It is my opinion that TES has always had a community that like to really get in and make parts of the game. The mod community can attest to this for the previous titles. However, that community doesn't have as big of an impact on ESO purely due to the nature of the game. To fill in that space we have the ability to give our input on future aspects of the game, primarily, through the public test server. I have yet to see the community though. It is because of this that I purpose that a server wide guild is developed. Ideally it would be headed by a ZOS member and while no one is by any means obligated to join, it would be in the best interest of the community for every one to do so. I feel this would truly aid in the testing of group content as I can imagine (and has been my experience) that it is very difficult to find a group on the PTS. I have yet to see a single other person while I have been on myself.
If this is something that is already in the works then great, let me know how to join
If not then let hear what you guys think.
I do what I can, when I can, to provide in game help to those seeking it.