @Enjinir You mislabeled one of the races the Ayleid were not the wild elves. They were ancient elves. That's right the Ancient Elf motif is the style of the Ayleid. The term wild elf denotes a people with little or no architecture which is SO far from the truth. As exhibited by the many site found around Tamriel including the White-Gold tower in the Imperial City.
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • gurluasb16_ESO
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    Only two choices are viable tbh. Most of those races are already extinct by the Second age, or they're not viable to be playable, I.E barbaric non-social beastraces. Falmer exist in the Hidden valley, their number is unknown but they had enough of a breeding population to survive until the corrupted Falmer popped up sometime in the Third age.

    And Maormer are thriving with a big island kingdom.
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on August 26, 2014 11:05PM
  • zdkazz
    Other (Please Specify!)
    none, they were not in other elder scrolls they should not be in this one(except as npcs)
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    zdkazz wrote: »
    none, they were not in other elder scrolls they should not be in this one(except as npcs)

    Orcs weren't in Elder Scrolls 2 and 1.
    There is nothing wrong with adding new races when they fit the setting.
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on August 26, 2014 11:06PM
  • zdkazz
    Other (Please Specify!)

    Orcs weren't in Elder Scrolls 2 and 1.
    There is nothing wrong with adding new races when they fit the setting.
    this is true, but they were npcs in the first 2, now lets go over this,
    1. dwimer: dead
    2. Falmer: all of them save 2 are corrupted at this time...
    3. maomer, hold no alligence, hate altmer and all other races, they only serve the pirate king...
    4. Ayleid: been dead for over 1000 years now... integrated into nordic and highrock people to make the bretons(elf men)
    5. spriggans: have no lord but the law of nature, they would not fight in a war, and they do not equip items as it is an abohration to them and removes them from nature(in there eyes.)
    6. Rieklings: smaller weaker cousins of the goblins, they lack the intelligence of even there cyrodillic bretherin
    7. imga: never leave the forest, it frightens them...
    8. Lilmothiit, unknow if they exist in more than a few tribes, there is no records of them ever organizing into larger than groups of 20...
    9. Kothringi, tribalistic, they also donot partake in political battles or battles of any sort, but they make great npcs...

    so sorry but most of these are dead, and the ones that are not are apolitical or tribal and would not enter a war... it is best if these are left as is, eso is in a delicate place, if these are to be added as playable races I think it should be done by bethesda, as they arnt walking such a tight rope. the ones that arnt dead however most of theme are being added (or will be added as we have seen at quakecon) as npcs, keeping the ballance of classic elder scrolls races, while adding cool new npcs, I think it should be this way...
  • The_Sadist
    Other (Please Specify!)
    Just echoing those who are against new races.

    Of those listed there's perhaps 2 viable choices but I still don't see it happening.
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • eNumbra
    MAOofDC wrote: »
    @Enjinir You mislabeled one of the races the Ayleid were not the wild elves. They were ancient elves. That's right the Ancient Elf motif is the style of the Ayleid. The term wild elf denotes a people with little or no architecture which is SO far from the truth. As exhibited by the many site found around Tamriel including the White-Gold tower in the Imperial City.

    The Ayleids, also known as the Wild Elves or Heartland High Elves

    Aldmer is more akin to the term Ancient Elves, as they were the first "mer" in Summerset and Tamriel.
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    zdkazz wrote: »
    this is true, but they were npcs in the first 2, now lets go over this,
    1. dwimer: dead
    2. Falmer: all of them save 2 are corrupted at this time...
    3. maomer, hold no alligence, hate altmer and all other races, they only serve the pirate king...
    4. Ayleid: been dead for over 1000 years now... integrated into nordic and highrock people to make the bretons(elf men)
    5. spriggans: have no lord but the law of nature, they would not fight in a war, and they do not equip items as it is an abohration to them and removes them from nature(in there eyes.)
    6. Rieklings: smaller weaker cousins of the goblins, they lack the intelligence of even there cyrodillic bretherin
    7. imga: never leave the forest, it frightens them...
    8. Lilmothiit, unknow if they exist in more than a few tribes, there is no records of them ever organizing into larger than groups of 20...
    9. Kothringi, tribalistic, they also donot partake in political battles or battles of any sort, but they make great npcs...

    so sorry but most of these are dead, and the ones that are not are apolitical or tribal and would not enter a war... it is best if these are left as is, eso is in a delicate place, if these are to be added as playable races I think it should be done by bethesda, as they arnt walking such a tight rope. the ones that arnt dead however most of theme are being added (or will be added as we have seen at quakecon) as npcs, keeping the ballance of classic elder scrolls races, while adding cool new npcs, I think it should be this way...

    1. Only one is left in this age.
    2. Wrong, all of them sans 2 are dead in the FOURTH age. The corrupted Falmer have not even emerged yet, and the Chantry of Auri-El still stands with possibly hundreds of uncorrupted Snow elves.
    3. I am a High elf in the Ebonheart Pact, I can definitely see Maormer individuals choosing to split off and help another faction, just like how Imperials currently do.
    4. Wrong again, the Ayleid are gone, yes, but they actually merged with the Bosmeri and Altmer people.
    5. No argument there.
    6. No argument
    7. Yep
    8. Yep
    9. Only one of them is left alive, the others are Undead and are remaining depending on your choices. So yeah..

    So as I said, only Snow elves and Sea elves are viable in that list.
    I can see both becoming a sort of loyalty reward or something. Maybe a DLC?
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on August 26, 2014 11:35PM
  • MAOofDC
    Dwemer ("The Deep Elves")
    zdkazz wrote: »
    1. dwimer: dead

    It is a mistake to assume they are dead. They disappeared one day that is all that is known. Hell you can still find find very cold cups of coffee and half eaten doughnut in their ruins. It is almost like they all vanish enmasse all at once.
    Edited by MAOofDC on August 26, 2014 11:35PM
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • gurluasb16_ESO
    Maomer ("The Sea Elves")
    MAOofDC wrote: »

    It is a mistake to assume they are dead. They disappeared one day that is all that is known. Hell you can still find find very cold cups of coffee and half eaten doughnut in their ruins. It is almost like they all vanish enmasse all at once.

    They did, but we know that only one has been seen since. Yagrum Bagarn.
    There has not been any other sighting of Dwemer, if the Dwemer popped up again during the Second age, it'd be documented in the earlier Elder Scrolls games.

    The best we can hope for is that we get to meet Yagrum. As ESO predates the emergence of Dagoth Ur, it also means that the Corpus disease is very rare or even non-existant, so he wouldn't be infected yet. So we can meet a living breathing Dwemer and interact with him, just like how we interacted with
    The last Kothringi and last Ayleid.
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on August 26, 2014 11:39PM
  • brandon
    Other (Please Specify!)
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